Itachi's Agenda
From the flashback chapters, it doesn't seem like Itachi is entirely evil. (granted he's not the nicest guy either)
It seems as though he has a higher purpose for Sasuke, as though he's preparing Sasuke for something, something greater than the whole Uchiha Clan. From what I can see it seems more like he notices that Sasuke needs a motive to grow stronger (training isn't enough). Itachi sees the price that you have to pay to get the mangekyou sharingan and he probably didn't think that Sasuke would have the heart to attain it. All the signs point to Itachi intending for Sasuke to get the mangekyou and come after him.
It all seems like the harshest training and that Itachi has planned out for Sasuke.
I think that there's probably a sharingan even stronger than the mangekyou and itachi either realizes that or else sasuke will stumble upon it later on. Maybe the there's a step above the mangekyou that covers both extremes.. ? Kill your closest friend and save your greatest enemy?
Who knows, but I think Itachi's Agenda is far beyond being strong and far beyond Akatsuki
RE: Itachi's Agenda
i got a theory what if itachi is train sasuke like bahamutb said but is training him for the other uchiha member. As bahamutb said maybe the other uchiha member has a stronger sharingan and is out to kill the remaining members!
Itachi's Agenda