Things that just annoy you.
There are "things that annoy you when you are sleeping. why not "things that just annoy you"
theres alot of things that annoy me.. but i just post the things that truely annoys me
have you ever taken a shit. and then you didnt wipe your ass right. then after a while you get this instantius Itch up ur ass? and in the middle of something ur like AHHHHHHHHHH
Little younins who talk too much for their own good. in the real world and in the internet world
Teachers who bitch at you for no reason
Ghetto wannabe's that have no idea how its like to truely to live in the ghetto... and some people who Actucally live in the ghetto are branded a bad name cause of that (me in particular but watevers)
Anyone else get annoyed by stuff? post it off
Things that just annoy you.
When that dog takes a shit on my lawn.
Things that just annoy you.
Stupid airheads who believe it's cute to imitate Monsters Inc's Boo and go "Boo! Boo!" all fucking day. God, I want to kill them.
People who spit on the street, too.
And people whose first post in these boards is something like "this place is unreliable, maybe I should find other place". Please do it, you wont be missed.
RE: Things that just annoy you.
i tried a thread like this but it was so general and vague that it became a flame fest when people started listeing other members they hate.
RE: Things that just annoy you.
RE: Things that just annoy you.
RE: Things that just annoy you.
-Academy Awards
-People that receive awards and go "omg, omg, thank you, thank you" for 10 minutes
-Little kids that talk shit
-People that find everything to be funny (I know a couple)
-People that argue for the sake of disagreeing with you, even when they know you're right
-people that say "lol" and "rofl" and "lmao" and "roflmao" and "tehe" and "keke"
-l33t people
-Spoiled people
-Undisciplined people
And last but not least, people that start conversations with "Hi, how are you?". That just pisses me off.
Things that just annoy you.
people who talk a lot of shit
people who try and act like theyre smart and know it all
self righteous judgemental people
thats about it...
EDIT: if your so street and ghetto jusdaman where are you from in new york?
RE: Things that just annoy you.
my frend's gf who's a total ditz
total ditzes like my frend's gf. he's gotta dump her ass. seriously, he always complains about her whining like a bitch and she always whines that she doesnt get any attention. guess who's the middle-man? >_<
idiots who hook up with ditzes. we all know someone.
hypocrites. especially annoying ones.
Things that just annoy you.
Originally posted by: -Sharingan-Kakashi-
EDIT: if your so street and ghetto jusdaman where are you from in new york?
See now i never said i was street and ghetto nor do i want to be... if u read correct.y i said that "Ghetto wannabe's that have no idea how its like to truely to live in the ghetto... and some people who Actucally live in the ghetto are branded a bad name cause of that (me in particular but watevers)"
thats to say little young kids who know NOTHING about how tough it is to live there and they trying to glorify it... All they know about the ghetto is what hip hop artists give them. Sure what the artist say is true. but what they do is to try to make a living for themselves through selling weed and other items. I live in the projects but in no way do i want to glorify it. it is not that good there. late at night I have actucally been mugged, got a gun pointed straight to my head. those wannabes don't know anything about the hard ships of living in the ghetto. And i live in LES by the way.
And I just want to stop the talk about this before it starts becomming a flame war.
Things that just annoy you.
People that call my cell before I wake up
People that call my cell with the wrong number
Flies, hate the little f**kers, espacially when they fly near my ear the noise they make annoys the crap out of me.
Things that just annoy you.
Originally posted by: AssertnFailure
And soccer moms.
And Hinata.
RE: Things that just annoy you.
people who take things too seriously.
Things that just annoy you.
Loud and noicy kids
EDIT: "fjortisar" for those of you who nuderstands what i mean [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif[/img]
Things that just annoy you.
joker kun just fuckin anoys me...... the prick
Things that just annoy you.
When a fucking bug bites you when your sleeping
When you fall over cos of stupid objects
Annoying people in your class who make a racket
People whos breath smells and breath in your face
People who brag
Fat people who blame other people/things for being fat
People who cant admit to truth
People who hang up on you when you say "Please, wait one second"
Hate people who stare at you just cos your a different colour
Hate racist bastards
Hate people when they look at you just cos you use chopsticks
Bastards who keep bugging you asking you to teach them chinese
RE: Things that just annoy you.
Originally posted by: BOARD_of_command
-Academy Awards
-People that receive awards and go "omg, omg, thank you, thank you" for 10 minutes
-Little kids that talk shit
-People that find everything to be funny (I know a couple)
-People that argue for the sake of disagreeing with you, even when they know you're right
-people that say "lol" and "rofl" and "lmao" and "roflmao" and "tehe" and "keke"
-l33t people
-Spoiled people
-Undisciplined people
And last but not least, people that start conversations with "Hi, how are you?". That just pisses me off.
pretty much everthing he said
but also
people who blame there problems on others instead of there own poor judgment (like those people who insist on suein mcdonalds for the fact that there fat they didn't force ya to eat it)
RE: Things that just annoy you.
intolerance of other peoples culture
the dutch
[img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img] wait for it, i know its coming...
RE: Things that just annoy you.
As all people here, racism.
People who believe they are all good and nice and "no, I can't get mad because I'm a good person".
Idiots who believe sex is evil and should be done only in marriage and as little as possible.
Girls who scold me for reading/watching porn.
Yaoi fangirls.
Ok, so I watch yaoi as well, I read yaoi/shounen ai manga, but I can't stand it when they just force yaoi into a non-yaoi show. A la Sasuke/Naruto/Neji/Gaara stuff. Jesus, I want to brick them.
RE: Things that just annoy you.
Originally posted by: Winged Dancer
As all people here, racism.
People who believe they are all good and nice and "no, I can't get mad because I'm a good person".
Idiots who believe sex is evil and should be done only in marriage and as little as possible.
Girls who scold me for reading/watching porn.
Yaoi fangirls.
Ok, so I watch yaoi as well, I read yaoi/shounen ai manga, but I can't stand it when they just force yaoi into a non-yaoi show. A la Sasuke/Naruto/Neji/Gaara stuff. Jesus, I want to brick them.
k now u are ageanst racism BUT u say that sex is a good thing and u say that u don't like idIots that keep there virginity till marage..
so actually ure a bit racist 2 that's what i think...