Originally posted by: CmDr_RavEn
Let this be a lesson people - don't buy an iPod.
Buy a cheaper machine with better features.
Sorry, just being an ass.
you're not an ass, i totally agree with you. it just like what you said in the "The OMG I Wanna New Bike Thread!", the ipod is overrated. i know a couple people who own an ipod and they all seem to always have problems with it. i have a creative zen 30gb mp3 player (never had a problem with it), but it doesnt have all the features that an ipod has and i dont really care about that because i bought my mp3 player to PLAY MP3s and thats all i expect it to do. plus the prices for an ipod are pretty ridiculous compared to other perfectly fine mp3 players. a 5gb mini is so expensive and it would never be enough to hold my mp3s and a 40gb is $400! money that can obviously go to better use...but hey if you're rich or got it for free you're just one lucky bastard.