Beserk Downloads?
Can someone send em a link with Berserk episode downloads? Bittorrent or Direct dowload, either is fine.
Thanks in advanced
Also, i didn't want to waste space on the forums so ill post this here.
Where can i find small bittorrent packages of naruto episodes 54+? When i say small packages i mean like 3-5 episodes in each. Also, direct download is still good =D
Thanks in advanced, again.
RE: Beserk Downloads?
i dunno about small packages, but you can get the naruto ep packs in 10's, and then just set it up with 3-5 eps downloading, and the other ones on 'Do Not Download'.
lokitorrent has berserk
Beserk Downloads?
Aone's Scarywater Tracker
The link above is for Aone's torrents. You can get the episodes of Naruto that your looking for here. Their not in small batches like you asked for but you can do what Kai said and just set the episodes you dont want to "Do Not Download".
Naruto Chaos (Direct Downloads)
You can always use IRC (Internet Relay Chat) and find episodes of Naruto from this program. You can most likely get the Naruto episodes from Animeone's channel. The Server is Rizon and the Channel is #animeone. You can get IRC from here: mIRC