wat is it like and is it compatible with ps2 uk or do i need a freeloader? [img][/img]
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wat is it like and is it compatible with ps2 uk or do i need a freeloader? [img][/img]
Um, which Naruto game? Theres the Narutimet Hero series for Playstation 2 and the Gekkitsu Ninja Taisen series which is for Gamecube. For the PS2, you need to either mod your Playstation or get a swap disk. For Gamecube, then yes, you need a Freeloader.
wat a swap disk
There's also a thing for the PS2 called a flip top. My brother has it and I'm pretty sure its less damaging then the swap disc.Quote:
Originally posted by: NarutoMaster
Um, which Naruto game? Theres the Narutimet Hero series for Playstation 2 and the Gekkitsu Ninja Taisen series which is for Gamecube. For the PS2, you need to either mod your Playstation or get a swap disk. For Gamecube, then yes, you need a Freeloader.
Sasake: I don't know what a swap disc is exactly, but a flip top is a thing that flips up the top of your PS2 and yea.....I don't know, search on google, go to the sites where they sell it, and read. For easy questions like this use google. I'm sure even you can use google.
a swap disk is basically just like it's called. Pretty much like the freeloader, you put it in, load it, and then switch with the game you want to play.
What it does is it frees your console from your region, and temporarily allows it to accept any region until the power is turned off. So if you have an NTSC console it can be region free when you load up the boot disk, and you can play a Jap region game. It's a good idea to have a seperate memory card for different regions just in case.
Both the games on the PS2 are good but you need to know Jap to enjoy the second game due to the RPG mode. Lotsa characters but you do get sick of it after a while due to the long special move cut scenes.
yeah, that kinda happens in naruto 3, but i hear its even longer for the ps2 ones
the gamecube naruto 2 and 3 has 4 player support [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]
I saw some pics of special moves while surfin the web and they look pretty cool, but I don't have a GC and don't intend to buy one. Hopefully Naruto wil be as big a hit as DBZ and will spawn a bunch of Naruto Fighting games for XBox (screw Sony, they get enough fighters as is).
All I gotta say is the 3rd Naruto game for the gamecube is orgasmic.
i think both the games are gd
for my ps2 i have a "mach chip" and that translates and allows me to play burned games and my brother got a burned version all in jap though. You dont need to kno jap to play because as long as u kno the story so far everything makes sense but i'm not sure which 1 i have since its not labeled but its for PS2.