thanks, for clarifying..... now we know what we got to work with and the time in which we have to do it in.
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thanks, for clarifying..... now we know what we got to work with and the time in which we have to do it in.
I guess I better start reading that "Adventures of Sexfiend" for some ideas..........
Team Headshot, ASSEMBLLLLLLLLLLLLLLE! To the Batcave!
Well, now that there have been enough time to morn the lost of our fellow competitors. Let us put them to rest.
Surpisingly God#2 survived, but that is not important.
You four will be missed, may your souls rest in pieces, I mean peace. You are gone but not forgotten, one day we will see you soon, some sooner than other.
With that said, good luck to the survivors, fight well, die with honor.
Yours truly.
** picks up his shovel and start to put the fallen to rest **
It's more ecological to leave them for the crows. Ahou birds need to eat as well.Quote:
Originally Posted by dragonrage
Dumbass! Are you doing Ceremonial Burials again!?
ahie captain, i worked all day on the graves.... we must leave the fallen with their honor.
*wonders what happened to his shovel*
*walks around and trips on discarded shovel and falls*
Then just burn them and throw their ashes to the northern winds or something. It's faster and takes less effort.
God#2 remembered to put on his helmet this time.Quote:
Originally Posted by dragonrage
I think God #2 staying was an accident...
Or the product of some serious scheming. That's what this game is about in the end, scheming and backstabbing.
Fun though.
Edit: and thank you, dragonrage, for that...uplifting eulogy.
as i had a small hand in making this second event I sincerely hope we get some much better submissions this time. After all the bitching about fillers and seeing how excellent attempts at making fillers can turn out I thought this would be an excellent event.
I'd just like to add some advice: it might be a good idea to summarize setting and characters present at the start of scenes, and cueing music/SFX would be great as well.
Then again that makes it harder to fit it in the requirements... but what's a story board with just dialogue? ...If I'd gotten my way you'd all be writing about 10 MS Word pages...
edit - oh yeah, good luck
edit to below - exactly
I don't think there was a requirement that it has to be just dialogue? Sexfiend made it only dialogue, but I don't think that was even intended to be a perfect example of an entry.
I have added 2 things to the list of rules to chailfy things a bit.
Yes Kraco you are right I didn't just say it had to be just dialogue, all I did is point out that there is a limit of how much it should have. So I leave that to you. If I wanted just dialogue I would have asked for what Masa said.
Also I see some people have taken off the dropped member off their team sigs
As well I have changed one rule and added two more to chairfy
When you talk about lines what do you mean?
For example.
The event post has 70 lines and only 2400 characters.
If we can have up to 10000 characters... how are we going to be able to fulfill only 70 lines?
Originally Posted by RyougaZell
I'm confused on what your asking, If your event post is only 2400 charactors what does it matter? Restate your question please
No I meant that the post where you explained the second event was 70 lines long. And it only had 2400 characters. One quarter of the limit of characters we have, but already at the limit of the lines limit.
In other words... I don't see a way to fit 10000 characters in 70 lines
10,000 characters is the MAXIMUM.
But to be quite honest I think the character limit is the only one worth enforcing.... 70 lines, with quick exchanges and dialogue will be over very fast, like you said.
The problem is how do pics fit in. Using lots of pics means the character count is low, but using lots of pics makes the story much longer.
Although, some part of me thinks that the most popular entires won't be the longest ones... "Brevity is the soul of wit." however, "Laziness is the right butt cheek of half-assed work"
Umm... I'm very sure the limit for a post can have max 10000 Characters. As by Lines I mean like "Dialogue" is in what they are saying. Such as I'll use my exampleQuote:
Originally Posted by RyougaZell - "Cindy, there are two things I hate in this world. The first is smelly bathtubs and the second is SPOILERS."
What he said is a "line" think of a script