Heres an article you all might enjoy
Recently i found an article">[/S</a> about a journalist who stated his opinion and was then bashed to hell by a bunch of ppl.
The really funny thing is, the guy served in WW2 and was decorated, and now hes being called unpatriotic, lol.
i especially like the excerpts they gave of ppls letters. i love it when uneducated ppl (ie: hicks) bash others without even wondering if what they're saying is correct or not.
my favourite is the last guy, Mel Gibbs:
"The Patriot Act will put both of you (Neuharth and Mitchell) on trial for treason and convict and execute both of you as traitors for running these stories in a time of war and it should be done on TV for other communist traitors like you two to know we mean business"
"We own America and all the rights, you people are trash, go back to Russia and Africa and take your friends with before we put you on death row after a fair trial." headed americans....u gotta love'em.
[Disclaimer: this post is not meant to be offensive towards americans. although im sure most of u already know this, theres always a few ppl who can't get it thru thier heads. Also, it was not meant to start a debate on the war or anyhtign else like that. its just somethign u might enjoy reading. if u didn't enjoy is and are offended for some reason, i couldn't care less.]
Edit: heres teh article, incase the link doesnt' work....and i dont think it does.
Some Readers Want to Lock Up Al Neuharth
Apparently, it is now an act of treason to offer an editorial opinion on the Iraq war that goes against the conventional wisdom.
By Greg Mitchell
(December 29, 2004) -- Unless you've been living in a bubble the past few months, surely you know that the partisan divide in this country has grown wider with each passing minute and that increasing numbers of Americans hate or at least distrust the press. They have their reasons, of course, and some of the reasons are even right.
Some among us, however, may not recognize how virulent the anti-media strain has become, and the possible consequences. So let the following case history serve as an eye-opener or reminder, as the case may be.
On the Thursday before Christmas, Al Neuharth, former Gannett bigwig and founder of USA Today, suggested in his weekly column for that newspaper that the U.S. should start bringing home our troops from Iraq sooner rather than later.
This hardly seemed like a radical, traitorous notion. For one thing, it appeared in an opinion column, and surely, in our country, every American has a right to his or her opinion? Secondly, it came at a time when, according to the latest Gallup poll, a majority of American believe it was a mistake to invade Iraq in the first place, and feel the war is not going well for us.
Finally, since so few in the media have called for a withdrawal, you would think those who strongly support the war would not feel unduly threatened by one man's opinion. The New York Times, for example, wants the U.S. to send more troops there.
Yet, our brief article about the Neuharth column (which did not endorse his position) got linked at numerous other Web sites, and drew more letters than virtually any story we have ever posted. We presented a few excerpts from those letters, pro and con, in a second article on Dec. 24, but we did not quote from some of the nastiest--and, believe me, there were plenty in that category to choose from.
Just to give you an idea of what's out there, in the zeitgeist, here are a few additional extracts. Sadly, they represent dozens of others in the same vein. (More letters on Neuharth appear in Wednesday's USA Today.) One should keep in mind that Neuharth, besides his professional accomplishments, served his country in World War II as an infantryman in France, Germany and the Phillippines, and won a Bronze Star.
George Wyman: Mr. Neuharth is simply UnAmerican.
Jeffrey A. Norris: Cowards and traitors like Al Neuharth want all the comforts they know and enjoy, without a sacrifice to buy it.
Frank Butash, West Hartford, CT.: Apparently it's easier to run with jackals than to stand up for your country when it needs support.
Kenneth Genest: They had two of these in World War 2. One was called Tokyo Rose and the other Axis Sally. Their job was to discourage the American soldiers. I see they have one now at USA Today.
Dan Clawson, Fresno,m CA.: "A disgrace to the men and women who serve. USA Today supporting the terrorist cause."
Jerry Martin, San Francisco, CA.: Yet another self-defeating fool with a large bank account shoots himself in the foot. Their dissent equals treason. The terrorists got him just like all the other rich liberals who side against our victory. They forget that wars end, and then the country takes stock of who was where. I encourage the fool to keep mouthing against our victory over the Muslim jihad, he'll pay the social price in the end.
T. Conway: Mr. Neuharth has made a serious business mistake. Watch the circulation drop over the next year. The Los Angeles Times experienced the same drop after they attacked Gov. Schwarzenegger...some never learn. P.S. What side did Mr. Neuharth fight for in WW II?
Peter Kessler: And as for the good war, WW II, the lefties were four-square for that one. Yes sir, they were saving the USSR, Stalin and Communism. It's sad we didn't join Hitler until he wiped out the USSR. Alger Hiss and the Uptown Daily Worker (The New York Times) be damned. I see you've joined the club. Well, you're probably a founding member.
Joe McBride, Fort Dodge, Iowa: Mr. Neuharth, thanks to you and your ignorance the terrorists are probably booking their flights to the U.S. now! If we pull out of Iraq with the job unfinished the terrorists will be bombing McDonalds, and blowing up malls and schools here, killing our innocent men, women and children.
Craig Wood, Waianae, Hawaii: Today's press undermines our troops and supports our enemies. They convince parents that supporting your President is dangerous. They concentrate their ire on any fight that involves the United States and ignore all others. Like the sex scandal in the Congo with United Nations forces&. But, let some Army private put panties on an Iraqi's head and all hell brakes loose.
Duggan Flanakin, Austin, Texas: Neuharth should be tried for treason along with a lot of other blowhards who should be spending their energies condemning the barbarism of our enemies, the same people who destroyed the Twin Towers.
Boots Harvey, Brentwood, CA: One must recall that Churchill had to put up with the likes of Lord Haw-Haw, William Joyce, and his propaganda during WWII. In the end William Joyce was executed for giving aid and comfort to the enemy during war time. Would that the same fate befall Al Neuharth!
Mel Gibbs: The Patriot Act will put both of you (Neuharth and Mitchell) on trial for treason and convict and execute both of you as traitors for running these stories in a time of war and it should be done on TV for other communist traitors like you two to know we mean business. This is war and you should be put in prison NOW for talking like this. Who the hell do you people think you are? You give aid and comfort to our enemies and aid them in murdering our proud soldiers. You people are a disgrace to America. Your families should be put in prison with you, then be made to leave and move to the Middle East ...This is a great Christian nation and god wants us to lead the world out of darkness with great leaders like President George W. Bush and Dick Cheney. Communists like Al and Greg will soon be in prison and on death row for your ugly papers. We won the election and now you are mad. We own America and all the rights, you people are trash, go back to Russia and Africa and take your friends with before we put you on death row after a fair trial.
And then, on the other hand, we have this:
Justin Iovenitti: We seem to have forgotten the value of discourse. His opinion piece urging the quick return of troops from Iraq is nothing more and nothing less than that: an opinion. There are Americans on both side of this issue, but neither can be disregarded as unpatriotic. The only way we betray our soldiers is through apathy. Unfortunately, we are more apt to hear he who yells loudest over the less audible voice of reason.
Heres an article you all might enjoy
Originally posted by: Assassin
Recently i found an [S= 12[/S]https://article[/S] about a journalist who stated his opinion and was then bashed to hell by a bunch of ppl.
my favourite is the last guy, Mel Gibbs:
"The Patriot Act will put both of you (Neuharth and Mitchell) on trial for treason and convict and execute both of you as traitors for running these stories in a time of war and it should be done on TV for other communist traitors like you two to know we mean business"
"We own America and all the rights, you people are trash, go back to Russia and Africa and take your friends with before we put you on death row after a fair trial." headed americans....u gotta love'em.
i get so mad every time some american loosely throws around the word communist. i hate it when uneducated people just use that word to assosiate it with any evil person. i mean first off the ideal of communism isn't that bad at all the idea that all people would be common and therefor everyone would be treated the same. sure its been corrupted a few times in history but damn look at our democracy its been just as corrupted. america founded on the ideal that people would have a place to live out their belifes without the worries of oppression, but look at us some one makes a statement and people are ready to kill a man.
and sorry it's a bit early for me and i'm a little grumpy
RE: Heres an article you all might enjoy
ok, that mel gibbs guy- did he just say this is a great christian nation? leading the country out of darkness? muslims are suddenly evil??
rofl!! aw man, it still surprises me how ppl can take ther religion so damn seriously and actually associate everyone else as a pagan or jus plain evil. but thats jus my opionion. dont shoot me for it [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
o, and about that diss towards the russians and africans: wtf?? man wut kinda crack was this guy on wen he wrote THAT part? hahaha *beings looking through list of ppl of other ethnicities willing to work harder than that hick*
btw, if anyone's gonna say anything to me about wut i sed, i dont care, shut up.