RE: 30 Second Anime Review
Akira- Anime classic- watching this can be the equivelant of a pixie stick- damn tasty and enoyable, but once the sweetness weres off, you want more flavor. Best animation and music in anime- ever. Story can be confusing and you dont really like any of the characters, but if you can get past the flaws, enjoy the show and try your best to wrap your head around the metaphysical stuff later.
Ghost In The Shell 1/2- same as above. Oshii (the director) reallt really really wants to be Otomo. Great stuff, but not for the attention span impared.
Patlabor movies- 1/2/3- Oshii again, but his best work IMHO. Not the mecha fests you might ne expecting, especially parts 2/3- more sci fi detective stories, but with some mechs thrown in. Not for the ADD crowd, but damn good stories here.
Ninja Scroll- Who has not seen this? Ok, you 3 who raised your hands, go to blockbuster ot hollywood video and rent this, now. Ok- back? Next.
Evangelion- Gainax's ego fest and mech mind fuck expiriment. Save yourself some time- go watch the last 2 episodes first- it ok, aside from some minor story spoilers that you really wont understand unless you watch the whole series anyway, if you cant understand or enjoy the last 2, don;t watch the rest. The first parts of the series are awesome,with some great giant bio-mecha fights, but you will get your hopes up for an actual ending that makes sense THAT YOU WILL NOT GET. Unless you are a psych major or have read any one of a dozen eva faqs on the net, you will be dissapointed.
Most Gundam series- Lots of prety mechs, lots of political/social grandstanding that you really dont care about, plot twists that anoy and alienate, and characters you wish would crawl into the barrel of their own hyper-mega launcher to be blasted in to atoms. Aside from that, some great shows here. I love gundam- just not a fan of all the series.
Bets of- IMHO:
Gundam- the original one year war- either the series or the readers digest version movies. Where it all started (unless you count the original sci fi novel seried the anime was based on). Believe it or not, it was seen as being very realistic for its time. Compared to voltron and getter robo, it was the saving private ryan of mecha shows. Aside from a main hero you wish would grow his own pair and/or eat the barrel of his beam rifle, has some great characters- char is one of the best anime villians ever, and has been cloned so many times in later gundam shows its getting to be embarasing.
Gundam 0080 War in the pocket- semi-pretensious parable on the evils of war- live we need to be tild this. Has great animation and some great fights. Worth it just for the mecha, but the sroty is ok too- one of the series I wish they had returned to in order to see where the characters ended up after this story ends.
Gundam 0083 Stardust Memory- Re-hashing and retelling of the one year war w.its own twists, but with 1/3 less anoying charcters. The theme music here srtarted my j-pop collection. Some of the best mecha designs in the gundam universes.
Gundam Z/ZZ- Ok, but both were made strictly to cash in on the gundam cash cow of the 80's. Z has great mecha designs, but the story and characters are anoying as all hell. Only reason to watch it is Char- "hiding" in a secret identity. Right. ZZ sucked, only existed to sell toys and models, most of the mecha designs are attrocious, seems like they souldnt decide between extremely blocky or extremely organic, and the plot read like dbz with bean cannons. My beam gun is bigger than your beam gun, but hah! I had a hidden super armor upgrade that cost $10 billion stuffed in my back pocket! Huzzah!
Chars counter attack- In my opinion, skip z/zz and go straight to this. Feels just like the original series, which it is, but it tried to sum up the whole universal century plot line- it fails, but it tries. Uber-leet mecha though. The Sazabi is my anime-mecha misteress.
G Gundam- Dont bother- sucks.
Gundam wing- G-Gundam +rehashing of one year war +politics that would make henry kissinger cry. Nice mecha, auper annoying characters (exceot for the death scyth guy,they would all be better off actually using that self destruct with them staying inside once and for all). Only reason to watch is for the breif glimpses of the talgeese 1/3, otherwise you can pass on it withouy losing any sleep.
v gundam, gundam x- pretty much like gundam wing, slightly different stories and mecha, each has nice designs, but over all its like deciding between a vanilla chocolate or twist ice crean cone- its all too sweet and bad for you.
08th ms team- pretty good, better than most- on par with 0083, if not better. same anti war sentiment as 0080, but doesnt beat you over the head with it. great designs and memorable mecha. very goos action too. skip the last episode unless you have a soft side, or really like being depresses.
gundam seed/destiny- updated re-hashing of the one year war, w/gundam wing like flavor of the week gundam varieties. Actually, one of the best gundam series- has actual logical story progression and does not rely on oure technobable for most of its sci-fi- some one actually hired a real writer for onse. good job.
Turn A Gundam- what if miazaki and gainax got togetherm had a labotomy, got stoned, and produced a gundam show, but with an american doing most of the mecha designs, the story on prozac, and set in the 1800's. Thats turn a gundam. Enjoyable if you have an open mind, but not for the die hard gundam emcha junkie.
Sorry for the gundam fest, just typing what came to mind.
RE: 30 Second Anime Review
Iria: Zeiram the Animation: This series is good fun. It's about a bounty hunter apprentice named Iria who goes on a mission to save some colonists on a ship with her BH brother. The mission goes terribly wrong when it turns out the colony ship was just a front to transport a genetically engineered terror named Zeiram. Iria spends all 6 eps of this delightful romp battling Zeiram with all manner of interesting weapons and neat tactics. It's got action, gadgets, neat vehicles, interesting locations, tits, big guns and a fella by the name of "Bob." Definitely check it out.
RE: 30 Second Anime Review
Hey Y, ever considerd suicide? I'll send you instructions if you need them.
Post constructavly or get a life.
I know I spell like a dyslexic polish retard raised by wolves. I learned to cope with it- so can you.
On to more:
Ranma 1/2: All series- great maniacle fun- cross gender/species morphing kungfu fighters. Its like every fetish rolled in to one and sugar coated. enjoy.
Full metal alchemist- migth have dropped of the radar of some as the series is finised and the movie is not out yet- great stuff, intelligent and entertaining.
rahxephon- evangelion set to classical music. No penguins though.
lodoss wars (ova series) D&D anime. Swords, sorcery and elves with big, er, ears. Kicked off the fantasy anime explosion of the 90's and now. Dont expect a great story, there isnt one, or non-cookie cutter characters. There are some good plot twists, but average story over all. Great action though, once you get past the whole shwing/shwing/scream sword fights.
And some obscure favorites if you can find them:
Armor Hunter Mellowlink- Votoms spin off about an infantry grunt framed for the death of his squad who hunts down and kills the 12 members of the court martial court that convicted him. Beserk like main character before beserk was created- one of the few humans ive seen who could realisticly (at least somewhat) take on a mecha inhand to hand combat and win. Hard to find, but worhtthe 12 epsisodes if you can get it. Mine was a fan sub I got from a friend in japan in the early 90's
Legend of the galactic heroes- great space opera with huge space battles. Not exaclty 100% realistic, but pays attention to more physics thn 99.9% of the anime's out there. The politics and philosophy of the story cna get tiresome, but at least the story make a little sense. Not for teh ADD crowd either.
Riding Bean- Gunsmith cats beta version. Original story of the bulet proof undercover detective and hisrun in with raly vincent. ols school all the way, and is a one shot ova. but is very entertaining none the less.
Legend of the mystical ninja- aka: the legend of kamui movie- movie version of the seminal ninja manga. Watch this. You cna see the originsd of shows liek ninja scroll, naruto, and even kenshin in this movie. Long movie, like 3 1/2 hours and it adds some very unlikely cameo appreances.
Thats it for now.
RE: 30 Second Anime Review
Short and sweet today:
Ebichu- the housekeeping hamster- adult, very ecchi, but funny as all hell. 18+ only...not at &a fest as the art sucks.
Yukikaze- semi yaoi alternate universe sci-fi flick- great aircraft action, buetiful cg, plot confusing and random. Worth it just for the action though.
Macross Zero- what if miazaki made a mecha flick? This would probably be it. Gorgeous animation and phenominal action scenes- especialy for mecha and macross otakus. Plot above avergae for anime, but still very anime clichied.
RE: 30 Second Anime Review
Noir- chicks with guns, and the occasional knife. Great action, good if confusing story.
Vandread- for those who like a little fan service with their mecha. Not much plot, but more jiggles and cg mecha action for your buck.
Gunbuster (original) great seminal anime classis- must watch for all anime fans. gainax at its best.
Yes, y, Im, still posting in your thread. You might not like my reviews, but I like your idea for the mini reviews for the quick glance. I'll post as long as I think I have something to say. Cope.
RE: 30 Second Anime Review
Fuck off.
I sent Crows_Kill a PM telling him to fucking STOP posting things that violate the rules of the thread. I did this to keep from shitting up my OWN THREAD by having to tell shitty posters such as Crows_kill not to post dumbass two line reviews. He keeps doing so. So here's the public request!
RE: 30 Second Anime Review
Elfen Lied: Nudity and gore backing up an *amazing* story and music. Nuff said.
RE: 30 Second Anime Review
You did that just to piss me off didn't you.
RE: 30 Second Anime Review
No, not really. That's all I can say for Elfen Lied.
RE: 30 Second Anime Review
Rule 2. Please, if you don't want to follow them make a different post.
RE: 30 Second Anime Review
Alright. This is a decent thread... let's see if I can help out.
Ranma 1/2: A classic tale... boy meets girl, boy and girl fall in love, boy and girl get married and live happily ever after.... not. In this particular story, the boy would be Ranma Saotome, the only son of martial artist Genma Saotome, and heir to the Saotome School of No-Holds-Barred Grappling (or anything-goes-school-of-martial-arts... whatever). Ranma has been promised to Akane Tendo, third daughter of martial artist Soun Tendo, who runs the Tendo training hall. The two fathers, who trained together under a single master, dream of their children marrying and carrying on a family tradition of the Martial Arts styles they've brought them up in. However, as the story unfolds, you will find that certain characters have in one way or another taken a dip in one of many cursed springs, which cause them to assume the form of whatever had drowned in each spring last, when doused with cold water. Hot water reverses the curse, but only until the next cold shower. What follows is a story loaded with basic slapstick humor as you watch people try and hide their various curses from others for whatever reason may plague them, with a couple of heartfelt moments in between. The series had several seasons, and at least until the later ones, for good reason. If you haven't seen it, give it a shot.
Golden Boy: Study, study, study, study, study! No anime series, or miniseries, as the case may be, has ever made me laugh as hard as this one. The all-too-short six episode series of Golden Boy follows the adventures of Kintaro Oe, a young man who travels throughout Japan on his bicycle, seeking new eployment experiences to add to his knowledge. Whether it's working as a cleaning boy in a high-tech computer software firm, opposing slick business sharks while working in a humble noodle shop, or even becoming a jack-of-all-trades in an animation studio, somehow, his interests always get tangled up in the interest of at least one woman who he either works for or with, and typically he isn't one for separating business and pleasure. The comedy is base, and usually perverse, but I would recommend this one to most anime fans at least once.
Dragon Pink: Meh. I think a few console gamers got a bit TOO bored and wrote this one out. This small series is an attempt to tell the stories of four heroes in a RPG style video game. There's Santa, the leader: A basic warrior type who makes most of the decisions for the party. He's a pervert and a glutton, but has fair skills with a sword. Then there's Bobo: A barbarian warrior whose personality is largely unseen, but he's the muscle behind the party. Next is Pierce, a female wizard who, while somewhat low in level, still commands her share of power from her spells. When her power runs low, she requires protein to restore it, which of course allows for some of the more gratuitous scenes. And finally, there's Pink: A voluptous female neko-jin who is owned by Santa. Pink is continuously put in perilous situations due to Santa's avarice/gluttony/incompetence/insert random vice as necessary, and most of the party's adventures circle mainly around rescuing Pink from whatever circumstance she ends up in as a result. The humor, what there is of it, is a bit forced, IMHO, and definitely doesn't help what there is of a plot much. I'd recommend this one only if you're into getting off while watching hentai flicks. And even then, it's a stretch.
RE: 30 Second Anime Review
For the sake of brevity. for once, I wont debate the purpose or meaning of the op's posts- I do not think anything I posted would be considered a spoiler, unless you allready knew what i was talking about, in which case It IS NOT A SPOILER.
And in case you missed it y, I was complimenting you on your choice of an interesting topic and supporting it by posting in the thread and keeping it alive. If people liking your ideas offends you, I'm sorry. Yes I did get your pm and chose mostly to ignore it.
On to more-
Phantom Quest Corp- very short ova series about ghost hunting dectives, worth it for the last last ep w/kick ass rotoscoped kung fu fighting animation. kind a cross between master of moaquiton and yyh.
Anything with "gal force" in the title- same human vs:bio-borg and/or male vs female stroy re-told in various flavors. Nothing new here, but is one of the staples from te artnic studios from the 80's and 90's.
Outlanders- classic manabe manga turned in to a so-so anime conversion in the mid 80's worth it or the manga fans just to see their favorite characters animated, but it butchers the manga like 99% of of oher conversions. Its earth vs the alien invaders, with a few interesting plot twists and reversals thrown in to mix it up.
RE: 30 Second Anime Review
Perhaps I shall contribute to this thread. Although I have never reviewed an anime before, and I've only been watching anime for less than a year, so don't take my opinions too seriously [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif[/img]
Ok, I started a thread for this movie a while ago, but it got lost into the abyss because no one had seen it. Therefore, here is my review:
Tokyo Godfathers: Although this is set at Christmas time, it's not your stereotypical Christmas movie. It's about three people living on the streets of Tokyo who discover an abandoned baby. Through a strange series of events, each of the main characters is brought face-to-face with their past in some way and must confront some of the things they'd thought they'd left behind when they went to live on the street. There are some strange twists which keep the story from being predictable. Overall, this movie is just a lot of fun. It has its serious moments, but they serve as a nice balance for a lot of the hilarity. There is also violence and action for those of you who can't watch movies without it. Also, the artwork is very nice. So, go watch this movie. KitKat gives it two thumbs up.