Is there anyplace I could find Gundam Seed whole series episode 1-50 subbed by Aone???
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Is there anyplace I could find Gundam Seed whole series episode 1-50 subbed by Aone???
did aone do it all?
goto the version there is good.
AonE didn't do it all. They stopped when it got licensed. I believe HaroHaro did the rest.
yeah... you need a combination of aone, aj, anime-kingdom, haro-haro... at least that's the combination i have
The Gseed torrent at Box has: Seed-Fansubs, Anime Junkies, Haro Haro, and Dark Arts. If you want a one subber only collection, you should go to Seed-Fansubs channel on Irc, the bots there have all but 2 episodes (I think) of Gseed.
Channel: #Seed-Fansubs
To follow up NM's reply, the XDCC bots at #Seed-Fansubs have episodes 1 to 33 subbed by Seed-Fansubs (on the XDCC list, it has S-I, Aoshi, and A-G as the subbers for 1 to 25. These groups formed the name Seed-Fansubs since it would have probably been a bother to be known by their own group names. So those episodes are by the same people)
In my opinion, this is how I would do it. I would first download the episodes from the two torrents that were given before containing the mixed groups. Then I would get any episodes between 1 to 33 from Seed-Fansubs that are not from them and replace them. Hope I could help.
P.S: Here is the XDCC lists for the bots on the channel.
EDIT: Actually, there are various groups who are doing DVD encodes of it now. KickAssAnime is one of them (up to episode 12), Anime-HQ has released up to episode 30 with DVD quality MKV files (dual-audio with english subs) and Anime-Supreme has released up to episode 5 with DVD quality OGM files. There are probably more out there, it just takes a good search.
I have seen an episode by Anime-Supreme and frankly, I really wasn't impressed. Since it is a DVD encode the opening and ending kareoke are basically non-existent and the translation was par with Seed-Fansubs's. The only plus was that the quality was much better than that of the subbing groups. I have not seen the others (KickAssAnime and Anime-HQ) but it would probably be the same. In my opinion, I would go with the fansubbers, but I have left the option to you (all).
EDIT 2: Made a few changes to my information.
hmm, i've downloaded from boxtorrents, but they don't have the OVA. i can't seem to find the OVA anywhere also...any1 know where to download it?
You can get the OVA at Seed Fansubs channel using Irc.
Channel: #Seed-Fansubs
ahh...nvr saw that on boxtorrents..haha, thnx for the answers