Tenjou Tenge
All i need is episode 22 of tenjou tenge and i have the whole series. Direct download or Anti Leach are good but i dont want to use bittorrent. www.National-anime.com and http://bsx-media.com have this episode, but whenever i try downloading it, it always says "page cannot be displayed" on both sites. Does anyone know where i can find this episode?
Tenjou Tenge
Well, can you use IRC? if you can, AnimeOne (#animeone@irc.rizon.net) has an XDCC bot with all the episodes of Tenjou Tenge on it. You can find the list here. Hope I could help.
P.S: If you don't want to use IRC, then you can get Tenjou Tenge from either here or here. Those places should work. Just use Azureus to download that one episode. If you don't know how, post again and I'll show you.