Originally posted by: Shippou-sama
Actually, you can fish in SWG, but you can only catch (iirc) 7 different types of fish. Also, it's a very unimaginative system.
I played SWG from day one (two, actually, only a handful made it in on Day 1), and stuck with it until a couple months ago. I quit because I had nothing to look forward to. Master a bunch of professions, fill a house with a bunch of rare crap that took forever to get and nobody will ever actually look at, earn lots of money, and you still get shafted. A year-long veteran who has mastered over a dozen professions, seen and killed all but a few of the hardest creatures/NPCs, gathered all of the rarest items, amassed a hefty fortune, all without a single exploit, no handouts from other players, and I still get stuck in the last group of people up for the "priviledge" of running hours of quests to slowly earn a small portion of what is needed to become a Jedi.
Now, I wasn't playing it for Jedi, but frankly, that's all I had left to do (until the expansion, which I wasn't terribly concerned about). The fact that two of their biggest publishes never actually amounted to anything (droid invasion/Imperial crackdown) didn't terribly bother me. The fact that they even MADE a Jedi class (thus, a profession that is inherently better than any other profession) didn't upset me enough to leave the game. The fact that their entire system of unlocking that class was to master as many professions as possible didn't ruin it for me. What bothered me was their complete lack of concern for the majority of their players who spent their time in game, and instead catered to the every whim of the players who had nothing better to do with their time than hang out on their forums whining that they lost a fight to some class so that class must be overpowered is what made me leave. I can understand balancing, but when you "balance" a class, and suddenly the number of people playing that class goes from 100,000 to 5, I think you have a problem.
If you enjoy it, more power to ya. I'm not disappointed with my time spent in game, I just didn't feel like playing anymore. Do have fun, though. =P