Help, Tenjou Tenge
I just found Episode 1 of Tenjou Tenge some place and watched it. But now i cant find anything beyond episode 1 except for later episodes like 17-24. Can someone help me? The gotwoot torrent 1-24 doesnt work, and another 1-24 torrent would have taken over 4000 hours to complete =/ Help would be appreciated.
Help, Tenjou Tenge
Help, Tenjou Tenge
It has no seeders or leechers...
Help, Tenjou Tenge
just go to the download anime section and search for tenjou tenge.
but you can try http://search.suprnova.org/
RE: Help, Tenjou Tenge
Doesnt anyone use google anymore?
You can also try torrentsearch, torrentreactor, downloadanime.org and tokyo toshokan (thanks again bud)
Help, Tenjou Tenge
HongFire.com has episodes 1-24 by Aone, and the seeding is pretty good too.
Help, Tenjou Tenge
Does anyone know where I can download 22-24? x_x;.. It's really hard to find since all these torrents won't work.
Help, Tenjou Tenge
Moved to Anime Downloads.
RE: Help, Tenjou Tenge
you can get them in the aone channel on IRC.
and check there pack list.