Hullo all, I am back, I moved, lost connection without notice...anyway god to be back.
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Hullo all, I am back, I moved, lost connection without notice...anyway god to be back.
welcome back joker.
good to see you get your 5mbit connection.
Welcome booby-kun [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
Well Im New and i dont know u but il say welcome back anyway
Yay, joker is back! I hope moving went well. I think it would suck to have to move in the middle of the schoolyear. Anyways, welcome back dude.
welcome back
Sucks to move in winter.
Sup joker, long time no see man. WB
use the search command next time, im sure topics like these already exist
welcome back joker
now u can download porn again! im happy for u
Elite!!! Where have you been I havn't seen you in ages.
Oh man, joker-kun is back, even though I almost have no idea who he is. I just recognize the name and avatar, hehe. Welcome back man
Glad to see ya on GotWoot again Joker!
welcome back
Welcome back Joker-kun. you were really missed..*tear* but you're back now yay!
I think I got back at the beginning of the summer, before that I was too addicted to Planetside, the only MMOFPS and the best game ever. I'm still addicted but now I'm able to combine anime, manga, games, gotwoot, and friends.Quote:
Originally posted by: joker-kun
Elite!!! Where have you been I havn't seen you in ages.
Welcome back Joker. It's good to see a familiar Anyway, at one point or another a lot of us took time off of gotwoot for one reason or another, but we always come back. Gotwoot is that one drug you just can't get out of your system.