Ends the speculayion of whos what rank
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Ends the speculayion of whos what rank
cool thanks...
i like the way this is heading... and they brought back one of my fav. characters... that lucky bastard...
OK people it seems a lot of NInja's have become higher ranked Ninja's then before.
Shikamaru : Still Chuunin (examiner for up coming Chuunin exam)
Neji, Temari, and Kankurou: Jounins
Gaara: Kazekage (I Think)
All the other Genins: Chuunins
Naruto: Shocked that everyone has surpassed him.
It's cool. Just one question, isn't it require for a Jounins to become an examiner for the Chuunins exam? If i remember correctly, the Chunnins exam that Naruto, Sasuke, and Sakura take before, all the examiners are Jounin, only the examiners' helpers were Chunnin.
Oh, we need translation. anyone?
Damn it, I can't fucking download it!! And I _could_ make a quick synopsis for you.... but I'm in a hurry!!
HOLY CRAP, what a kick ass chapter. Usually I'm really pissed off by the 19 page limit we get every week, but even without a translation it still kicked ass. We got to see the older characters and not one but fricking two atsuki members. For the love of god and everything that's holy someone please translate ASAP.
Also, I told all of you that Garra would become the next Kazekage, eat it bitches!!
badass with gaara as the kazekage and temari, kankuro and neji jounin. this is awesome too cool. also new akatsuki members.
Sounds like the Sand was pretty desperate to fill the power vacuum left after the war.
Everyone keeps mentioning Neji. Maybe I'm blind, but where? I can't see him.
And how is everyone making the assumption that suchnsuch are jounin and that Gaara is the Kazekage? Surely Baki would take the position before him? Is everyone just speculating?
i think i found a new favorite character (second to neji that is), the bird eyed akatsuki kid he/she (curse sexual ambiguous characters the japanese make, and the gender based language of english!!! i will just call it "bird eye" until the name is revealed) has a basass look in my opinion. the type of almost inocent looking person that ends up beating the shit out of everyone. i think its the same person that was hangin upside in 238. the eyes are the same, with the left eye remaininf concealed (perhaps some trick to it? i doubt it) its also confirmed by the fact the bird eye follows most of his/her sentences with "un" .
EDIT: oh yeah... and nejis a jounin... further proof of his badassness. no one will stand in his way now
god fucken damn, AWESOME!!!!!
that was great, i so need a translation, that was quite the chapter.
Is anyone going to do a translation?
So many details that need to be confirmed.
Also why is the chapter out on wensday? I thought it was released on friday or usually we get the raw by late thursday.
theres a public holiday on friday from what i hear.
maybe released a day earlier because of that.
I KNEW IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Awww atkusuki is going after then 9 youma's!!!!! Shusaku is gonna be kidnapped =(
They don't look any different
well going after all 9 youma maybe thats a good idea for them, they'll get 1 youma each.
Damn i knew Neji was good but jounin already the guy really deservs bieng called a genius unlike someone else[img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif[/img]
so called 'scanslations' from some narutofan members
edit: don't dl this. it's crap. it's missing a page and it's liek baekutrhasfsffkhn ;23
I was one mille sec from downloading before i saw your edit.....
that was interesting to say the least, I feel sorry for Naruto for still being a genin(guess he may want to do something about that)
that akatsuki member are pretty cool, the one with the hand might be really annoying IMO, but opinions change.
would really like a translation, but I doubt I will