Girls Bravo
so fkin annoying that those fckers licensed girls bravo and now nobody aint subbin it, personally i think that Girls bravo is awesome serie but no, those dumbasses licensed it, does sum1 have any idea if sum fansub group subs girls bravo?
this far i have only raw's of girls bravo and i cant understand a shit of what they're talkin there so it pisses me off
if sum1 has the info bout subbers i'd be happy to hear about.
Moved to Anime Downloads.
GotWoot Moderator
RE: Girls Bravo
as far as i know, the only group that did it was Lunar... good luck trying to find it... maybe boxtorrents, dc++, or irc...
RE: Girls Bravo
The whole series of Girls Bravo Season 1 subbed by Lunar-Anime can be found at BoxTorrents. Hope I could help.