NBA comes down on players
The NBA just gave a stiff penalty to the players that were involved in Friday nights melee in Detroit.
Artest out for rest of season, Jackson out 30 games, Oneal 25 games, and Wallace 6 games.
I hope this sends a message to other thug wanabee athletes. I am not saying the fans were not wrong, I believe some of the fans should see jail time but the players clearly fucked up by going into the stands. Aside from this there will be lawsuites.
The NBA also has to have preliminary courses for all athletes on how to deal in these situations, pervention is better than cure.
NBA comes down on players
NBA comes down on players
i think the punishment was a bit more than what the players deserved. yes, they should've restrained themselves but still, the fans got what they deserved. all those pussies would've ran if it was just a nba player against them, one on one. those fans are fucking pathetic. it's disgusting.
jermaine o'neal should get the 'best punch' award. he flew in across and did a slider punch on that dumbass fan.
imagine what would've happened if artest was hit in the fast with a brick instead of a cup or whatever it was. nice of nba and its fans to show respect they have for the players. wow, i'm so mad.
EDIT: response to below:
i don't know what the hell you are talking about. what's so intimidating about laying down the commentator's table and keeping himself out of the fight? of course, it's not the best place to be laying around but it's not provoking anyone or anything. i'd say it's 70% of the blame should go on the moronic fans who thought they could slip in a act of stupidity and get away with it. the fact that the players are getting punished so much for it shows that the nba doesn't give too much shit about them. granted, the fans are paying to see a nba game but that doesn't give them the right to fuck with the players NOR should paying to see a game grant the audience safety after they were the ones to initiate the fight. the justice system is so fucked up that people can hurl objects at people who isn't doing anything and that are completely vulnerable and still probably manage to get away with it because the player's reactions. but the fans don't give a shit, i bet a dozen of them will be millions richer soon.
if i were artest, i would've done the same thing but would've kicked the shit out of more fans. it'd be worth the bullshit season suspension. i hope artest isn't apologetic for it. go nba players.
NBA comes down on players
Wow I just watched the video of it right now. If anyone hasn't seen it yet, it's here
I would have to say that was intense. Artest was being a faggot in the first place by lying on the score table of the opponent's court. He should've just went back to the bench like players in that situation usually do, but no he chooses to be an idiot and intimidate the fans.
Then again, the fans were real undisciplined for throwing drinks at the players. It's obvious those guys were never beaten by their parents when they were kids [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]
NBA comes down on players
artest is gangsta.
No he's a fuckhead, gangstas get respect!
Originally posted by: Mut@t@
i think the punishment was a bit more than what the players deserved. yes, they should've restrained themselves but still, the fans got what they deserved. all those pussies would've ran if it was just a nba player against them, one on one. those fans are fucking pathetic. it's disgusting.
jermaine o'neal should get the 'best punch' award. he flew in across and did a slider punch on that dumbass fan.
imagine what would've happened if artest was hit in the fast with a brick instead of a cup or whatever it was. nice of nba and its fans to show respect they have for the players. wow, i'm so mad.
Yeah but these athletes were punching randomly hitting anyone they thought was suspect, imagine if you were minding your own and a 6'8" hulking NBA player is smashing your head in with his fists.
Believe me the punishment from the NBA will be nothing compared to when they get taken to criminal court and all the lawsuites that come with it. They can even be found guilty of criminal assualt and spend some time behind the bars pushing turd.
Artest did not need to go into the stands like an outlaw, security should have taken care off it but regardless of that Artest has no control over his anger, he has a record of this shit.
Good riddance to bad rubbish!
if i were artest, i would've done the same thing but would've kicked the shit out of more fans. it'd be worth the bullshit season suspension. i hope artest isn't apologetic for it. go nba players.
So you would end your career because of having beer thrown at you?
NBA comes down on players
i agree that artest should've restrained himself but the fans were dumb to cause such incident after there had already been a scuffle between the players. emotions are running high and everyone is on their toes. the shitty job by the security is also a part of this. if artest had done nothing, obvious it wouldn't have escalated into such madness but the fan who did it would've gotten away with it and that's bullshit. it's just a lose-lose situation.
but anyway, the two guys wearing pistons jerseys that ran down on the court got what they deserved. those idiots.
Originally posted by: Himura_san
if i were artest, i would've done the same thing but would've kicked the shit out of more fans. it'd be worth the bullshit season suspension. i hope artest isn't apologetic for it. go nba players.
So you would end your career because of having beer thrown at you?
i don't know if artest's career is over. he's just suspended for the season. obviously his previous behavior had a lot to do with the level of suspension he received. when i said i'd do the same thing, i meant that if i was an nba player, without artest's bad record, and got shit thrown at me, i would've whooped that fan's ass too.
NBA comes down on players
Originally posted by: Mut@t@
but anyway, the two guys wearing pistons jerseys that ran down on the court got what they deserved. those idiots.
I agree with this.
RE: NBA comes down on players
well that certainly is cool.
but i think the penalties are a bit harsh.
NBA comes down on players
Well, looks like Artest will be getting that 'time off' he wanted.
Lets not forget, he doesn't know what the word "integrity" means. Hope he asked his dad about that.
About laying on the scoretable -- that was wrong. He shouldn't have done it. What transpired after that is a whole different story. I'm not saying he shoulda been fined for just that, but he's putting himself first (like he always has) instead of the game. His little "I wanna win the championship/MVP" speech is bullshit. Anybody thats seen Ron Artest pre-album knows that he's pretty much a selfish peice of shit.
I like to see Ron get an invitation to a party at Jayson Williams' house, quite frankly.
Oh, and also, a fight broke out at the South Carolina-Clemson football game as well. Not as bad as the NBA brawl, but bad enough. And the vibe awards stabbing as well.
Now, if youll excuse me, I'm continuing my protest against the MNF skit with Terrell Owens and Nicollete Sheridan. I dont want T.O. to act anymore!
RE: NBA comes down on players
no, artest is gangsta. so is oneal and jackson.
the pacers should get a award for most fans knocked out.
RE: NBA comes down on players
haha most fans knocked out.
sometimes fans have to know that they should just watch the game and stop ruining the game by throwing shit around, its fuckin stupid and going down into the court.
NBA comes down on players
he owneeddd, i liked that flying attack .
RE: NBA comes down on players
It's hard to tell from the video how it all started. What happened exactly to make him lie down on the table?
RE: NBA comes down on players
I have rewatched it many times and I think that Artest is the scapegoat of this incident. His history did not help him at all. If you watch the video, you will see that compared to Stephen Jackson, Artest was a teddy bear. Before the fan fight started Jackson was trying to scuffle with the Pistons players and then later decking some of the fans in the stands who were trying to get Artest off that first guy. I think Stern gave the heavier fine to Artest because he instigated this but IMO Jackson caused the most damage. O'neal got into it with another stupid fan when he was exiting the court and got dowsed, but his incident was minor compared to the other two. I'd like to see Jackson take on Ben Wallace next time he's in a fighting mood.
NBA comes down on players
i thought the punishments were harsh and uneven, but stern is just trying to make a statement, and lets face it artest wanted the year off anyway. way i think about it is the nba, knowing they have so many players like artest who come from projects should have more security in place. not just guys from the hood would react that way though, i think anyone would get pissed off if they got a cup of beer thrown on them and think they knew who it was. then the idiot fan who threw the cup started sucker punching artest from behind. they can say all they want, oh they should restrain themselves, but theyre still normal people and most normal people would fuck up a guy if someone threw beer on them just like artest did.
the punishments were very severe, but the nba needed someone for public example, and artest fits the mold, he has made himself one of the most infamous players in the league even before this brawl. stephen jackson's 30 games compared to artests shows stern was just making a statement. i say the fans were to blame, some even started charging the courts after artest was already restrained.
EDIT: about this
"Believe me the punishment from the NBA will be nothing compared to when they get taken to criminal court and all the lawsuites that come with it. They can even be found guilty of criminal assualt and spend some time behind the bars pushing turd"
the nba isnt that stupid their players are safeguarded, once you buy your ticket your on your own as a fan, on the back of the ticket it basically says that your going to the game at your own risk and the nba or its players cant be sued etc. the only guys that will go to criminal court is that fan who threw the chair and the first beer.
RE: NBA comes down on players
Originally posted by: CmDr_RavEn
It's hard to tell from the video how it all started. What happened exactly to make him lie down on the table?
It all started when Big Ben had an open layup and went up, but Artest didn't give up on the play and fouled him hard. He got frustrated and shoved Artest *REAL* hard, sending him flying a good 5 feet. This happened right in front of the Pacer's bench, so they all got up and tried to settle the score. Then the Pistons bench all came down the court and it turned into a big scramble. Artest wanted to cool off for a while so he decided to lie on the score table, which was not a good idea.
RE: NBA comes down on players
the nba isnt that stupid their players are safeguarded, once you buy your ticket your on your own as a fan, on the back of the ticket it basically says that your going to the game at your own risk and the nba or its players cant be sued etc. the only guys that will go to criminal court is that fan who threw the chair and the first beer.
Actually I was reading earlier on Fox News and watching ESPN. Lawyers find a very easy way of bypassing that. They were saying that multiple people were filing out suits at Oakland County Circuit Court in Michigan.
Here is the source I pulled it from.Source
RE: NBA comes down on players
ive been following the story also, the back of the ticket says that any injuries, including death, are the fan's risk and the nba or its players are not accountable. if it does go to court i doubt they will be able to distinguish enough between fans who were throwing objects and swinging at players to fans who werent. the first night of the brawl it was announced no serious injuries were reported in any hospitals, these fans stepping forward are just gold diggers.
RE: NBA comes down on players
I'm surprised there are no serious injuries. I thought the guy that got clubbed in the face by Artest would at least get a concussion or something.
RE: NBA comes down on players
that got clubbed by Artest????? if that guy has some injuries is because of the hammer that O'neal put in his face... he was just floored and knocked out after that....