Episode 14 Discussion "Spoilers"
*as the title says spoilers*
Well I had to watch the episode twice. lol Damn what an ep. I posted the opening in the other thread and I don't want to have to repeat. But damn what an ep. I really enjoyed this one I must say. The scenes with the wedding and Yuna are just priceless. What a whiner. lmao. We get to see the new Murasame in its flight mode. Looks nice. And you guys remember the captains of the ORB fleet ships. Well they get a scene. I really like that guy... Its still just a raw and I'm not sure about everything being said. I was so caught up in the animation this time. They have even really improved that in this series over SEED. The music too I really like the new ending theme. Its really good. We learn who piloted the orange Zaku from the intro.
I have already started hearing more complaining and whining from people who have seen the intro. All I will say is looks like Mwu is back.... Some form or another. Mwu is back. I can't wait to see.
RE: Episode 14 Discussopm "Spoilers"
Where did you get the torrent???
Episode 14 Discussopm "Spoilers"
Download Episode 14 Raw
Best episode ever, just because Yuna didn't get what he wanted.. and whined like a 5 year old. The only thing better would have been Yuna getting killed, or atleast smacked away as Kira went to pick up Cagalli. Although, now i'm curious as to how well the Archangel can fight underwater and if they brought strike rouge with them. I like the new OP, the music is a nice change of pace from the OPs in seed.
Episode 14 Discussopm "Spoilers"
Well, from what the opening told us, it looks like Cagalli will be fighting again. And what Gundam could be better suited for her than the Gundam Rouge?
Awesome episode, I laughed so much I could cry when I saw Yuuna whine like a little fool. I hate him so much, he deserves anything bad. And I just have to mention that how could not Archangel be the winning concept, they have Desert Tiger (can't spell his name, sorry about that), Mariou (can't spell that either), Kira, Cagalli and Lacus. Three SEED and the veteran crew from the last war. They are gonna rock so damn hard. Hope they get Athrun Yzak and Diakka soon as well [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]
RE: Episode 14 Discussopm "Spoilers"
why don't you cocks post where people can get the raws/subbed versions when you make a thread like this?
Episode 14 Discussopm "Spoilers"
Apparently people don't bother reading any posts. I have posted the practically the same link whever i do a post and said it countless times all the time. I get my torrents from Tokyotosho. Thats never changed and most likely won't unless the site goes down. If it does I'll start saying where I get the rest. Most ppl generally only care about subs anyways. Just look for the raw where you normally look. Can't believe some people are so lazy.
http://tokyotosho.com/ for the whiners and lazy people who can't look for torrents themselves. Bookmark the damn thing...
Direct Links:
Saiyaman Raw
RE: Episode 14 Discussopm "Spoilers"
Originally posted by: Mut@t@
why don't you cocks post where people can get the raws/subbed versions when you make a thread like this?
Because everyone aren't as lazy as you.
People don't ususally look into a spoiler thread if they don't know the contents of it... That would be like shooting yourself only to know the feeling of getting shot not thinking about the consequences.
RE: Episode 14 Discussopm "Spoilers"
Gurdian you have wrote that it was raw so we didnt get happy for no reason.....
RE: Episode 14 Discussopm "Spoilers"
i didn't even want the raw, i only said for the other lazy people. and i don't care about spoilers.
RE: Episode 14 Discussopm "Spoilers"
Omg! Finally we get to see Kira kick some ass.
RE: Episode 14 Discussopm "Spoilers"
dammit, its sunday and still no sub!
RE: Episode 14 Discussopm "Spoilers"
Gundam Seed Destiny 14[AnimeChounin]
RE: Episode 14 Discussopm "Spoilers"
bartfelds gundam looks cool.
decent ep i think they went a little too far with making yuuna cry. fun ep otherwise, freedom completely dominated everyone easily
RE: Episode 14 Discussopm "Spoilers"
hahaha isnt this the 3rd fiance that kira stole....
1st - Flay from Sai
2nd - Lacus from Athrun
3rd - Cagalli from Yuuna (even though theyre siblings)
RE: Episode 14 Discussopm "Spoilers"
Ah hahahaha!!! You're right. This is the third fiance he stole. What a pimp.
Kira > ALL.
I laughed so hard, I almost woke up my mom. Wow...Freedom totally owns. I wish we could have seen the ORB suits transform. That would have been a nice tough. I wonder if Yuna wet his pants...
RE: Episode 14 Discussopm "Spoilers"
OMFG FREEDOM OWNS ALL. I LOVED HOW yuna was crying like a little pussy. WOW lol cant wait until the serious fighting. FREEDOM OWNS HAHAHAH.
RE: Episode 14 Discussopm "Spoilers"
First of all great episode. Second of all i must admit myself to being a jackass after watching the new opening. Jiraiya you were right i was wrong...i guess i said shinn wouldnt get the new gundam cause i hate him so much. And it also looks like freedom wont be destroyed...maybe they're gonna leave it as the semi-main gundam? well either way ep 14 was really good, liked the new opening and endings too. Cant wait to see how they play in the 3 stolen gundams and raul laflaga or is it "phantom pain"? We finally see Saviour in action next ep also...cant wait...
RE: Episode 14 Discussopm "Spoilers"
Great episode. If you look really hard at the new opening when it looks like freedom spreading its wings then going towards that really big mobile suit, it looks like freedom has 2 swords on its back, like from sword strike Gundam, then in the top left of that image you see freedom again.
RE: Episode 14 Discussopm "Spoilers"
oh shit!! After i went to see what LordGardenGnome was talking about It just told us somthing about that mask guy. He is the fraga guy probably did you see the captains face. DAM i keep forgeting names the captain of the archangel was freaked when she saw him without a mask dam!. ITs FRAGa
RE: Episode 14 Discussopm "Spoilers"
Why must the intros spoil so much for us?! Oh well...
Did that whole Freedom vs the big black gundam remind anyone of G Gundam by any chance?