Futari H
Does anybody know where I can get more Futari H episodes? I only have season 1 ep1+2 and season 2 ep 1+2. I'm also looking for more manga chapters but the only place I know where to find it is chaotixubs.com, but it seems they've stopped scanlating it.
RE: Futari H
I'm pretty sure they're the only episodes out as they are OVAS.
I've got upto chapter 25, from ton1x but they just host chaotixubs scans.
RE: Futari H
From what I've read on animenfo there are 4 episodes in each season. That would also make more sense because after the second episode it doesn't feel finished. Could you also send me some manga chapters? When I get my USB harddrive back I can tell you which episode I need.
RE: Futari H
nah, 4 OVA's in total.
They may do more in the long run though, just stopping for a little maybe.