Chouji, Neji, and Kiba.....DEAD!?
Isn't it funny how everyone thinks Chouji and Neji are dead in the Anime forum. I mean they did make the endings of their fights a little more dramatic but when I was reading the manga I knew for sure they wouldnt have all died. Especially Neji since he is such a beloved character. They never actually showed them dying, just falling unconcious. For the spider guy that Neji just beat, you knew for sure he was dead because of the heart that stopped beating. But well I guess the question is, did you actually think they would kill off Chouji, Neji, and Kiba like that? Personnaly I thought Shikamaru might have died from that broken finger.
RE: Chouji, Neji, and Kiba.....DEAD!?
well then you must not have participated in this forum much when we were there in the manga.....
cause nobody here knew for sure if neji and chouji were gonna live either
RE: Chouji, Neji, and Kiba.....DEAD!?
back then i too wasn't sure that chouji would've made it back alive (wished he died, but that's another story). But anyhow way way back I remember people thinking that Sasuke was dead when he passed out during the fight with Haku.
Chouji, Neji, and Kiba.....DEAD!?
Originally posted by: Kagemane_no_Jutsu
Isn't it funny how everyone thinks Chouji and Neji are dead in the Anime forum. I mean they did make the endings of their fights a little more dramatic but when I was reading the manga I knew for sure they wouldnt have all died. Especially Neji since he is such a beloved character. They never actually showed them dying, just falling unconcious. For the spider guy that Neji just beat, you knew for sure he was dead because of the heart that stopped beating. But well I guess the question is, did you actually think they would kill off Chouji, Neji, and Kiba like that? Personnaly I thought Shikamaru might have died from that broken finger.
we heard the heart noise for chouji too. maybe hes dead too if thats what your saying.........................
Chouji, Neji, and Kiba.....DEAD!?
Oh I guess I missed that then jing.
Chouji, Neji, and Kiba.....DEAD!?
i didnt doubt that they would live. it was mostly discussion about why ppl wanted chouji to die but not neji. no one discussed all that much about weather or not they would survive.
RE: Chouji, Neji, and Kiba.....DEAD!?
well i thought chouji was going to die, and a slight possibility to kiba but i really didn't think much of kiba, but i didn't think neji was as i think his character has just been renewed and this is the first mission we see from him or something big for his character that we see since the chuunin exams.
i thought chouji would have been the one to die, but he lived, well all did but, yeah.
Chouji, Neji, and Kiba.....DEAD!?
Originally posted by: Pervert-Sennin Jiraiya
i didnt doubt that they would live. it was mostly discussion about why ppl wanted chouji to die but not neji. no one discussed all that much about weather or not they would survive.
i wanted them both to die even though i like neji. but all things considered anyone dying during this mission would have resulting in shikamaru quiting... because... well... hes a quiter. when you really think about it when everyone was saying that choujis death would further shikamarus development no one took into consideration that shikamaru would quit. and personally i still think that as long as neji is alive hinatas growth potential is null. sigh... the last chapter of the actual storyline proves that hinata will remain a useless character.
RE: Chouji, Neji, and Kiba.....DEAD!?
actually with him quitting would've been development he would have gone all sulky and what not, but then being able to recover from that with his friends and yada yada
RE: Chouji, Neji, and Kiba.....DEAD!?
what the hell. my time machine worked.
RE: Chouji, Neji, and Kiba.....DEAD!?
Chouji, Neji, and Kiba.....DEAD!?
quiet, dont annoy him. if his time machines working now he might go back and fuck ur mum, making himself ur daddy
Chouji, Neji, and Kiba.....DEAD!?
Chouji, Neji, and Kiba.....DEAD!?
good one, first time in a while that i laughed out loud reading on the forums. i didnt concider growth potentials or anything i just said if one dies both dies(chouji and neji)
Chouji, Neji, and Kiba.....DEAD!?
Chouji, Neji, and Kiba.....DEAD!?
The animites were more clever than I expected them to be, as far as Neji's "death" is concerned; some of them (correctly?) concluded that when Neji really dies, the final activation of his seal (to keep the secrets of byakugan safe) will get more than 0 seconds of screen time.
Still, I can't wait for their reaction when they realise that no more good characters are being 'killed' (when the reinforcements arrive just in time), and some of them start thinking that maybe 1-2 good characters actually might die - 'death' scenes for all of Naruto's comrades would've made anyone dying too unlikely, in their eyes, but limiting the deaths to only Neji and/or Chouji ought to make a few of them bite their nails for a while, out of anxiety. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]
Of course, it might be a humanitarian act to remind the animites that Shizune is nearby and the hokage is a medic ninja, and that it would be strange if nothing ninja-medic-style was done at all to help the group... I think the "disappointment" of not getting any expected casualties should be dampened a bit, for their sake.
Chouji, Neji, and Kiba.....DEAD!?
yes a medic team should be expected and they came, the strange thing is that they wear all white not so camoflage if the enemies got scouts behind the allies.
RE: Chouji, Neji, and Kiba.....DEAD!?
I thought Chouji would die. I didn't think Neji would, though.
RE: Chouji, Neji, and Kiba.....DEAD!?
I just ... didn't care. I took each chapter as it came. Why bother working yourself up about it? Meh I say. MEH!
RE: Chouji, Neji, and Kiba.....DEAD!?
I thought choji would survive, wasn't too sure about neji. Kiba, didn't think he would die either.