Chaoskiddo have you set your PS3 online yet?
Also Motorstorm online may be gimped but once you get some friends all in the same room it's noting but laughs and fun.
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Chaoskiddo have you set your PS3 online yet?
Also Motorstorm online may be gimped but once you get some friends all in the same room it's noting but laughs and fun.
I saw this in the best buy ad this morning, $100 price drop on the 60gb PS3 making it 499 instead of 599. This doesn't really effect me though because i'm not likely going to buy a ps3 ever unless i win the lottery and dont have to work... then i will consider buying one.
I'm not buying a PS3 until Final Fantasy XIII is released.
Its probably because the 80 gig is comming soon.
Doesn't affect too many people at all. The price drop is on the 60 gigs...which Sony announced they won't be producing any more of. What's on the shelves is it. They're switching their main SKU to the formerly exclusive to South Korea 80 gig model, the one lacking the emotion engine chips.
If you want a fully backward compatible ps3, find the 60 gig ones fast before they are all gone. It's tempting, but I don't have that kind of cash even with the drop.
To Sony's credit, a single SKU is really the only way to go. Microsoft really only made it confusing to the average consumer with the Core and Premiums (thankfully I own the latter).
Sadly the price drop is not happening in Asia. I'll get my PS3 the day MGS4 gets released. Which is scheduled to be in early 2008, as stated in the new trailer.
If only FFXIII and MGS4 went also on to the Xbox 360 there would be no reason for me to get a PS3.
i wish i could be excited about ffxiii but i just dont see myself having enough time to put into it.... i've completely given up on consoles and squeeze in counterstrike when i can, but i really dont have the time to complete a long rpg
I know what you mean, a few years ago I used to play many RPGs or games for that matter but nowadays I only play the big games (Zelda, Mario, FF, MGS etc) as I dont have the time to play many games.Quote:
Originally Posted by bbaucom
Did this really need a thread?
Yeah... it would be better on the PS3 thread that is somewhere here.
Anyway... I was pleased to see the console dropping in price, but when I learned it was because they are taking that model out of the market I saw it as a bad move.
True... I want it, but none of the titles I expect will be released soon.
- Final Fantasy XIII
- Final Fantasty Versus XIII
- Makai Wars
- Disgaea 3
- Star Ocean 4 (?)
- White Knight Chronicles
- Resident Evil 5
- The Last Renmant
- Tears of Tiara
So I hardly see myself buying it soon, even though I already have the money for it. Maybe I should... just because the 80gb model will emulate PS2 instead of having its chip...
I was just thinking that perhaps emulation might be a better option, in terms of visually enhancing what the PS2 wasn't capable of previously, such as HD compatibility. I'm not sure, but as much as backward compatility is a "must", how often do people really play PS1 games on the PS2?
Personally I do often.
Games I played 100% on a PS2 (never on a PSone) include Final Fantasy Tactics, Valkyrie Profile, Xenogears and Star Ocean 2.
Plus have replayed FF7, FF8, FF9, Resident Evil 2 and 3.
But actually I am considering not sending the PS2 to the 'bunker' alongside my Atari, Nes, SuperNes and Playstation... because the Siaxaxis controller won't have the rumble for the PS2 games...
So I guess... emulation or chip isn't really necessary.
Will just have to make space to fit the PS2, PS2 and Wii under the same television set...
merged because... well, just because...
even with the price drop, I'm torn on when/if I'll buy a PS3. I'd like to get my job and living situation under control first, and none of the current titles are that engrossing.
I do really like what I've seen from the Metal Gear Solid 4 demos, and that's currently the one and only reason I can see myself getting a PS3 (and is that reason enough?). Also, being a Final Fantasy fanboy, I'm looking forward to XIII (as XII was the first one to really impress me in a long while), but I'll wait to see before regarding that one as a reason to go out and get this console...
At the end of the day, you're still paying five hundred dollars for a video game console.
Rockband will the greatest game ever. Must... buy... PS3!
your point being?Quote:
Originally Posted by AssertnFailure
I own a Wii, PS2 and NDS currently (in use that is). Will get PSP and PS3 later this year/next year. Expensive? Yes. But I have a job. And currently saving money for a house as well. Currently at 10%-15% (pointing this out to show I don't care its expensive... )
Well, there's lots of things you can get with $500....
Like some sweet speakers for your entertainment center, for example.
....OR two Wiis =o
Apparently $500 isn't enough for el_boss, however, who intends to drop another $200 for his rock band equipment!
Eh... Evern after the pricedrop $499 is still a lot. I guess if you have the money then why not right?
I want to get one eventually because the game list looks good for the future. But right now I got too much shit to take care of.
in many ways, yes final fantasy is better than cs... however. For people like me who for instance just got home at nearly 9 pm, having left my home this morning at 6:30 am.... i just dont have the time to invest in final fantasy like i did when i was younger, and unemployed. i have invested hundreds of hours into the final fantasy franchise but counterstrike allows me to just join up, play and then quit playing when i need to. I dont have to worry about trying to find a save point or anything of that nature. i did however almost get the urge to buy a psp when i saw they were re-releasing final fantasy on it.. i still may get one