Anime Torrent Retrieval Tool
hi guys, im the "chief testing officer"[img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif[/img] for a little tool my friend wrote. here are some informations he wrote down for you, so give it a try.
I spent the last two weeks coding a tool (more exactly a windows app) which retrieves information about newly listet torrents from (yes, that not a great thing yet) and now I was wondering if anybody here is interested in using it.
Erhm... ah yeah, here are the main features:
- You can create a Black List so that the program knows which series you are interested in getting new Torrents (you can filter after series and/or groups; highlight your blacklistet torrents with individual colors)
- The tool is able to automatically download .torrent files for you into a directory of your choice (you can choose a different directory for each black listet entry) and automatically start them, full auto afk leeching with commandline support
- auto refresh option for the torrentlist, so you are up to date
- It is also possible to let the program run in tray and if new entries and/or black listet entries are available it can notify you via a balloon tip (you can choose to enable or disable this because some guys of you might get pissed off about this balloons I know )
- And a few more things more or less usefull like filtering entries, sorting the list, and so on
Just try it out!
So if you are interested and want to give it a try pls go there:
currently down
You can E-Mail me if you found bugs, have suggestions etc.
RE: Anime Torrent Retrieval Tool
Isn't this just RSS with a filter applied to it and an auto download fuction?
Anime Torrent Retrieval Tool
its XML
Anime Torrent Retrieval Tool © 2004 by hAckErmAx
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What's new?
Release 1.01 - Saturday 27th of November 2004:
- Fixed some minor download related bugs
- Added possibility to reset Black List and database
- Integrated an AnimeNfo client (thanks to for providing tutorials and samples ^_^)
- Finished the documenation [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]
Release 1.0 Final - Tuesday 16th of November 2004:
- Finally... Some more bugs have been kicked out and the code got cleaned up a bit
- Did some minor gui changes again
Release 1.0 RC2 - Saturday 13th of November 2004:
- Features Features Features! You can now also get information about the listet Series by using AnimeNfo's big and great database [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]
- A long awaited (someone kept on asking and asking again ^_^) feature has just been implemented, so you can integrate your favorite BT-client to the program instead of using the Client windows automatically chooses. And yes, it is now possible to really download Torrents without clicking on any single button [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img] (please note that this feature is still experimental so feedback, doesn't matter if good or bad, would be great!)
- Just realized that if you click on the Black List's column headers nothing happens [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif[/img]
- Fixed the bug were the list doesn't refresh correctly when clicking on "Only display new"
- The problem which causes black listet entries not to be marked when using the filter mask should now be fixed
- Fixed some minor gui glitches
- Now the program will also keep data in your database which was in buffer recently but isn't received from server anymore (I wanted to implement this function from the beginning, but was to lazy to do it *G*)
Release 1.0 RC1 - Friday 5th of November 2004:
- Fixed bug that caused Infolist under several circumstances to display two not new entries if the option to only display new entries was selected
- Resizing now works properly (in some cases it caused the app to crash)
- Infolist now corresponds properly to the black listet entries
- Fixed the bug that caused the program to download Torrent files by random
- Problem fixed that caused a balloon tip to show up everytime you minimized the program
Release 1.0 Beta - Saturday 30th of October 2004:
- Initial release
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Thanks for using AT-RT!
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Thanks to and for their great work!
Anime Torrent Retrieval Tool
Hmmm... the link is dead.