it looks interesting want to know before i download
as episode 1+2 is out by DeathSquad
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it looks interesting want to know before i download
as episode 1+2 is out by DeathSquad
i watched first episode... nothing special... but good enough if you have 20 minutes to spend... but deathsquad sucks ass so im gonna wait for some decent subber to come up to watch episode 2+ if it does come up...
This is a typical series of a boy who wants to protect humanity and becomes part of a group that protects (but all he has at the moment is will. no skills) with the enemy being monsters... bloodless action
this is all from one episode... dont know if it gets better
yea i just watched it not very good the action seemed so scripted i mean the way he used the sword on the baddys
i watched about the first 5 min before deleteing this crap from my computer. it may be enjoyable if u like kid shows.
yeah it is.... it's a situation you have seen a million times...
i havent written-off the series yet because i have hopes of someone dying... making the plot somewhat interesting... like the badass guy... forgot his name... i bet he dies
Watched the first episode and thought it was ok. Nothing too special, but will watch more episodes to see if it progresses any/gets more interesting.
I watched the second episode... and it does get more interesting... i think i will keep watching it... but i still dont see this series as great... just enjoyable for now
That's good if it gets more interesting, guess I should go watch the 2nd episode. I don't really expect it to be a great series but at least something to watch.
edit: thought episode 2 was interesting enough so will continue watching
here's episode 3
Episode 3 A-Keep
wow, another kiddy anime for my small brother... it seems to be even more childish than Ragnarok!
the thing i really don't get is the level thing... even if you ignore the stupidity of people declearing thier levels and the entire idioticy of the level system, you still have the problem that two shitty mudman shapeshifters were enough for the girl to get into the 21th level, at which she couldn't beat a shitty knight monster, but the kid killed a couple of 'special' monsters (vendels) and is only at level 28? how the hell does it work? it's just shitty.
well, you can't expect much out of this one, but it's not as annoying as Ragnarok (brother complex anyone?) so i can live with watching it once a month (watch 4 eps, burn a cd and forget that the anime exists).
I like this show since its my first quest anime or rpg style anime so i havent seen 1000 times as you guys and i really like when they call out their saigas say their names and "come forth"
Can i ask which anime is best in this genre,so i can se what i have missed.
episodes 10 and 11 are out if anyone is interested.. they were pretty good episodes...
I have been waiting for this and was suprised that for once akeep realesed two eps.
i think it was ok my little but my little brother really liked it
I thinks its pretty good so far and the fight in ep 11 was awsome and the preview for ep 12 was intresting. I just hope akeep doesnt take months to realese the next chap.
I watched the first 5 eps or so. Didnt like it much.
Anyone still watching this?
I'm on episode 17 right now, Shinsen-subs released episode 21 today
I have to say, the story and action is getting better and better. I'm just hoping Sled comes back soon. He was pretty strong.
That's cool... keep just released 18... I guess i'll wait for that download to finish and then catch up to shinsen's releases..
BTW, Now that I think of it by hearing Grunide's laughter, I think he is the same VA as Crocodile from One Piece