Community Bug Reports & Suggestions
You find them, we fix them!
With all joking aside, if you find any bugs post here so we can fix them as soon as possible.
Also if you want to see something added to the community let us know here as well, if we like the idea or think it will benefit the community in any way we'll go ahead and do it.
Community Bug Reports & Suggestions
I see that comments can now be added to blogs. Is there a way to show beside the blog title or somewhere thereabouts how many comments a blog has? That would be cool.
RE: Community Bug Reports & Suggestions
it'll be in eventually give me some time ;p
RE: Community Bug Reports & Suggestions
Comment thing done, you can now see how many comments a blog has on your profile page.
RE: Community Bug Reports & Suggestions
I'm not able to update my author icon.. whenever I click the update button I get an error saying that my icon is not a jpeg or a gif. It's a jpeg of acceptable size and dimensions but the site wont take it.
RE: Community Bug Reports & Suggestions
Yep we know, keep the one you got till we fix it
RE: Community Bug Reports & Suggestions
Originally posted by: Souryusen
I'm not able to update my author icon.. whenever I click the update button I get an error saying that my icon is not a jpeg or a gif. It's a jpeg of acceptable size and dimensions but the site wont take it.
Same thing exactly is happening to me. I know it's being fixed, just letting you know.
RE: Community Bug Reports & Suggestions
i have a suggestion, there should be a place that lists all the groups created, this way you can browse various groups you didnt even know existed.
also, mut@t@ is a homo.
RE: Community Bug Reports & Suggestions
I've found that doing a blank search for groups returns them all, and lets you see quickly if any new groups have been added since the most recently created ones appear at the bottom of the list. But yeah, some sort of 'List All' button would be cool.
Also, I was thinking, can there be an option to add some custom text to a group or friend invite? For instance, if I was inviting someone to my group, I might want to give them a brief summary of what the group is, or why they should join.
RE: Community Bug Reports & Suggestions
here's a question.....
what happens to invites that are sent to you while your inbox is full? do they just dissappear?
my inbox quickly became full at some point yesterday with the combination of incoming and outgoing invites [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif[/img]
RE: Community Bug Reports & Suggestions
wilik said he doesnt know what the max number of pm's you can have... i think he wa just f'ing with me [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif[/img]
RE: Community Bug Reports & Suggestions
Originally posted by: Mut@t@
wilik said he doesnt know what the max number of pm's you can have... i think he wa just f'ing with me [img][/img]
Wilik I just quoted your biggest bug/problem. You're welcome, goodbye.
RE: Community Bug Reports & Suggestions
Unless I'm doing something wrong, I just can't seem to add friends. The only way I've been able to do that is through the PM's that I've gotten... when I click on "Edit Friends" or "Edit Groups" or any of "My Options" for that matter I get a blank page - well, a light blue page with only the header.
RE: Community Bug Reports & Suggestions
goto the friends page and click Add to Friends
RE: Community Bug Reports & Suggestions
...that's what I'm telling you I can't do. I just get the GotW00t header and nothing else.
RE: Community Bug Reports & Suggestions
you have to goto their profile page and click on 'Add to friends'
RE: Community Bug Reports & Suggestions
Little of topic here but what happend to the GANTZ forum??
Community Bug Reports & Suggestions
don't know if this really matters but when i go to someones profile and click on "see all group's" it goes to a blank page.
and i think you should be able to see all the club's instead of having to look for them.
and how do i disband a group?
RE: Community Bug Reports & Suggestions
Sorry to bring this up again, but I still can't upload my author icon. It says there's either a file error or the file I'm uploading isn't a .jpg or .gif. My file is a .jpg and it meets the size requirements, so it must be something else.
I realise you're probably still working on fixing it, but I thought I'd mention it again just in case. Thanks for the efforts!
RE: Community Bug Reports & Suggestions
Where's the logout button?