sub's out by Seed fansubs at animesuki
dammit theres onyl 1 seed rite now :< super slow dl
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sub's out by Seed fansubs at animesuki
dammit theres onyl 1 seed rite now :< super slow dl
Haha I was one of the first 40 people done.
It was a pretty disappointing episode. It had no action at all, and the talks weren't going anywhere far. The main things that happen are:
-Minerva blows Junius 7 up, but it shatters into thousands of pieces and those fragments hit Earth hard
-there's a new "mystery woman" introduced and she's connected to Dulindal
-Jibril is evil and plans to destroy PLANT
-Athrun gets closer to Lunamaria and farther from Cagalli
-Kira and Lacus are still useless
Oh and I thought the fragments hitting Earth part was pretty unrealistic. I mean, there's simply no way for objects travelling at that speed to have the same impact power as large meteorites. Plus, they seem to blow up like bombs when they hit. I think the producers went a bit far with this idea.
just cuz theres no action, doesnt' mean its a bad episode. i personally loved it. it was a nice break from teh constant fightign of the past few eps.
the best part in my opinion was when athuran is sharp shooting, and everyone else is amazed at his crazy skills....u know ray is jealous of athuran, u could see it on his face.
as for the explosiosn, its not unrealistic at all.....somethign that heavy, travellign that fast, and falling from that height will cause that much devestation.....its simple physics. E = K + Ug + Uo, where E is total energy, K is kenitic energy, Ug is gravatational potential energy, and Uo is any other potential energy (like flammable materials or whatever, on the colony).
[img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-blush.gif[/img] sorry, just felt sort of nerd-ish rite now.....but ya, the shockwave from something that heavy falling from orbit would destroy quite a bit of the landscape...notice though how entire cities were not destroyed, just selected areas, whereas a meteor would pretty much annihilate all life on the planet
aaannnywhoo.......good ep over all. cam't wait for kira to get off his lazy ass and do something....oh, and ya, who's that women? i get the wierd feeling its the captain from the archangel. dunno y
I think the part with Lacus singing her song during the destruction. Best part of the series so far IMHO. I want that song if anyone can find the full mp3.
ok this is scaring me.....neither PSJ, Guardian, or terra have posted about how muh they loved/hated the ep.....and its already been a day!!!!!
I've been busy and couldn't download a raw, however here follows the obligatory fanboy post.
First off, Board of Command sucks. So what if there was no action. Several plot threads were revealed such as more about why the Junius 7 drop actually happened... and lots of character development. Plus some really funny dialogue (such as when Shinn suggested what Athrun should say or when that random guy said "Oh no, again!" when Shinn was about to have another of his awesome verbal beatdowns on Kagari). God I love Shinn, he's quickly becoming my favorite Gundam main character and at this pace he might turn out to be the pissiest one as well. He sure can prove what an idiot Kagari is. I also liked how Lacus still does her random singing and the new song is quite nice after hearing it a few times. I liked the target practice at the end, I'm a fan of those things... just showing what the crew does in their spare time.
Oh and unfortunately for the anti-Shinn people (I'm looking at you PSJ) he ended up saving Athrun, not the other way around. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif[/img]
That's only a matter of the person with the strongest machine.. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]
IMHO i think Shinn is a bit selfish, he acts like he's the only one who suffered
(That opinion got a bit countered by the fact that he has sympathy with Athrun)
Until now i think all the characters in Destiny are cool, they all have their own experiences with their past which makes em great individuals
Can't wait to see em all find out about each others pasts [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]
Oh yeah, the new song by Lacus........ DAAAAAAAAAAAAMN IT'S GOOD!!
Got the goosebumps when i heard it [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
Maybe. But Shinn still saved Athrun despite the fact that Athrun thought Impulse couldn't do it.
Shinn? Selfish? The only person he "acts like he's the only one who suffered" around is Kagari, because she keeps coming with stupid statements. As far as I can see he is friendly to everybody else as well as understanding, because what he says to Kagari is about the suffering of the people down on Earth and he had sympathy with Athrun etc. So I don't know where you get that impression.
Face it, Shinn owns you.
Oh and looks like there will be some new characters next week.
Sorry was gonna wait till the fansub then got held after work. I watched the raw early saturday morning. For those of you wondering that mystery girl is mostly the Lacus clone/impersonator. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img] I mentioned there are two of her in the ending remember. In the shiloutte you can see her hair piece. Atleast thats my big theory that I shall stick with. I really like what this ep gives us besides Shinn saving Athrun which I noticed kept PSJ quiet [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif[/img]. Athrun does some owning in the target arena.
The chaos that Junius Seven leaves and the destruction is gonna be quiet awesome. I hope to see some mobile suit battles in wrecked cities. I loved that battle in 8th MS team versus the Norris's custom Gouf. But anyways overall a good ep. They've got to have a few for plot and character development. SEED-Fansubs does it again with a really good translation from what I can interpret. Waiting to watch the ANBU one
Yeah, and I think that is the one we saw Athrun protecting in the intro.Quote:
Originally posted by: Guardian_2000
Sorry was gonna wait till the fansub then got held after work. I watched the raw early saturday morning. For those of you wondering that mystery girl is mostly the Lacus clone/impersonator.
I think shes a lacus too. Because Plant need a Female idol like luc was during the old plant. Since luc is a coordinator they prob have her dna and cloned her. I dont think anyone knows where the other luc is (real one) But thats my guess.
Nobody owns me [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]Quote:
Originally posted by: Terracosmo
Face it, Shinn owns you.
I just think he overreacts towards Kagari (wasn't it Cagalli btw?)
To say it short, he blames her for the death of his parents and sister while it wasn't even her or her fathers fault...
They just got caught in the crossfire when Orb got attacked
Ah well... sometimes u need someone to blame everything on [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
(I'm not saying Shinn sucks ass, i like all the characters in GSD because their personality's make the serie one of a kind. Just trying to counter your "Shinn owns" thing [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img])
He's not blaming Kagari. He's just making her shut up when she tries to act like she knows shit. He'd do the same if someone else said as stupid things.
Actually, Shinn is a "poofter" who doesn't know shit about the world or about fighting, he's a selfish little bitch who keeps on whining about his suffer and pain and is too blind to realize that Cagalli has gone through hell of a lot more battles and pain than he has.
She knows a whole lot more than he thinks, just as Athrun told that girl whatever her name is :S
Anyway, it was an awesome ep, just love Lacus singing, it is sweet. Naturally Athrun would be saved by Shinn, Shinn had a Gundam whilst Athrun had one of those other units who can't take shit and doesn't even have shape-shift armor. If it would have been Athrun in the Gundam, not only would have have saved Shinn, he would also have blown Junius 7 into oblivion...
So that's how it is...
Love to see Kira talking with Athrun in ep 8, Wonder what they will be talking about, hope it is Kira saying that he will help out ending the upcoming war or something [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]
terra i started liking shinn after this ep. this time kagari's stupid-ness got to new heights, i mean the former stuff she siad was tolerable because she said things like that through out all of seed so you kinda got used to it but this time she just said to much stupid stuff. and shin critizising(sp?) asuran was a nice touch to all of it. now to the coolest guy this far in the show asurans target practice was awesome hitting bulls eye evreytime, you could see how envyious rey was [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img] and his comment afterwards "well talents like this wont do you much good anyway" and lunamaria "you can protect your friends from the enemy" arusans reply was just awesome with that evil eye glaring thing "what enemy" or somewthing like that. just awesome. to the scenes with the debris blowing up various places on earth was really nice it gave me chills and when they added lacus singing it was just unbelievble. btw am i the only one that thinks jibril is awesome? he knows exactly how to play his cards i love that guy. letting junius 7 fall just so he can frame the oordinators for it he really do love his job or mission or whatever you would all it. how can you not admire such passion? lastly my guess is that both asuran and kira thinks about the coming war and if and how they will try to stop it, their troubled faces and all ending the ep. this ep was the best so far.
Ikari: So what if Kagari knows more? She says stupid things. Perhaps if she actually started acting like someone who knew war she'd earn Shinn's respect. And as you can see, Kagari gets stunned every time meaning that Shinn has a point. So what if he "whines"? He has the right to. Damn. People...
As far as Jibril goes, PSJ, he's the coolest anime racist so far. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]
I dont like how Destiny is turning one of the toughest characters in Seed into a meer pile of shit....
Cagalli should be able to defend herself better and put a sock on Shinn's mouth...
No one in that ship knows what Cagalli is all about and all treat her like an ignorant fool... but I'm sure that she is holding back because if she threw everything she had in her mind she would leave Shinn shitting in his pants....
We all know that it is a matter of time until Luna Maria seduces Athrun... now will he fall for it...
and god damnit Kira.... get your ass a mobile suit and do something
Maybe because she ACTS like an ignorant fool. Damn people, why are you defending her so much?
Sure she was in Seed... but she had a pink damn mobile suit (can you say Spice Girls?) and didn't really do much of importance that other characters didn't do better. Yeah she was a captain, but how well did she perform as one? Far from being my favorite character. She better be more useful in Destiny.
Don't you think it takes guts for a little girl to take a renegade force to try and stop the war? I think that's far from being useless... at least she was trying to do something....
And so far, what has made her look like an ignorant was not believing that mobile suits were still necessary...
But in episode 7... tell me... what did she say that was absolutely ignorant??? Huh... absolutely nothing....
In fact she was supporting Athrun for going out and trying to stop Junius 7... and she was being thankful to him for minimizing the damage of what Junius 7 could have actually done...
So... tell me... what is it so bad of her to tell her husband "thanks for helping" instead of going over and ranting on how "you are useless and should have never gone out on the first place"
She did nothing wrong on episode 7... Shinn is just in a state of paranoia
Okay, i say we cut Cagalli out of the serie, and then what?
Shinn will be a pussy because he has no one to bash
It's like Flley in Seed, u hate her but the serie needs her, they all play their part in the story
Like the whole package or don't watch..