I did my taxes today and found out I owe the government over $4000.......
what do you have to bitch about? :mad:
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I did my taxes today and found out I owe the government over $4000.......
what do you have to bitch about? :mad:
My gripe lately is that I dislike people who believe that everyone is a good samaritan. So yesterday my friend was buying a lighter from some gas station, and I was like, "Well... urgh... I don't feel like going in. There's no point." Rather than go in, I stayed in the car, next to a bunch of punkass kids.
The driver, some girl, kept the passenger's side door open and kept staring at me. For a second I thought she was checking me out, but then I realized that was an unlikely case, as there were three other guys in the back seat of the car with her. Then, out of the blue, the passenger runs out of the store grasping two large boxes of beer. They speed off and I sorta just shrug as the owner of the store comes out.
He gives me this glare like, "What? You didn't catch the license plate? You didn't bother trying to stop them? Wtf is wrong with you?" But I honestly didn't care.
Why do people assume everyone will be a vigilante under pressure? Sheesh.
I fixed it for you.Quote:
Originally Posted by Genma
Personally, I'd have probably been too spaced out to notice that it was happening, much less get a license number out of it.
That has happened to me before but someone screamed to me to get it before they got away. Otherwise i would not of thought of it. I think they were stealing vodka though.
Did laundry last week and well this week as well. I didn't fold my cloths like i normally do at the laundry mart so here I am on a Sunday afternoon folding two big bags of laundry. It sucks cause I have realized that I have too much cloths as it is and I think it is about time to donate some of the older ones.
I had a project for my Phonetics class that I was really looking forward to doing. I thought it was due this Tuesday, but as I opened the file this evening to get started on it, I realized it was due last Thursday. Not only am I getting a non-negotiable zero, there's also no point in me doing the project now, even though I had really wanted to. Damn.
Just don't bring your sob story here when that guy kills your Uncle Ben.Quote:
Why do people assume everyone will be a vigilante under pressure? Sheesh.
I got issued a parking ticket for parking (abeit illegally) outside my apartment void deck. I've just written a lengthy letter to the relevant authorities. This really made me angry today, both at my miserable luck and the fact that I might need to pay a hundred bucks (around US$45)
I'm addicted to sneakers. No really, I just dropped $170 on some Nikes, for absolutely no reason. I wish I could stop buying sneakers.
I just got a ticket for parking in the senior parking lot at my school. The problem is... I am a SENIOR! I think our Rent-A-Cop is going crazy and now I have to pay $10 if they don't accept my appeal.
Last week we were given two options at work.
1) Work like normal till 7pm and work Thursday 5 and Friday 6 (free days because of Semana Santa... whatever you call it on USA).
2) Work till 9pm all April and not work on Thursday 5 and Friday 6.
We chose option 2 since knowing the boss of our boss we would be working till 9pm anyways
My boss went on vacation since Monday.
Yesterday the boss of our boss wanted us to work anyway on Thursday and Friday. We said no and she got mad. She was going to talk to us and make us come, but decided not to at the end because all the Programmers and Installers, which were needed to come as well (we can't Test Systems if nobody fixes or installs them) also said they weren't gonna come to work because they already had paid tickets to travel on this 'long-weekend'
Anyway... knowing her... shes gonna report us to our direct boss anyway. Bleh... I just want it to be 9pm today to forget about work for 4 days.
PS: I worked from 3am to 7am last sunday. Yes Sunday. Yes AM.
I haven't smoked a cigarette since sunday and the withdrawal symptoms are nice. Really NICE!:mad:
I ended up in the hospital yesterday, and they asked if I wanted them to call anyone, if I wanted any of my friends or housemates to come sit with me. I replied no, because everyone is busy studying for exams, and keeps talking about how much work they have to do, and I didn't want to take them away from studying. So after 6 hours at the hospital, I get home to find out that everyone in my house was playing WoW or other games, and not doing any work at all. It was sad.
What happened? I hope you're alright....
Bitching because i didn't get selected at 3d school, now this wouldn't be too bad if there was some kind of reason/explanation given.. nooo they just said: "person's name not on this list, will not get a interview and may go home".
My name wasn't on it, so when i asked the guy what the reason was, he acted like a dumbass and told me he can't remember the reason. ugh.
Why even invite ppl to come to the selection day, if you aren't even going to interview them?
We couldn't even discuss my work and stuff, and at that, only me and 1 other guy had 3d items in the portfolio, yet BOTH of us didn't get selected.
This led me to believe they did some stupid kind of random selection cause of the many applicants ( half of the ppl invited were told to go home)'+ we had to wait for like ... 2 hours before the guy came in and made that bullshit statement, i mean, in those 2 hours, they could've interviewed all of us, gotten a far better individual presentation of the applicants and then make a descision.
Fuck this is so retarded, i guess im school-less for a year....
I'm fine, thanks :)Quote:
Originally Posted by Psyke
I kinda nearly passed out in my lab, and not like normal dizziness as if I hadn't eaten or whatnot. It was like, I wasn't sure if I was going to lose consciousness or puke on the floor, and it lasted for a good 5-10 minutes. Anyways, we conveniently have a hospital on campus, so they took me there, since there was concern it might be related to how I bruised/cracked some ribs during a nasty fall at a skateboard park a few days prior (I hadn't gone to get it checked out cause there isn't too much they can do for cracked/broken ribs besides prescribe painkillers). Anyways, they did blood tests, and sent me for a CT scan the following day, to make sure my internal organs were undamaged, and then gave me the all-clear and sent me home. The most traumatic part was when they stuck in the IV for the CT scan (I do NOT deal well with needles, and I've never had an IV before....I couldn't even look at it without feeling woozy) so I was very glad when that was over and done with.
Glad you're ok. Didn't hear much about you skateboarding though. I hope your condition wasn't caused by the accident. I ain't too fond of those IV needles too, and I simply refused to have one during a situation a few years ago when I was stung by hornets. :p
Heh, IV needles. I don't have any particular hate for needles in general, but it's still kind of nasty to have one stuck into your vein for a long time. Like KitKat said, it's not nice to look at it knowing it goes inside your system, not to mention moving your arm and feeling it scrape against the walls of the vein (or maybe that's just my imagination)...
But I'm glad to hear it doesn't appear to be anything serious. It would be sad to lose the maker of my future scarf, atfer all.
Small talk is the bane of my existence. At work I often see people small talking...something along the lines of:
"Hi how are you?"
"Good. You?"
And then they walk away. Seriously, what the hell is their problem? If that's all you're going to say then don't say anything at all. Small talk like that is just a waste of breath. When people ask me "Hi how are you?" I always respond with "Not bad." Two words and that's it. It also effectively ends the meaningless conversation started by someone who had nothing better to say to me.
Also, it's interesting to note that nobody ever responds with "Bad" or "Not good." It's always "good." Are they telling the truth? Probably not. They just say "good" so that the other party doesn't drag on the meaningless conversation they started by asking for elaboration on that somewhat expected response. It goes to show that even small talkers themselves detest this meaningless chatter.
I rarely have good days. I have plenty of average days and a lot bunch of bad days. How do I know what kind of day I just had? Well, when you go to bed at night, do you think...
- Wow, what an absolutely fantastic day I just had!
- Nothing much happened. Meh.
- That was one shitty day. Glad it's finally over.
Keep a tally of this for one month and see what you end up with. I guarantee that your results will not differ much from mine despite how negative I sound. However, do keep in mind that this is somewhat subjective and depends on your own definition of what "good" and "bad" days are. If nothing interesting happens is considered a "good" day then...well...I got nothing for you. Sorry.
Now onto why people partake in small talk. My theory is that a majority of people in the world are boring. They cannot, or rather, refuse to think outside the realm of everyday ideas. I work in the same place as my roommates and at lunch, they would always start with some small talk.
"How's work?"
"How's your day?"
And the questioned would always respond with
"Pretty good."
While I would always respond with
"It sucks."
"It's okay. Nothing spectacular."
And I would always try to derail this small talk by bringing up *interesting* discussion topics. I won't get into what these topics are but I'll say that they are controversial and always stir up arguments. But that's the intent. Arguments actually require you to use your brain for once instead of giving premeditated responses like a mindless drone. Just yesterday I forced all of them to really stretch their minds and think rationally. We're always the most animated group in the cafeteria because everybody else is talking about the weather.
Imagine the world without small talk. WOW.
Even facebook couldn't contain BOC's hatred for "small talk"...
Though personally I distinguish between "small talk" and "grettings", which is what you seem to be complaining about. Small talk is idle chit-chat, serving only the purpose of filling silence - which can be devastatingly awkward. Greetings like "how's it going?" are less annoying to me because they're really just a place-holder for "hello", and aren't really intended to segue into discussion...unless the other person can't wait to talk about their day.
I must agree with Xan about stuff like 'how's it going' or 'how are you' conversations. They don't really mean anything but everyone expects them and thus most people initiate them and then respond to them automatically not really caring about the details but doing it because they think that they're supposed to and that the other parties involved would want them to. It's good to know that other people think thos little talks are as mindless and stupid as I do.
A fucking sparrow just stole my lunch.
I was sitting outside in our Student Union's courtyard, reading, and a sparrow jumped up on the table, inched towards me, and grabbed the entire top bun of my Crispy Chicken Sandwich. Three more followed him, and I snatched away the chicken from the sandwich before they could get at it. They didn't even flinch when I tried to bat them away.
I was just owned by a 5 inch-long bird.
The only thing a man could do in a situation like that would be to eat the sparrow. However, I've a suspicion it wouldn't make a very tasty meal (extra rare on the spot or even well-done later)...
Honestly, it was quite emasculating.
Hehe.. that reminded me of the time a Duck tried to eat my tacos at college. Since he couldn't get mine he tried to steal some candy from a girl. She saw it and took it out of its reach. The duck ended biting her on the ass.... LOL
Also... a friend's lunch got stolen by a turkey... and another by a deer...
Yes my fucking college was a damn zoo... they had ducks (50+) and turkeys (5) roaming freely around campus. On my last year they added 2 female deers to the zoo... err campus... and last thing I heard they had added a male one... with horns...
A picture is worth an infinite amount of words.
I'll upload one from home later :D (the real bitch will begin then) :D
If you thought my last Speedtest was shitty, feast your eyes on this:
Nice download. Bad upload (not that I upload anything bigger than 2mb anyways XD)
Just tested again and it's fast right now...
And this is what pisses me off. Sometimes it's very fast but other times it's painfully slow.
Alrite kids it's not a bitching post if its over 6 thousand
I'm so fucking angry I wanted to make a new post.
I'm SO, SO fucky angry at the world. And this isn't emo angst, this is just anger.
Last week, I was stolen my iPod. You know, some guy comes behind you, "hugs" me and says "Don't move, I'm armed. Gimme the iPod." I give it to him. I'm safe, no biggie, right?
Then later that week my dad's iPod was stolen. From a god-damned Valet Parking. Even when he told the chief that he was leaving it there. You can say it's partly his fault so, well, sad but nothing to do.
Well, yesterday, a big friend of the family was kidnapped. For those of you who don't know, a kidnapping in Mexico is serious business. They are asking for two million pesos to release him, and his family doesn't have that much money.
He's a buddhist. Gives free meditation courses. Almost dedicates himself to helping people via his religion. His prize? He's kidnapped.
Oh Gods, I'm so worried, and so angry. Near tears. Screw the iPods, who cares, but him.... oh God, it's just not fair. Not fair. The world's been so full of crap these last weeks.
His family is raising money now. I just hope he comes back home safe. I'm so angry.
The police is useless. Period.
I hope your friend gets released. Yes, its lots of money. But screw the money. I hope they release him well. Like you said... kidnapping here is bad... very bad... specially with the useless authorities we have...
Wow.....bad as in...full grown males getting kidnapped on a regular basis?
Hope it works out for you guys though =/
So me the idiot took an art history course thinking it would be an easy A. Well right now I'm around a B/B- and have a final paper due next week thats 10 PAGES. Now I could probably easily right 10 pages about anything other than what I have to write about, but somehow, some way I have to write 10 pages about Michelangelo's Last Judgment. I have no idea how this is possible and I'm just pissed at the teacher for actually requiring a 10 page final essay in an elective course in addition to having a 2 hour final exam. The worst part, I'm TRANSFERING and really need to do well, so its not something I can just be like, well screw it take a B. I really need to pull an A so I can transfer over a perfect 4.0 to my new school. God this sucks. 10 pages on a fucking wall. Man...any advice?
Don't suppose you can still drop the course, eh?
Rule of thumb I always followed: If you're not sure about a class, sign up for more than you intend to take, spend 2 weeks going to all your classes, and drop the ones that might give you the most trouble.
MY FUCKING COMPUTER DIED!!! omfg *hehe i'm glad i found the bitching thread SIGH* so... my main computer bit it... it made a clicking, then sounded like it was powering down... then back up, down.. then back up then it froze and would not boot. after messing with it i've determined that the mobo is trash. I am sad, i'm stuck with my media center computer from my room which does not run counterstrike very well at all... which makes me very mad and sad but it does give me a very good excuse to upgrade my system.
I think im going to leave the dvd,psu,hdd's and up the mobo, ram and processor to an AM2 X24800+ or X25000+ with 2gb of ddr2. On the upside, my hard drives are ok and are in my other computer now so i'm still able to watch one piece and noein ^^
I hate the police. Period....
Pissed at school and the amazing stupidity and ineffectiveness of teachers.
Any updates on your friend WD?
Todays bitching... related to a previous one about work.
We arranged to stay all april till 9pm at work (instead of 7pm), because the boss once again foolishly promised a release for april 30. Its april 25 today and the release isn't even half finished because the programmers made a lot of bugs, and thus us testers will have to stay may most likely as well. Im sick of staying later daily....
Oh and the one only day I left early the boss of my boss bitched at her because I left early. Damn fucking murphy and his laws of improbability.
Yeah, gonna be following that for now on definately. And the trusty ratemyprofessor.comQuote:
Originally Posted by AssertnFailure
Anyway I'm sick of staying up to get papers done by their due dates then going to class and having the entire class complain and the professor giving in and rescheduling the paper to next week meanwhile I got 5 hours of sleep for no fucking reason since I could have slept 12. Fuck.
Aujourd'hui sur le chemin du retour j'ai eu droit a un "controle aleatoire", controle aleatoire mon cul ! Comme si j'avais une tete de terroriste, putain d'enfoiré de flics racistes de merde. Apres m'avoir laissé poirreauté au soleil ils me lachent avec un seul et unique commentaire pour explication " faut pas trainer ici bamboola, ici c'est le quartier des humains ... degage rentre a Montreuil"
Today on my way back, I had some "random idendity check", random my ass ! As if I looked like a fucking terrorist, fucking racist cop asshole. After leaving me toasted by the sun, they only got one and only explaination. " Why're you here nigger, It's not where you'r supposed to be, it's the "human's neightboorhood here" go back to Montreuil "
Cops assholes are a disease spreading faster than Saber Fanclubs supported by Deadfire illegal fundings.
I normally wake up about 10:00 am. Have a class at 10:30 am monday wednesday friday.
So at 10 am, I wake up, get ready and head to class. Get to work at 11:30, and find two emails in my inbox. One says "I don't think you need to be at that meeting this morning after all". The other says "So here's what we talked about at that meeting". Timestamped 7:45 and 10:45 am. Also a note saying I need to call the person who sent the emails, also timestamped about 10:45.
Glad they didn't need me there, because ... well ... nobody told me about any meeting. I sent the sender/caller back a couple short emails detailing my schedule and expressing that I was glad they didn't need me there, seeing how without knowing it existed (much less when and where) there was no way I was going to be there to begin with :p.
Sort of annoying...
My roommate is one of those people that like to pretend they're more drunk than they really are. After about 3 shots of Vodka, he'll start stumbling around the room yelling out random things that a stereotypical "drunk" would. It's something he's been confronted about before, yet he continues to keep up the act every time he drinks even just a little bit. It's tolerable at first, but it's getting out of hand now.
Last night he broke off the lock on my door, and now he's claiming he doesn't remember anything, when I know for a fact he didn't have as much alcohol as it would take for someone to suffer short-term memory loss. I just need to think of a way to deal with this maturely.
Perhaps I'll detach his doorknob completely, hide it, and pretend I don't remember doing it...
you need to mess with his head, throw in some lies about last night, tell him that he promised you something, not anything big, but act like it's really important to you. then throw in some more lies, like saying he was the lfe of the party or whatnot. if you force your lies on him, then he'll have to bring out the truth to counter you.
other option.
he's drunk and 'doesn't remember anything' right? just beat him up, if he agrees to take a nightly beating just to act drunk, then he proabably needs that act really badly, it'll be like a win-win situation.
I hate coming home on friday, I hardly do anything and it's saturday night already, and i'm sleep deprived yet again. damn army, until when?!
Yeah, I thought of doing this, yet I'm afraid it'll work against me. If I feed him lies he might actually believe what I'm telling him, thus enforcing his belief that he suffers memory loss when he really shouldn't/hasn't.Quote:
Originally Posted by Death BOO Z
I like your second idea better, and it's actually what another one of my friends suggested. Also, I hope things get better in the army for you. Tough times.
Xan: next time he gets drunk or pretends to be, get drunk with him and wack him with a bat. See if he would remember that.
I guarantee the next time he would be alot more careful around you and your things. Trust me ;)
@ Inazuma : "Cops assholes are a disease spreading faster than Saber Fanclubs supported by Deadfire illegal fundings."
RofL- Thats funny as hell.
I'm bitching that my AC is dead and my room with 2 computers and a laptop running is really effing hot.:mad:
lucy, do i even need to ask....
Ask what? o.0 xD
guess I do... Why the hell do you have so many computers running in the first place. Holding a lan party with all your girlfriends or something?
Edited out by RZ
Didn't want to let this bitch online after all, even if it was readed already.
Originally Posted by Lucifus
I hate my AC, i got my server and my computer and my XBOX and lights and my laptop and my phone.... I am hot...
I'm pissed I have to write 2 essays for the same class within a week period! He doesn't even change the topics its basically like writing the same essay over and over so fucking annoying!
Ctrl + c, Ctrl + v?Quote:
Originally Posted by SK
I'm also pissed about schoolwork, though I only have to go rent this Argentinian movie and be prepared to talk about it tomorrow in Spanish. :/
I'm using AIM, I go ":D," and some toothfaced idiot emote pops up. It's SO annoying.
Spanish or Argentinan?Quote:
Originally Posted by XanBcoo
I hate how they say "Sho" instead of "Yo".
*For non-spanish talkers:
Yo = I.
Actually, one of the questions on our last Spanish test was to list the differences between the two dialects. Kind of annoying since I had to stop myself from using Linguistic terminology that the teacher might not have understood.Quote:
Originally Posted by RyougaZell
I also don't know how to say "voiced alveopalatal fricative" in Spanish...
Holy shit... I don't think even I know that one...
Todays bitching:
I work tomorrow. What is so extraordinaire of working on Tuesday?
Its "El dia del Trabajo", which is an obligatory free day.
Not only we have to work because the boss of the boss of our boss demanded it (above him only the owner of the company)... we won't be getting doble pay or anything either. Bleh.
If you heard ... In my country we're electing a new president.
A new French President.
And ... I'm looking for someone outside my country who'll be able to shelter me.
We got Nicolas Sarkozy a complexed midget who got some gigantic greed for power. To me he is something like "Hitler II Reloaded". I can't be sorted out as a white people, so his special law enforcement team known as B.a.c. just keep bugging me ...
I never shown my Id this much in my life
The last few year he was at the head of the ministery of Interior (he then created the Bac), and it kept going worse than ever. Riots like no other, police going haywire, demonstrators getting shot with rubber bullets randomly, ...
Hooo ... What's the "B.a.c." ? Brigade Against Criminality ... These guys are just crazy ... You know Vic McKey from the shield ? Compared to them ... He is just like Inoue from Bleach.
So ... I got less than five days before my ass starts to get kicked around by everyone who got a Police ID.
And I'm Living in Paris, East. Things are already getting nasty .. Anti-Riots troops have been deployed around the capital and are standing by with heavy gearing and are being told to report any suspect activity ( More than three people standing idle in key areas for more than 10 minutes)
I'm so fucked ... help (Gotta paint my ass in white)
Ryouga...if you find yourself posting here every week about your job....i gotta ask....what do you plan to do to fix this? It doesn't sound like any situation that would improve over time.
@Inazuma: o___O
You got me there Assertn hehe...
Actually I like my job. Its just that the past two months have been hell because the company bought a major rival, so we've had a heck a lot of work. (currently undergoing fusion time)
It seems things will estabilize past may 15 though. And they also promised us 3 free days already because of this long work sessions of 11 daily hours.
Oh yeah... my boss just told us five minutes ago they are buying us pizza for lunch so we can leave today at 5pm, instead of 7pm (we normally stay until 9pm, but because today was free we were staying till 7pm like normal).
Still, Im asking for several contacts to send my curriculum to see if I can find something better paid.
This week I moved into a new house. I'm only subletting there for the summer, and I don't really know any of the other people who will be living there. No big deal. I'll have a roof over my head, and a bed to sleep in. None of the others move in until the end of this week. When I moved in on Monday, the house was a complete disaster. The previous tenants hadn't cleaned up at all. There was garbage everywhere, sketchy food in the fridges and refrigerators, and enough dust bunnies to stage an invasion of Alaska. "No big deal," I thought, "since technically I'm moving in before the actual move-in date, the landlords probably haven't had a chance to clean." So I kept all my kitchen stuff boxed up, and lived at a friend's house for a couple days.
Yesterday, I gave up on anything getting cleaned and started cleaning myself. There were some foul-smelling tea towels and cloths that needed to be decontaminated, so I decided to do some laundry. When I went to check the lint trap on the dryer, it was stuck. I yanked as hard as I dared, so as not to snap the handle off, and realized with horror that it was full of lint. Three inches thick hard-packed fuzz, about the strength of industrial felt. Holy fire hazard Batman. I don't think the previous tenants had emptied it once in the whole time they lived there. It's a wonder they got their clothes to dry at all.
The landlords came last night to clean the carpets, but cleaned ONLY the carpets. Although I'm starting to bring some order to the downstairs where I'm living, the main floor of the house is still a total disaster. I'll let the upstairs people deal with that when the move in because I still have more to do in my area. Tonight I shall tackle the refrigerator with its many unknown substances and noxious smells.
Remember to bring a canary with you in a little cage. If the Canary dies, get out me there and call the local biohazard team.
Oh, and my wallet was stolen... there goes eighty dollars right there.
I have less than a month left on my lease, during which time I need to graduate, attend a wedding, find a buyer for my gigantic couch, find a new place to live, do some massive server juggling at work, attend probably 8-10 more meetings about the server-juggling, find a full-time job. All of these things are ... substantial.
My roommate still hasn't paid his half of the bills for last month. I'm going to catch him and get him to cough up a check tonight though.
And All the previous tenants left alive? Be careful... maybe there is someone buried under the bio hazardness....
So yesterday we were allowed to leave early from work (5:30 instead of the regular 7pm or the lately 9pm extended).
I arrive at home and the first thing Im told is to be quiet because my 3 year nephew is sleeping. I asked why was he here. Father told me my sister had something to do and left the kid there... thanks a lot.
Anyway... I asked if he was on her old room. No, he was left in the living room, where the tv, cable, ps2, dvd and mostly everything is (only my computer is somewhere else) and thus I ask: then I can't do anything? Father got mad. Bah.
So I go to the bathroom and while in there I hear my sister arriving and yelling, waking up the kid. And I was like: WTF? Stupid sister.
I get out of the bathroom, no longer caring about the noise, since the kid was awake, and my older brother says: "you just don't care don't you? can't do anything without making so much noise? your nephew was asleep" . WTF? The damn kid was awake already! He was there when my sister woke him up. Stupid brother with nephew complex...
So... since they can't stand me making noise I go to my room and watch Darker than Black with the headphones. Father goes to my room, and upon seeing I have them on, instead of touching my shoulder or anything he starts yelling so I notice him. Just what the fuck?
After that I took about 1 hour to get out of my bad mood... geez....
My IB tests are starting tommorow. If anyone has been through the program, you know how it feels.... -_-
I feel sorry for you darkmetal505, my cousin went through the IB here in mobile, and i did a little AP myself, so I can imagine. Good luck man.
I got a fucking detention today for not being in proper uniform, Not that I was not in a school Uniform, just that I was in a UNIFORM polo shirt on a mass day instead of a button down uniform shirt. Go Catholic school.
I loved mass days because we had to wear ties, and after the mass I'd always take off my tie and wear it around my head. I must have looked like a dork, but I felt like the coolest kid alive.Quote:
Originally Posted by Spiegel
I've got 2 of my final exams tomorrow. The fact that they're both non-cumulative chased away my sense of urgency. Now they're 11 hours away and I've only began studying for 1. In reality, I don't have much to bitch about since it's my fault. But still.
You people must enjoy the high-school anime a lot more than I do, because you actually know first hand this uniform stuff. I don't think there's a single school in this whole country that would use uniforms (or would have ever used for that matter).
I'm fairly sure you're wrong about that, unless you don't have any catholics there or have compulsory public education or something. Many religious schools, particularly catholic schools, have dress codes. Military academies, too.
Had 2 finals today, after the second one I found out I had somehow completely missed an essay, not an even turned it in late, not even just decided not to do it, just completely have no memory of it. I mean I don't know how I coulden't have heard of it, I really have ZERO memory on the subject, I think its definately the professor's fault.
Ok, so I'm streaming music from the net right before going to school and all of a sudden the music starts slowing down, eventually coming to a stop. Now the thing is, everything was already buffered and I couldn't find any problems. So I left for school wondering what in the hell happened. I come home, turn on my monitor and boot up more music, I get a blank blue screen of death(Vista Ultimate)....it stays there. I restart, log in, and all of a sudden my sound driver is knocked out. I connect to realtek, download sound drivers, and it just wont install. I turn off enforce driver signature and run as administator. No Go. I try about 20 different drivers, all no go. I do a system restore to two days ago.
I boot up again after the system restore, finally have my drivers back and launch Counterstrike, only to get another BSOD, blank again. So I figure, okay this has to be heat issues. Before my machine has much chance to cool down I enter my bios to check out the temperature. Its all good, save something else catchs my eye.
"CHIP fan RPM 0"....................
I shut her down, plug her out and destatic myself. I plug her in, power her on and behold a dead chipset fan. Now I call up ASUS(creator on motherboard and chipset fan" I then learn that it is a well known fact that the currently dead chipset fan I own is prone to dying, and ASUS is giving me a free and better replacement. I would have bought a far better one myself save the fact I cant find one with the right mount.
Now to put the icing on the cake. I have to wait 15-20 business days for my chipset fan replacement. =) And of course that means I'll be without my machine for quite some time. I got so angry I went over to my rabbits cage, took out the rabbit, held it by its leg and throw/slammed it against the wall, leaving a bloody smear and dead rabbit in my room along with a comatose machine. (Last rabbit part I made up but still...I was pretty angry)
Now I'm stuck using my laptop for a few weeks without Photoshop. I could install it on my laptop and use my desktops mouse, but I'm far too lazy to and the colors on my notebooks screen just isnt....accurate enough.
So the moral of this story is I got anally screwed with a known defective chipset fan(not even a heatsink) and I am going to walk funny after that screwing session until my net chipset fan arrives. Then comes the enjoyable process of cutting my fingers replacing that horrendously stupidly built chipset mount/fan.
And theres my rant.....
Buy a better fan from Newegg and do 2 day shipping :D
after all the trouble i went through to ensure i graduate, it might get fucked up...
my second major requires I get at least a B- on all courses for it. This semester I'm taking a course in the history department that is cross listed under my major. The prof is a very smart, very reputable expert in his field, but he's an absolute dick and hates my guts (I fell asleep in his class once, once, and his is from 2:45-4:30 on a day I have classes straight from 9AM until 9PM...)
basically I got my resubmitted midterm paper back today only to discover that he gave me NO extra points whatsoever for completely redoing the whole paper, about 2 days of solid library digging and writing. Not a single extra point. And his comments go along the lines of: "you add a great deal of context to the analysis, but you still fail to improve your analysis". I'm sorry, but I just don't understand... I know I could have done a better job, but to not give me a single extra point, that's some bullshit...
An old computer of mine with an Abit motherboard used to have a chipset fan that would break approximate once a year (more or less). At one point the shopkeeper of the place where I bought new ones suggested I don't get a new fan but a better passive cooling element (heatsink) and so be spared of the trouble of replacing the stupid fan. A very good deal.Quote:
Originally Posted by Lucifus
But I guess that's not an option with your mobo, or you would have already marched to a shop and got one instead of bowing down before the mighty Asus...
I hate the bus drivers! They’re just so full of it. Today I was accused for free riding on the bus. I was taking the bus home from school with some of my classmates. I couldn’t find my bus card. So I showed the driver my wallet and said that I have my card in the bag, but I couldn’t find it. The bus driver claimed that I wouldn’t pay and was trying to free ride. He stopped the bus and maid me pay. I was mad, but I was bit embarrassed too. I don't care that much about the money, it was just the principle. He could've waited, but instead he made a big deal out of nothing.
I wanted to punch him. This isn’t the first time. There was also another time. The driver (another one) flipped because I tried to exit the bus in the front. He grabbed my arm and asked if I was a retard. “You’ll exit at the back and if you’ll try that again, I’ll punch you.” He said.
Fu** those bastards!
Edit: You got a point there. But I taken the bus for almost 2 years now. I even showed the guy my school card. And they always let students ride even if they have forgotten their card. And if you get caught free riding you can send a print of your card to the traffic office and pay 7$.
The detail that escapes me is why you couldn't find the card. If the driver so insisted on seeing it (like he probably has to to keep his job), then you should have used all the time in the world to dig the card out of your bag. If you had totally lost it or left it at home or something, then obviously you would have no other option than to pay. It's always like that with such things. Of course it's clear as water for you that you do own a card even if it's not in your hand, but the driver has no concrete way of knowing it without having the reader read it.
College is great huh?Quote:
Originally Posted by masamuneehs
Ok, Here we go. My day starts at 11:30 as I wake up to go take a shower before work. Good so far... Then I remember "Shit, My work uniform is at my dads." Well that is alright so I drive over there get it and go to work. Everything Peachy.
I get to work and go to the job site (catering) and we start the job. We go through the usual, I am carving the roast beef, everything is fine. Well the people decided to stay for Fucking 3 hours after they ate and we couldn't leave till we broke down the drink station. So what so far, We load everything we can into the truck and wait... and wait.... and wait. Finally we get to leave. We get back to the shop and unload the truck and I sign out and one of the girls I was working with comes up to me and says, "Oh by the way, I didn't want to tell you earlier during the job, butyou ripped a huge hole in your pants...."
I honestly wanted to turn around and slap the bitch and be like, "Why didn't you tell me then you fucking whore, now I have gone around making an Ass of myself (Literally) all night!"
Ok, Whatever, I let it slide and make a joke, whatever, just a little pissed. So now I get home and find my cable is out... Won't reconnect when I reset it. I am pissed at this point. I call the 1-800 number and all I get is "Hey sorry your area is having technical Difficulties"....
FUCK BITCH I KNOW THAT, when will it be fixed.... ma'am.
And now I and on fucking 56K which is more like 40K and it is Pissing me the fuck off, Watch it take 5 minutes to post this message.
I got fired from my job at the corn chip factory. What the fuck? Everyone was satisfied with my work except one of my fuckin fat whore bosses. And she tells me I didn't "impress her one bit" when I worked my ass off the whole day the other day. Its like 105 degrees F in that motherfucker and I was dragging trying to pack 40 bags of chips a minute, when I should have been in the back stacking boxes where they always put me.
I asked her if she could get her fat ass out there and do my job.
Only job in this town that pays decently and of course I'm in the shit again with no way of moving away from this fucking hole in the ground
So, two months ago (3-22) my car is stolen... no full coverage insurance, so i'm out $5000 and a car. Save more money.. save more money.. find a pretty good deal and buy the nicest thing i have ever owned in my life, a royal blue 2005 honda civic. I got this car on friday, full coverage insurance right away in case it does get stolen..
So, last night. i get home from 10 hours of work and have now had my car for a little more than 48 hours. I get some dinner, and am eating and watching one piece at my computer in the front room and there is this huge crash.
i jump up, run outside and see this car backing up from next to my car and then it proceeds to drive away down the street.....(it was a 96-97 accord.. same as the one i had stolen) my brand new car is up on my curb, the right front wheel all jacked up axel maybe broken... front fender is torn up bumper torn up, hood torn up..... omfg i dont even know what to think at this point...
this morning i woke up and was thinking about it and grabbed the digital camera and walked down my street because i know the people at the end of the street own an accord that is that body style... and sure enough, those bastards have the car in their driveway pulled all the way up so that you cant see the right front side of it if you just were driving by, and the piece of bumper and blinker light that i have at my house from their car is sure enough missing from their car.... so i take pictures and call the police back... *sigh* such a huge hassle, now hopefully they will have insurance and save me 500-600 $
Nice detective work!Quote:
Originally Posted by bbaucom
You know, you can cover yourself from uninsured motorists for like, $20 extra added to your insurance plan.
Talk about bastards... at least you found them, and it wasn't some random drunk that just happened to pass nearby.
Not really something that can affect me, but nevertheless...
I hate that the USA goverment is listing my town as high risky, and is advising to not visit.
Why? There were 6 more policemen murdered this weekend, and 2 that survived their attacks, bringing the number up to 70 in less than 5 months.
But... most of them are being linked to the narcotrafico (whatever you guys call it) or organized crime. So far only 2 innocent have died because they were near a policeman that got attacked.
So you're saying the 6 that were murdered were because the US listed your town as a high risk?Quote:
Originally Posted by RyougaZell
No no...
I meant to say that everytime they are several murders together, 7 counting today's, the USA goverment lists Nuevo Leon (my state) as high risky, and advises USA-citizens to not come here.
This is the 3rd time this year they have made this announcement.
Yeah...and every time someone mentions a bomb at an airport anywhere in the world, I have to arrive for my flight 20 minutes earlier than before.Quote:
Originally Posted by RyougaZell
A new bitching I forgot to post earlier.
We are changing buildings. All of Technology Information department is. But us, Testing, along another 2 areas, were ordered to remain behind for an extra week.
The moving was taking place this past weekend, except for us that is.
The boss of the boss of my boss (above him only 2 more) gave this order for us to remain behind, thus he ordered our equipment to not be moved.
To be on the safe side of this... we were ordered to print a message stating "Do not move" and stick it to our computers.
Saturday, we were going to work at 3pm, remotely. So I try to sign in and find myself unable to do so.
I phoned my boss, and she sounded somewhat angry. She told me that they had taken my computer, alongside 2 more to the new building, and that her boss was very mad.
After insulting the guys that took the computers, they brought them back, and I couldn't start working until 5pm.
Didn't they learn to read? Pre-reports, emails and printed messages... yet they took the computer away.
Fortunately mine was brought back. A coworker didn't get his back, they sent another one by mistake (how rare...). They refused to change it back again. So they got yelled again.
Today they told him they were going to return him his pc until after lunch. Once again, they got yelled because the computer they brought by mistake was a server, and it was needed at the new building.
So they come and change computers... but were going to leave one of the old big monitors (tv like... whatever you call it...) instead of the flat lcd one we all have. They get yelled again.
An hour ago my telephone line was cut, because they had activated it at the new building. A new yelling for them.
Exasperating... but yet funny as hell.Seriously... what the fuck??
More bitching about my car...
the insurance guy i have helped me out and got my deductibles right so its only $500 for me to pay...
But still, i dont even want the car anymore. I signed to pay over 48 months and my first payment is due the first week of july. I talked to the guy who is going to fix it earlier and he said around $4,000 worth of damage. which also means that if i goto sell my car its not going to be worth close to as much. omfg, so frustrated.
My gpu fan started failing, and I'm now faced with a bad choice. Do I (a) order a new fan now, knowing that unless I spend like $25 to ship it, it probably won't get here before I move out. Or (b) go to best buy and overpay for substantially less of a video card to play it safe. Or (c) start powering my computer off when I leave/go to bed. Or (d) underclock the gpu/memory as far down as they'll go and hope the fan doesn't completely sieze up before I've moved into the new place and settled in enough to order a new gpu cooler and get it.
Right now I'm leaning towards D, combined with not playing pc games until I've got the new cooler.
Can't you go and buy a new fan locally from some computer shop? Considering that 25 dollars shipment cost, you would have a good marginal to get it for a reasonable price, since you wouldn't be paying for shipping. Well, assuming it's not a special component not available anywhere but from the net store you had in mind, of course.
There's like two local computer shops, and neither of them carries that sort of stuff. The closest place that would carry what I need is probably Fry's down in indy (about 65 miles). Since I don't have a car, that's definitely not gonna fly.
I think with it underclocked and blown out, it's keeping things cool enough that I should be ok for a while. So I'm just going to hold off, and hopefully replace the fan the first week in June.
I had a gpu fan *melt* off my video card last summer, and temporarily compensated for it with one of those generic PCI fans you just rig below the AGP slot.
Seemed to work fairly well.
The card i was using in my computer that stays on 24/7 finally decided a month or so ago that it didn't want to work anymore. I was working on getting a new motherboard in the case and i noticed the normally noisy fan wasn't going at all. Then I smelled some lovely burning smell. So yes, don't you just love old, dead, computer parts.
Ok new bitching from me... yes, i bitch alot. So if you read back a page or 2 in the thread you'll see my previous bitching about the hit and run on my 2 day old car, which is still in the shop.
So, today after a long day i get home and am already aggravated by stress and a headache, and then my mom tells me "they repaired that car!"
So, again im off.... digital camera in hand and i walk to the end of the street and take pictures of these peoples car that they have quickly fixed totally replacing the fender and front bumper to try to hide the fact that they hit my car... they will be surprised when i show them all the pictures i have of their wrecked car. Anyhow... the police told me not to go over there, so i didn't. And when i call the police, they tell me i have to have the original police officer handle it and he just so happens to not work until friday. WTF /
The police obviously dont care, and i am the only person who has done any work.... not only did i find the car, but i have the whole thing documented but i have yet to get ahold of the only police officer they are telling me can help me.. OMFG.
and if they can afford to try to hide the damage to their car surely they can pay me for what they owe me. In the event that they're not insured i have decided that $4000 is a fair amount of money, for my first months car payment since i haven't driven it but for a day, first month insurance, lost value on my car, and for 'pain and suffering' for having to waste time taking the bus and or walking everywhere when i should have my brand new car.
That is their car, and this is my car :
Damn I can relate to car crashing! It sucks man
I am never happy and I am always yearning for something different and its pissing me off[wont get in to details].. I need love?
You need to stop convincing yourself that your life is incomplete without X, Y or Z. If you REALLY wanted something, you'd go out and get it. If not, you've already accepted what you have.
Originally Posted by Bucket
If only life was as simple as WANTING it enough huh?
Currently at the office. Been here since 3:30am.
My bitch?
A system failed. And the only guy that could fix it didn't come. They called him and his son didn't want to give his cellphone number.
Boss got somewhat mad (with that guy).
Somebody else is currently helping us.
I'm about to bitch about my dad's family. Why can't they be sensible like him?
Starting with my grandmother and her personal crusade to make me see the error of my ways and make me believe in Jesus almighty and the virgin Mary. I should live like the Church, she tells me... how?, I ask. Surrounded by riches? She got angry.
Why can't you understand I'm not catholic and I'll NEVER EVER be, bitch?? Not even your sons are catholic because you scared them away from the church!!
Oh and my uncles. Here's a conversation by them:
1: Money money new car hah hah, money taxes?
2: New car? Taxes! Money money I stole from the treasury lol money money.
1: LOL money, faked the exports and pocketed the taxes, money new car money.
Me&Dad: ....T_T
Superficial sons of bitches. Well, of one bitch, who thaught them to behave like the church. Now that's lol.
And now one by my cousin!!
Female cousin: "And, like, this guy tried to pay with a twenty-dollar bill, and like, the guy at the bar, tore it off and then burned it!! And then, like, he tried to pay with another twenty, and the guy burned it again!! It was SO awesome! Like, until he used a fifty, he couldn't pay."
Me: T_T
Male Cousin: "Yes, that guy is cool. I invited him a drink, even though I hate his guts, but I got to sit at the VIP table because of that."
I can't fucking wait 'till I?m mature enough to let go of society and join a Buddhist monastery.
For some reason "awesome" was not the first word that came into my mind when I read that...Quote:
Originally Posted by Winged Dancer
I know I wouldn't understand people like that any more than you do. Fortunately I don't have relatives like that, though.