first anime you ever saw?
mine was castle in the sky when i was justa kid, i think my auntie taped it for me but the end was missing so i never got to find out what happend untill recentley [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif[/img] i didnt even know what anime was at the time of course i think i was like between 5-8 around that age..
RE: first anime you ever saw?
well....i knew about dragonball during the saturday morning line up......but i always thought the animation looked too weird and never watched it.
the first series i actually started watching though was DBZ
RE: first anime you ever saw?
RE: first anime you ever saw?
RE: first anime you ever saw?
t'was Samurai Pizza Cats for me.
RE: first anime you ever saw?
Good ol Techno Man on UPN as a kid. The series that first hooked me to anime was Gundam Wing though.
RE: first anime you ever saw?
DBZ was also the first one that hooked me really (although i used to watch some series abotu four brothers that coudl turn to dragons LATE night a long time ago) i saw it on cartoon network not that longago really and watched the episode at first i was like WTF whos th ebad guy and whos the good guy (it was in the namek saga just before nail fights freza) but lucky for me it was a double bill and i got the drift and watched the series to its completion!
RE: first anime you ever saw?
Tekkaman Blade, I remember watching it in grade 2. I had NO idea what the story was about, but I just loved the look of Tekkaman, I used to get up at 8am every Sunday just to watch it.
RE: first anime you ever saw?
No idea. I think it was Doreamon.
Or maybe 'Transformers First Generation'.
RE: first anime you ever saw?
hmm probably sailor moon on upn, what got me hooked and brought me to anime was pokemon though when it first came out, i was online lookin it up at school when i found it was an "anime" the rest is history [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif[/img]
RE: first anime you ever saw?