Did I just see Zabuza in that preview? Wtf was up with that?
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Did I just see Zabuza in that preview? Wtf was up with that?
ya, i was wondering the same thing. perhaps zabuza tried to recruit kimi as well.....
man acn't wait to find out how zabuza is connected to all this....he was such a kool character. i hope its not just some gay flashback that they put in to get our hopes up
wtf. your supposed to keep this to the 125 discussion thread. that was created to stop a million topics appearing abotu the same episode, i imagine it goes for the preview as well. oh and you CANT have spoilers in a NONE SPOILOR forum.
you should probly save the mods some work and close this your self.
no, read the first post in the 125 discussion thread.....
the mods are classifying preview references as spoilers for the discussion threads now
Look at chambers trying to act like he knows what he is talking about. Idiot.
lol wtf.
maybe the forum descriptions should be changed than, as they say NO SPOILERS. and myabe mut shoud stop being a totaly asshole? but thats never gonna happen.
after seeing it i dont think we can really draw any conclusions about it
we dont know when it happened, before or after zabuza left, we dont know if thats a young haku, all we see it a childs shoulder and we have no idea what zabuza is saying to kimmi
yea i also posted this in the open discussion but i wanted people to see it, so its here now too
I think Kimi probably used to be from the mist village or something. I mean it was clearly Zabuza but the flashback seemed new.
I think it will relate to the flashback we saw of young kimimaro and the flower he looked at. Dont remember what ep was it, but we still didnt get enough background about kimimaro and i think were about to next ep.
Or maybe you just shut up and learn that you're not a mod.Quote:
Originally posted by: chambers
maybe the forum descriptions should be changed than, as they say NO SPOILERS. and myabe mut shoud stop being a totaly asshole? but thats never gonna happen.
As for Zabuza... wow... my girlfriend is at the part in the series were Zabuza take place in (first season) and this is sort of going to be interesting to tell her.
Kimi probably was his friend or something or had some sort of affiliation with Zabuza.
I had to watch the preview twice to make sure I was seeing Zabuza. Maybe Kimi worked for Zabuza since Zabuza and Oro had the same ambitions.
No manga references, please.
GotWoot Moderator
hm... being as zabuza is in his jounin vest and stuff, not in his rogue-nin gear... it hasta be awhile... and the first kimi flashback was pretty damned misty as well.... I GET IT! THEY ARE EX-ROOMMATES!
I dunno, I just wanna see gaara's new capabilities at sand control... he never woulda been able to do that spiral sphere technique, or actually catch lee... not in a million years, its amazing that he actually learned how to use his sand, instead of splashing it on people...
actually rek, it was a splash of sand in the manga ^^;
well, more like an explosion of sand where the bone was about to skewer lee's face, to be precise
Woo, did you see the way mutata saved me from that guy giving me guff??
you're setting him up for his "who are you" routineQuote:
Originally posted by: DarthEnder
Woo, did you see the way mutata saved me from that guy giving me guff??
its kinda like that scene in "king arthur" where the dude "saves" the chick from being raped, then cuts her head off... you just spoke too soon.
What the hell is guff?
its probably german for stuff
Perhaps Zabuza's the one that massacred his village? Thats why he's the only survivor of his tribe?
Originally posted by: DarthEnder
Woo, did you see the way mutata saved me from that guy giving me guff??
Originally posted by:Terracosmo
What the hell is guff?
giving someone problems
aka beef, shananigans,sass,shit
Dont you give me no guff slut or i'll slap yo eye straight