Fucking great episode. Action is unbelievable in this show. The tension is getting heated up as well, and it was nice to see Athrun have flashbacks of the people who died in Seed.
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Fucking great episode. Action is unbelievable in this show. The tension is getting heated up as well, and it was nice to see Athrun have flashbacks of the people who died in Seed.
Junius Seven looks like sources are good so far. I hope everything else I've heard is correct. Ep 4 was pretty good. Was hoping Athrun would get Savior but we can wait till later on that. I was surprised to see Gaia perform so well in space. Even utilizing its transformation. The action has definately picked up and improved over SEED. If they keep it up we'll be all worn out by the end of the series.
What was the opion on Stellar after the retreat. It was like she got a happy drug "Pretty colors" almost. I suppose its better than using the block words. And once again Neo got owned by Rey.
oh my god what an ep stellars fighting is incredible so far she has done best out of all in my opinion and her character got a nice touch to it with the smiling when the retreat thingies shot out. i like her more for each passing second in this show. as for shin he seemed to talk crap about orb once again i guess he is what you call an anti-patriot if there is such a thing.... and asuran waned to fight really bad it seemed i would love to see him back in the zaku(read somewhere that he will be back in the zaku by ep 6) and all the talking and stuff seemed really intense cant wait for a translation. rey showed yet more awesomeness and neo continues to be useless. cant wait til the moment shin gets owned tho, i gotta say he is the crappiest main character ever. the flashbacks from seed were a nice touch to. i had almost forgot nicholes death damn if i only had those eps at home :'( oh well i guess i should save something to my next post.
um do u guys no where i can get the raws cuss mirkx.com doesnt work for me.
I smell a colony drop.
wish I could watch it but I still havent finished dl the 3rd ep(stupid ass slow dl time) hopefully I can dl it tom. b/c it looks good, but halo 2 is coming out so I have to see if I want to do it or not
Nice touch how Athrun has went anti-pilot.
I don't think Shinn is a bad main character however. I like him. It's refreshing with a guy who actually wants to be a pilot, or rather, doesn't just end up being one by chance. I don't think his attitude is all bad either. I'd be pissed at the people who keep saying "blah blah weapons are evil" with a past like his too. Shinn rocks.
Best show ever.
Nice ep and i agree that Shinn's behavior is refreshing.
The hard part is to wait a week again for next ep [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif[/img]
i dont think shinn is crappy at all, if anyone it would be cry baby kira, as the worst main character ever.
and Rey kicked total asssssssssssssssss.
Even thou Kira has cried. Its nothing to the whining and pouts that Amuro did in MSG. I was happy Kira only had a few moments. And they were atleast believable. It shows he atleast cares. Shin had seemed so cold after the death of his family. But that scene with the phone was really a comfort and touching. They are really going into character dev in this series alot more than the last. I also liked how Neo got pissed he was getting owned by the kid in white. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img] And thoughts on a drop sound right. But then you gotta wonder why would EA be dropping a colony onto themselves. Think its a Blue Cosmos plot to setup Zaft as wanting revenge. These guys really want to start a war. And damn that chairman is too smug. I think he is in on it.
hmm, i agree that its good with a diffrent kind of main character but he is even lass likable than the crybaby kira was in the begining, a main character should be at least a little likeable but in my opinion shin isnt. oh well thats just me.
I haven't really been participating much in the forums lately... but wow Gundam SEED Destiny has been kicking alot of ass right now.
The battle scenes are incredible, the characters are awesome. Well except for the Minerva's bridge crew... they seem incompetent. But then again they are a bunch of newbies.
Why the heck are there siblings aboard the ship? I mean, that's just as bad as having a husband and wife serving on the same ship, IMO.
One thing that's bothering me though, I thought that Minerva would have fired a lot more shots into Bogey-1 while they were passing them(it was point blank range! you can't get anymore closer than that).
I'm glad I can talk about this show with peeps like you, who enjoy it, as opposed to some other people I know who can be so damn picky.
Oh, and its good to see the forum back up again.
another good episode of GSD. I wonder how long it'll take before Athrun will pilot any mobile suit (who knows, maybe he'll pilot a Zaku before Saviour).
looking forward to yzak and deakka in the next ep. of GSD!
Ep was great, seeing Steller turn Gaia into a bacow while in space was the best part of the ep for me. Dunno why but I think Gilbert created Rey and the masked guy. The way he seemed to be getting excited at Athrun wanting to pilot a suit it seemed to me like he wants to create the ultimate pilot or something.
The space walk Stellar did was as stupid as the wall-run in Resident Evil Apocalypse. Why? They're both impossible.
neo's thing reminds me of mwu..mwu...but rey was awesome.
rey was pretty cool, it was cool seeing all those people die again(see flay/fray die again was the best b/c i hated her), seeing Athran expression obviously meant that he wanted to fight, so Im hopping we'll seem him in some kind of mobile suit before ep 12
Heheh I hated Fllay big time too.
Oh noes what if it turned out that she didn't die and is the leader behind the new organization???