What would you do to guide naruto to successful in the U.S
We all know that Naruto will eventually come to the United States. When it does it will most likely bring about reckoning far greater then dragon ball z, Yu gi Oh, and maybe even Pokemon.
Naruto is practically a license to print money. So I ask a fun hypothetical question. What would you do in order to ensure Naruto becomes successful in the United States?
First thing to establish is what target demographic to target. Naruto could be shown unedited on adult swim. It could gain a loyal cult following like inuyasha. I believe naruto could reach a far broader audience. Just trim some of the blood and sexual references and it should be okay for day time television.
I would start off by premiering it on WB's saturday morning cartoon block. Giving a start on basic network television ensures that it will get the widest possible exposure possible. Both Yu gi oh and Pokemon debuted on this time block and they have enjoyed more success then any other anime property brought to the U.S.
I would start off with a cryptic marketing campaign. Teasing 11 year olds across the nation with random art work from the series. The less they know the better. I wounld try and generate buzz across the playgrounds across the U.S. Little tykes would wonder "who is that guy in the orange suit. Why are there frogs flying around and who are these guys in the cool flak jackets. I would also tease children with logos of the leaf village and brief glimpses of Zambuza
I would then bring naruto in airing the first handfull of episodes. At first the reaction would be curious but not terribly interested. As time progressed the children would find themselves more and more compelled to see what happens next. Especially as the story moves into the country of the wave story arc. Things would start to gain interest as soon as Zambuza is introduced. Things will pick up after naruto passes the introduction phaze.
Every little kid would then wait desperatly to see how things play out with the bridge story arc. After the first arc plays out I would have reruns to ensure that every kid who hadn't seen it would get a chance because of their friends encouragement. After a month or two of reruns I would then begin to tease people with the chuunin exam and all of the other unique characters that would be introduced. Then I would begin to air the first few episodes of chuunin exam. Then after the first exam things would really begin to heat up as the forest of death started. Thats when I begin the marketing blitzkrieg.
Naruto tie in deals at burger king. The introduction of the naruto card game. Action figures, toys, and of course the video games. New episodes would premier once a week and they would also be rerun constantly. Things would only gain more momentum. One thing I love about the chuunin exam is the pacing. It just keeps building up. As the suspence builds so do the profits. Hehehehehe
What would you do to guide naruto to successful in the U.S
how bout dont release it in the US
or put it straight to dvd unedited with a choice of subtitles and good dubbing, not shit dubbing as often happens
RE: What would you do to guide naruto to successful in the U.S
Mild cutting? They would probably try to cut episode 2 out entirely, cuz Naruto is clearly a bad influence on the kiddies (promote peeping and such).
RE: What would you do to guide naruto to successful in the U.S
Episode 2 can still be aired. It would have to be modified a bit to suit american tastes, but i could be used on American television.
Basey_69 your thinking with a very narrowminded perspective. A DVD release without dubbs would suit the fans but not the masses. Bringing Naruto to the states would be killing the thing we love but the end result would be license to print money. Hell you could affort to import kishimoto and force him to write new chapters in exchange for food.
The skies the limit. Just think about how you can make naruto successful. It will come to the states. The good news is that it probably won't come for another decade or so, but when it comes it's going to be huge. Jump on the Naruto gravy train while still or spend the rest of your life regretting it.
RE: What would you do to guide naruto to successful in the U.S
It has to depend on who licences it. i mean if it's someone like pioneer or 4kids, look at the earlier DBZ episodes and Sailor moon episodes.
Seans kickboxing adventures. come on now.
If i was a licencing company say... funimation or VIZ (which out of most company i like them best) First... Fire ALL voice actors, script writers and stuff. Hire the staff of Aone-Anbu. We pay them and we get to use their subs (most of fansub is better than company sub). For voice actors... Audition their voices. In american movies people audition for animated feature films. Leave every Battle song the way they are.. (we dont wanna hear "just lose it- eminem" in the haku fight)(ugh Tokyopop).
Good quality= more audience=more profit. OH YEA... make the dvd affordable for people. come on now 5 dollars per episode is kinda OD. I think... It costs around 3-5 dollars for a dual layer dvd... so.... i say maybe 10 dollars per dvd for sale (each dvd containing 4 episodes).
As for tv audiences... Maybe, MAYBE WB. but I would think Cartoon network adult swim. Or Tech tv's anime unleashed. I think that would be good. UNEDIT for cable. and in WB maybe take out blood scenes and language (not like there is much on the original anime anyway). Kids needa grow up anyway so for episode 2... edit the script alittle.
After a while when it gets bigger than DBZ, yugioh, pokemon. Release TCG's, toys, and stuff.
RE: What would you do to guide naruto to successful in the U.S
It's all about exposure. Putting it on the anime unleashed programming block is the perfect example of product suicide. It's on really late at night plus the overal distribution of of the G4 tech TV network is limited at best.
The adult swim is a better bet but it's still a niche market. Naruto has a mass appeal that crosses demographics. Start naruto off on the WB so it's easily available to everyone. Then bring it to cartoon network for daytime television and eventually prime time. Also you can't wait to long to introduce the merchandise. Yu Gi Oh missed the ball and all of the tie in merchandise came after it hit critical mass and started to lose mass appeal. Yu gi oh almost became as succesful as pokemon but lost momentum before it could make it's way to the cover of time magazine.
Naruto's pacing works perfectly for television. During the Chuunin exam it just keeps building up till the story reaches the climax of the war. Can you imagine what it would be like to be a 11 year old and slowly watch the build up and see it culminate in a huge ninja war? Hell you might still get older people like parents who are forced to watch it with their children getting into naruto.
RE: What would you do to guide naruto to successful in the U.S
Naruto wont make main stream TV, there is simply just too many episodes at this point and no sign of an ending.
just as Kenshin didnt make TV, it'll probably go straight to DVD
RE: What would you do to guide naruto to successful in the U.S
Errr i thought Kenshin did make to American TV. Hell i just saw it on Cartoon network last week.
Naruto's not to long. I mean common the entire dragon ball z series has played out on cartoon network. If anything more episodes are better since it means theres a large quantity of content that's ready to be put on the air.
RE: What would you do to guide naruto to successful in the U.S
Originally posted by: Insomniac
Naruto wont make main stream TV, there is simply just too many episodes at this point and no sign of an ending.
just as Kenshin didnt make TV, it'll probably go straight to DVD
Are you crazy? Cartoon Network must've aired every DBZ episode 50 times. Just because a series is long doesn't mean it wont make it for mainstream TV.
RE: What would you do to guide naruto to successful in the U.S
lol yea DBZZ had 276 episodes in english.
Speaking of DBZ... jsut call Naruto the new DBZ... that will bring over masses of people.
RE: What would you do to guide naruto to successful in the U.S
I'd begin by never showing it at all.
RE: What would you do to guide naruto to successful in the U.S
I would deffinetly not mind it coming to the U.S at all. It would just be something for me to watch.
Terra- what do you care if it comes to the U.S, you live in Sweeden or someplace.
RE: What would you do to guide naruto to successful in the U.S
Because if it comes to US some fuckhead in sweden will eventually decide it's good and dub it horribly?
RE: What would you do to guide naruto to successful in the U.S
yea! and besides he lives in sweden. not sweeden. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
RE: What would you do to guide naruto to successful in the U.S
I think some of you are missing the point. I'm not asking about what you would think if naruto came to the US i'm asking for an answer to a hypothetical question. What would YOU do if you were in charge of bringing naruto over to the states and marketing it towards the masses. I'm not talking about Funimation or 4kids or any other licensing group. YOU are the person in charge so what will YOU do?
RE: What would you do to guide naruto to successful in the U.S
Yeah, I'm pretty much the only one who answered correctly.
What would you do to guide naruto to successful in the U.S
im in the uk and uk censorship in reacent years has slackend a lot for a dvd release these day theres almost nothing you can't show as long as its not racist
a dvd release of naruto would unedited easiley get a 12u rating (meaning you would have to be 12 to buy it) being animation it wouldn't suprise me if it got a PG rating that just means the guy behind the counter is required to ask "would your parents approve of you purchising this product?" (they never do anyway) i can see nothing at all that would need to be edited for a uk release and 11-13 ish seems to be the ideal market for naruto .... but im guessing they'll aim for the preteen market of hyperactive naruto's
who are more likley to get suckered in by the over hyped marketing campain, excesive merchandise and the all my friends have them so i need them brain washing oh and not to forget the inevitable macdonalds happy meal toys that'll have kids getting more obese just so they can collect the whole set
i don't know much about u.s censors but it can't be that much differant ...its just a guess but the same thing will happen its just a case of quantity over quality
sorry for the bad grammer but im the next hokage you should know what to expect by now [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
just out of curiosity do i come off as being very bitter in this post ?
What would you do to guide naruto to successful in the U.S
Insomniac, Kenshin did make it to U.S TV, and Naruto is very likely to make it to mainstream T.V (I know one of the high ups of cartoon network mentioned being interested in Naruto)
I personally think if Naruto ended up on TV (v_v) it would be Adult Swim. Though Naruto is a marketable series, I just think its better suited for there. Unless the person who told me this was wrong, I was told that One Piece isn't doing all that well or as well as it could be, and One Piece is one of Japan's most popular anime series, so I don't think just because it is a marketable series that it will always work out being put on childrens programming. When you think about it, Inuyasha was a good marketable series as well and it was a family series in Japan, just like Naruto, but ended up on Adult Swim.
Though something like kids wb and foxbox is open to more viewers, it isn't really tailored for it, because it's meant to be watched by children, which is it's primary audience, so I think either way , being on AS or foxbox, audience can be limited. And I think even though Naruto was meant for a younger audience, in terms of US context of childrens show, it would have to be edited a lot, plus I think it tends to have a tone that I would think better suits AS. Thing such as (death of characters, pretty tragic/violent pasts, peeping/Jiraiya, young character bent on killing someone, violence, Orochimaru =P)
Naruto is Naruto because it has all of those elements, I think that if they were edited out for a children audience, it wouldn't really be the same. Besides, Naruto is circulated in the US Shounen Jump and it's rated for T for Teens, so I think just going along with that, should go on AS.
Also, I don't think that if Naruto was aired on AS, it wouldn't be as marketable. I mean, much of the time the top selling anime DVDs are Inuyasha DVDs and that's an AS program, plus I know Viz has a number of Inuyasha merchandice, so even if it was put on there, it could be marketed. (being that it's anime the must lucrative aspect of it would be the DVDs since Naruto isn't a collectible card game based anime like Yugiou and Pokemon) So with that in mind if a company other than 4Kids gets ahold of it they could get their moneys worth just showing it on AS.
**though of course i don't want to see it on TV, but know it could happen **
RE: What would you do to guide naruto to successful in the U.S
Originally posted by: Terracosmo
Yeah, I'm pretty much the only one who answered correctly.
and what a good answer it was, but still it woudl take about 150 years for it to come to sweden after released in the U.S by then we are already dead so it doesnt really matter....
RE: What would you do to guide naruto to successful in the U.S
One piece isn't doing well on the foxbox (Although now i think the names been changed to 4kids tv because the entire programming block pretty much consists of 4kids anime) because of it's awful marketing and really really bad dubbing. I don't think anyone could ever get me to watch it again, especially after seeing the new rap opening (shutters at the thought of it).
Both Yu Gi Oh and Pokemon were very succesful on the WB saturday morning block. They are both also now on prime time on cartoon network. Adult swim will always be designated for niche programming and naruto has to many great components to be just a tiny niche show with a cult following.
Don't forget there is also a card game based on naruto. I don't know if it's any good but it does probably generate money. The dragan ball z cardgame was also pretty successful in the U.S. Naruto can make to mainstream television.