Bleach 12 up raw
http://bt.fmaforums.com/download.php...5D.avi.torrent for the YeyRaws
http://saiyaman.info/bt/download.php...AW.avi.torrent for SaiyaMan's.
Should be most excellent. Lunar needs to catch you kids up already. =b This is the week that Bleach begins to excel, I'm talking about unparalleled brilliance.
RE: Bleach 12 up raw
where's ep 11? that was never released
RE: Bleach 12 up raw
yea what happened to the subs??
RE: Bleach 12 up raw
Heh, honestly, no clue. ANBU/Keep had theirs, but ANBU broke off and Keep is only at 6. Lunar haven't ran one in a couple weeks now (10), so I've been impatient and watching raws. I will say this: 12 is by far the best episode so far. Friggin' awesome. I'd say anyone would live with a speed sub on this one, it's that good.
RE: Bleach 12 up raw
They're probably all on holiday break.
RE: Bleach 12 up raw
That actually sounds pretty likely. It wouldn't be like them to just drop an unlicensed series that gets 50k+ downloads right when it starts to get great, cuz boo. And 13 is up here in a couple days.
RE: Bleach 12 up raw
Holiday break is most likely the case. I came back to my home about a week ago, and I hardly ever go on the computer now.