a lot has happened discuss....
it's just shitty that heine died..
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a lot has happened discuss....
it's just shitty that heine died..
ya for sure....i expected him to stay till the very end, and they give him some shitty ass death. so lame. they made him out to be some importatn cahracter too, being a part of FAITH and all. i really liked the flashbacks of that training camp where the EAF trio grew up. and it turns out rey as there too once, or somethng like that.
can't wait to find out what happens
I really like the new OP song! We'll see how the new ending is in a couple of days.
Heine's death was dumb, but hey, not everyone can die gracefully.
Woah, the forum is actually working
but yeah, the op is cool. the eps are really cool and the new gundams will look badass as well btw here is the scale of the Destroy Gundam compared to the Impulse
The new opening is awesome. Episode 25 was pretty cool to, the next episode is gonna be sweet now that Shinn and Stellar meet up again.
freedom kicked everybody's ass!!!! DIE SHINN
new opeining looks like super freedom is main gundam now [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
Seed had the best new opening out of it, Naruto and Bleach. I like how in the beginning the focus is on Shinn and Luna Maria since they both seem forgotten with Kira/Athrun/Ray and omg it's Mwu(however you spell it) with a scar .
he actually has scars all over his body(particularly on his shoulder)(even though I forget how he got them), Im absolutely certain that Neo is Mwu, because a clone would just be stupid.....although lossed memory is reasonalbe
The shoulder scar is important on Neo because its where guy-whos-name-i-cant-remember-but-pilots-Providence shoots Mwu during the last few episodes of SEED. Although i'm probably looking at it too deeply and its just a random scar. ^^;; The new 'Super' Freedom seems to have lost the shoulder cannons and now has an extra rifle and a chest cannon to replace them, so the alpha strike is still possible. It also seems to have a light shield thing, which is only noticable in the intro for a moment, right before the missles explode. The new Justice (as also seen in the intro, twice) seems cool, but I'm wondering if its foreshadowing Athrun's self-destruction of Saviour? =P
woohoo! forums finally up again
any ideas on Rey's memories and all? i think that was Kruuze and Dullindal we saw in that flashback..but i'm not sure...
i thought it was dullindal and the guy with the mask but than without the mask [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]..Quote:
Originally posted by: Roko
woohoo! forums finally up again
any ideas on Rey's memories and all? i think that was Kruuze and Dullindal we saw in that flashback..but i'm not sure...
but i don't know who kruuze is so....
that guy who piloted providence..maybe i spelled his name wrong
oh man the new intro is hot so much good can only be gundam
i don't think that was kruuze, shit the drawing are all the same with neo and kruuze. fucking animators. but yea, freedom kick ass and it will kill shinn and stellar.
Ok, Mwu is definately back, either that or Neo is a clone and he coicidentally has the same scarring.
Anyways, here's my next crazy ass theory.
I think we can all agree that the EA's actions have been very stupid lately, they seem to have no problem pissing off civilians now, and what's really suprising is how the soldiers are going along with it.
Chairman Dullindal is a politician who seems generally intersted in protecting Plant and not wiping out naturals. Then there's this mention of "Logos" by Dullindal.
Anyways: I think Blue Cosmos is currently under the influence of Logos, which is... an alien organization. Logos is taking advantage of the hate between Coordinators and Naturals in an attempt to wipe out the human race.
I think Chairman Dullindal is also possibly an alien as well, or at least, under their influence, except his goals are to just wipe out Logos.
Yeah, yeah, it's highly unlikely...
I'll probaly be laughing at this later.
OMG the forum is back? This can't be! *pinches* OMG!!!!
Anyway, fucking great episodes... VERY disappointed in the new opening. First Gundam Seed song that I don't like. Sooo slow and boring. The opening looks like a shitty AMV. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif[/img]
As for the series it's great as usual, Heine's death was so sad, I know he'd become a fave char if he just was kept alive. GSD is much more unforgiving than it's prequel, lots of gory scenes in ep 25.
You people seriously still think that Neo is Mwu? Remember the flashback of Rey's? Obviously that was Neo next to him... and why the fuck would Mwu be in Rey's past? With long hair? Did he wear a wig?
I love this series.
Definitely Mwu as Neo theres just too much evidence backing it and if its not Mwu then its probably a clone though Terracosmo has a point so it is also making me wonder if its another clone of Mwu's dad and this one just came out with scars due to some sort of experimenting. And I now hate Stellar for killing Heine, BLAST YOU STELLAR. And I personally love the new opening, I think its on the level of the previous one.
I hate the new OP. I was just starting to like the last one, then bam, new OP. From the OP it looks like Shinn will pilot that new Freedom and Stellar pilots that behemoth-size gundam. Personally I think this new OP is a bit too ecchi compared to the previous upbeat action themes.
Yeah, it's been a great couple of eps. Somethings happening finally. Those few eps ending in "past" were so fricking useless that I had no idea why the studio even put them in. The story is finally picking up and I'm really liking it. They'll start focusing more on Shinn which I like, so he won't be on the sidelines. Seems like Shinn and Kira will duke it out but finally join forces against the EA if the new opening has any merit.
Actually a few days ago when I was rewatching SEED I started wondering what happened to 'Evidence-01'. It was randomly prominent during SEED, almost as a way of foreshadowing, but unfortunatly there has been no mention of it at all in Destiny so far. =/Quote:
Originally posted by: XwingRob
Anyways, here's my next crazy ass theory. ... I think Blue Cosmos is currently under the influence of Logos, which is... an alien organization. Logos is taking advantage of the hate between Coordinators and Naturals in an attempt to wipe out the human race.
On another note, it looks like ZAFT will be using Goufs as their new mass production suit, or atleast one of them. Kira was fighting 'blue' Goufs in the beginning and a still picture was shown at the end. Kinda insults Heine even more I think. Not only was he killed off quickly, but now a variation (well, I hope its a variation) of the Gouf Ignited is going to just be random cannon fodder.