Problems with Bit Torrent
I used to be downloading at a total of about 30kb/s on Bit Torrent, Azureus is my client. In the past week, I heard that my ISP has done something with the ports and now my downloads are literally at 0kb/s and about ever 10 minutes I may see it at 1.5kb/s...
There are times when the download may go faster, but I am not getting a consistent rate and I am downloading a pathetic 18.5MB in 5 hours of uptime.
I have a 384k Broadband connection, my Azureus has a NAT problem, so I get the "yellow smileys" (doesn't really worry me much though). The ethernet cable runs from a split unit that is somewhere in this condominium straight into my computer, so there is no router in between.
Back to the problem, I only know my ISP has done something to a port, but I'm not sure which one. Many people that are on the same ISP i heard are also complaining about bit torrent running at horrible speeds.
HTTP downloads work well, but I can't be relying on that. So my question is...can anyone help me? Is there a solution to get my Bit Torrent up and running? There is only one ISP that I can get in this condominium (which sux big time because they're expensive and there are faster and cheaper connections).
I have heard about being able to fool your ISP if they try and inhibit ure torrents from running by playing around with the ports, but I don't really know how to do that. Please someone help, I seriously do not know what my ISP is doing. They are also not giving me many details!
Problems with Bit Torrent
don't know if your exact issue is port forwarding and not having the necessary ports open to allow connections for bt but if it is and you use a router then you might have to do some port forwarding. i can't remember it in detail and im not quite clear on your problem so meanwhile go to the search feature of the forum and search port forwarding and there might be some threads about this problem that have gotten good answers. i know a couple of ppl had problems with closed ports giving them low bt speeds in the past.
once again im not clear on your problem and if infact the ports being closed is what you need to solve then there would be different ways of dealing with it depending on if you have a router or not.
RE: Problems with Bit Torrent
well i've tried to persuade my ISP about port forwarding, but they don't want to...I don't have a router myself...
I've even tried changing ports, but I only received too many NAT Errors...
I guess it's off to mIRC for me since that works better than bit torrent at the moment...oh well, thanks for you help anyway! Appreciate it [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]