Upcoming Events.... SEED Destiny Thoughts
Well to start this off. I'd like to show a picture i just got ahold of. Thank you /mecha
Click at own risk... Spoiler
Freedom is back... Hot damn. And check out ORB's new MS "But why are they and Freedom fighting?.?. Not to mention that archangel has returned. I am curious about the packs on the Windams and that new MA. It looks like a Zaft Design yet there we have Impulse wrecking it after losing a leg.
Edit: New orb suit is supposedly called the Murasame and is based off Freedom. And it looks like episode 11 might explain what Freedom is kicking their ass. ORB is gonna join the Alliance. Which we know Cagalli is strongly against.
Upcoming Events.... SEED Destiny Thoughts
...everytime I watch the intro I expect Lacus to pop out of her top.
Every time.
RE: Upcoming Events.... SEED Destiny Thoughts
There is a 3rd ship in the background, to the top left of Minerva, it might be the ship that has Chaos/Gaia/Abyss although i'm too lazy to actually check. (err, actually now that I look at it, the 3rd ship is actually Minerva sending Impulse another Leg Flyer) >.> The green Zaku with Minerva is a bit out of place, Lunamaria's Zaku isn't there either, while Rey's white Zaku is to the far right. Also I don't think Orb ever got ahold of a neutron-jammer canceller, but if the new suits are based off of Freedom then would they be nuclear powered as well?
RE: Upcoming Events.... SEED Destiny Thoughts
Originally posted by: Barumonk
Also I don't think Orb ever got ahold of a neutron-jammer canceller, but if the new suits are based off of Freedom then would they be nuclear powered as well?
I hope not... Freedom is rediculously powerful. If every suit Orb craps out hits like a ton of bricks then this series'll start feeling like Wing real quick.
RE: Upcoming Events.... SEED Destiny Thoughts
Purely rumors I've heard concerning this pic.
Thing is from my understanding this could happen in the next few episodes. ORB is gonna join the Alliance and turn over the Minerva possibly??.. The word is Kira doesn't like this one bit and hops in freedom to lead the minerva out of ORB safely... Then the new Murasame are let loose and Kira as usual jsut incapacitates them. I guess the alliance sends some Windams as backup to capture Minerva. Supposedly this is where Shinn recognizes Freedom and launches out and starts fighting it. But Kira doesn't fight back. I wonder what Shinn's response is..
RE: Upcoming Events.... SEED Destiny Thoughts
well if orb had nuclear gundams... when freedom destroys them, wont they blow up creating a massive explosion (nuclear bombs) so i highly doubt they will come out with nuclear suits and mass produce them, unless they give them to the best pilots.
RE: Upcoming Events.... SEED Destiny Thoughts
Its just the basic design spawned from the Freedom only cheaper to make.. They aren't copies. Just like the daggers don't have phase shift but are based off strike, dual, and buster. I bet they will have similiar weaponry just in a more limited strength. Manueverability should be comparable as well.
RE: Upcoming Events.... SEED Destiny Thoughts
Originally posted by: intense
well if orb had nuclear gundams... when freedom destroys them, wont they blow up creating a massive explosion (nuclear bombs) so i highly doubt they will come out with nuclear suits and mass produce them, unless they give them to the best pilots.
Given what we've seen I don't think ORB's current government is above using human guinea pigs as gundam pilots, like those three on Neo's ship and the three towards the end of SEED.
RE: Upcoming Events.... SEED Destiny Thoughts
Can i ask you people why u think that's Freedom?
Could be Saviour instead...
RE: Upcoming Events.... SEED Destiny Thoughts
Originally posted by: Goingin
Can i ask you people why u think that's Freedom?
Could be Saviour instead...
Cuz it... um.... looks exactly like Freedom? I guess they COULD make a MS that looks just like Freedom and call it Savior...
Nah.. it's Freedom.
RE: Upcoming Events.... SEED Destiny Thoughts
Originally posted by: Goingin
Can i ask you people why u think that's Freedom?
Could be Saviour instead...
cause saviour is um? RED! its the new justice if you want to call it that.
concerning the pic i like what i see, and guardian your theory sounds quite good to me, kira would do something like that. i just hope he busts out freedom in the near future and i want saviour to join up to. im curious on how they will twist it so kira fights shinn i mean will shinn change sides? he is clearly going for a fight against kira.
RE: Upcoming Events.... SEED Destiny Thoughts
Didn't know it was red, ep 11 ain't out yet [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]
RE: Upcoming Events.... SEED Destiny Thoughts
Savior is the red gundam that they have shown in the intro. The one Athrun is associated with at the end of the opening.... Just so you have a better idea of what the gundam looks like. I can't take credit for the theory. Its just the bits I've heard that seems most plausible to me.
Upcoming Events.... SEED Destiny Thoughts
Hands together to Gunota. They got some new MS info. Apparently that green MA or whatever is Alliance.. Wary this could spoil some of the upcoming story for you folks. Orbs new ms transform. This is gonna be a great couple eps coming up. I can't wait I'm gonna go nuts on Christmas. Also A translation of the picture above before the cool mobile suits. Remember descriptions go right from left in Japan so look at it that way. Some juicy info. This is gonna turn everything upside down again I think. Cagalli and Lacus are both in danger. And the big thing is the people after them.
Image Translations
Orb Escape Epic Battle! 1
Dagger L
"Equipped with the Jet Striker, they attack from the skies."
"The Earth Alliance's newest mass-production model MS. Excelling in mobility, it nimbly swoops down."
Blaze Zaku Warrior
"Equipped with the high-mobility Blaze Wizard, it confronts the enemy!"
Leg Flyer
"To provide backing for the damaged Impulse, the Leg Flyer is sent out from the Minerva."
Also shown: Blaze Zaku Phantom, Minerva
Orb Escape Epic Battle! 2
"The neutral Orb having become partners with the Earth Alliance, Minerva departs Onogoro Island. But on their way out, the Earth Alliance's MS forces had been waiting with their main unit, the latest model MA Zamzazar!"
Impulse Gundam
"The Impulse facing the huge Zamzazar while its leg is destroyed. But there's still a great number of foes!"
"It moves over the water swiftly. With huge claws and many powerful cannons it also carries equipment which deflects Minerva's main armaments."
Freedom Gundam Restored!
"Kira and company, realizing that Lacus & Cagalli were in danger, rush out of Orb for the sake of travelling on their own path of righteousness but Orb's army tries to prevent that."
Freedom Gundam
"The machine Kira flew in the war 2 years ago. Possessing nuclear power, it's a high-power MS and can also shoot down enemies in all directions at once."
"Orb's new mass-produced MS. It chases the Freedom, which took Cagalli away..."
"Murrue, Waltfeld and others fly away on the Archangel, which had been hidden."
New MS info and images.
UMF/SSO-3 Asshu - Amphibious variable ZAFT MS. Used by the forces attacking Lacus in episode 13. Both hands have combat-use claws and machine guns, missle pods and beam cannons are on both shoulders, and both feet are equipped with combat-use claws.
Zamzazar - Earth Alliance underwater MA. Has a giant body of unique shape. 3 people are used to fly it (one for the main section, one for the claws, and one gunner). The limbs have combat-use claws and cannons and in the head is a positron reflector, which can deflect a battleship's positron cannons.
Dagger L with AQM/E-A4E1 Jet Striker - MS-use Striker pack developed by the Earth Alliance for atmospheric air battles. Consisting of a dual propulsion apparatus, both wings have beam cannons and missles, rockets and other things can be latched on. A unit for mass-production machines, it's also possible for the Windam to use.
Murasame - Orb's newest mass-production MS. Transforms into a flight form.
MBF-M1 M1 Astray Shrike - The M1 Astray with the EF-24R Flight Rotor Shrike flight unit attached to the back.
DESTINY MSV: AGMF-1000/AAL ZAFT military-style main forces mobile suit Zaku Warrior Assault Landing Type "Noctiluca"
Sorry, Sorry: Forgot in the Ep 10 discussion someone mentioned the new opening. Well the 2nd Opening song is "Pride" by High And Mighty Color. Take a Sneak Peak
RE: Upcoming Events.... SEED Destiny Thoughts
lol omg guardian... your the best!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! thnx for all this!!!. ive been expecting some translations fo rthat picture... at least now we know that kira and company will come out very very very sooon!!!!!! i just cant wait until that happens... oh and the second intro sounds pretty coool.
RE: Upcoming Events.... SEED Destiny Thoughts
Looks like so far the events of the image have started coming to pass. And the new mobile suits are appearing. And freedom shows up in next ep "13".
RE: Upcoming Events.... SEED Destiny Thoughts
I suppose I'll treat you guys to something abit nicer. A promo for "PRIDE"
Click HERE: Windows Media Player "PRIDE"
RE: Upcoming Events.... SEED Destiny Thoughts
RE: Upcoming Events.... SEED Destiny Thoughts
The pains and grief of having ones password not work rrrrgh... Anyways more chipper mood.
Sorry for the delay with the info. I found out yesterday and it was my birthday. Episode 14 preview screenshots. Someone's getting married. I am betting thou that this wedding is gonna be broken up. we can only hope atleast.
Image 1
Image 2
Make your own conclusions about whats gonna happen. I just can't wait till 11 EST tomorrow. Freedom rises again.
RE: Upcoming Events.... SEED Destiny Thoughts
i would guess that that marriage is yuna and kagari. some great info there guardian but just to be a pain in the ass, edit your posts instead of double posting [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif[/img]