GCN Naruto Gekitou Ninja Taisen! 3 coming!#
They ran some stuff on it at Tokyo Game Show, IGN gave it a little spotlight. It's apparently got 25ish characters now while removing second form characters (Sharingan Kakashi/Sasuke, Kyubi Naruto). Instead, this will be accessed the same way Rock's second form is accessed, pressing down and X. Characters are going to be deeper developed, which this I imagine means that everyone who has a second form (Neji going to Byakugan, for instance, or Gaara summoning his inner beast) will be able to call it forward. Characters will have two specials, regardless of a second form. Jiraya and Tsunade are definitely in it, as well as Kabuto I would imagine. I think a 3 on 3 mode is going to be added as well, that could be weird. It works like King of Fighers does, apparently.
The article is up at http://cube.ign.com/articles/551/551...html?fromint=1 , although there are no pictures of it. If anyone happens on some links to any Japanese shots with screens or anything else full of GCN goodness, feel free to post it here.
GCN Naruto Gekitou Ninja Taisen! 3 coming!#
look for......
and right click them and hit "save as"
GCN Naruto Gekitou Ninja Taisen! 3 coming!#
Well...i have more videos on another forum..if you want i could put some when i'll comeback from my ''rendez-vous'' ...i have the intro...some fights too...and scans.
GCN Naruto Gekitou Ninja Taisen! 3 coming!#
a few small screencaps:
GCN Naruto Gekitou Ninja Taisen! 3 coming!#
GCN Naruto Gekitou Ninja Taisen! 3 coming!#
GC Naruto > PS2 Naruto
GCN Naruto Gekitou Ninja Taisen! 3 coming!#
Has anyone heard a release date for this more specific than "Q4 2004" yet?
GCN Naruto Gekitou Ninja Taisen! 3 coming!#
yes...christmas 2004!!
Oh and here another great video but this time this video contains both of the game naruto 2 on playstation 2 and naruto 3 on gamecube!!...
video that contains both naruto2 (ps2) and naruto3 (gc)
...damn i would like to have a chip on my ps2!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ...naruto 2 on ps2 is much better ''i think'' then naruto 3 on gc
GCN Naruto Gekitou Ninja Taisen! 3 coming!#
thanks for posting the link Saruto. the video clips were cool though i wish the one with shino was longer and the scanlines got in the way a lot during the kakashi v. jiraiya fight.
i was amazed at the naruto rasengan special in the other clip that had the 3person team up specials.
i really wanna play this game. anyhow im gonna check out the 50mb clip now.
thanks again
GCN Naruto Gekitou Ninja Taisen! 3 coming!#
it looks like the ps2naruto has better graphics.
RE: GCN Naruto Gekitou Ninja Taisen! 3 coming!#
yeah. as much as i like the smooth look of the GC naruto game, i prefer the ps2's gfx as it seems to have that manga style with respect to motion blur effects, the speed lines when they do specials, etc. i hope to get both games.
RE: GCN Naruto Gekitou Ninja Taisen! 3 coming!#
Originally posted by: animemaster
yeah. as much as i like the smooth look of the GC naruto game, i prefer the ps2's gfx as it seems to have that manga style with respect to motion blur effects, the speed lines when they do specials, etc. i hope to get both games.
you shouldnt judge a game by its graphics
RE: GCN Naruto Gekitou Ninja Taisen! 3 coming!#
No doubt. I played the other PS2 Naruto and was heartily unimpressed with the controls/moves. GCN Naruto has excellent flowing combos, which are apparently getting deeper and characters are getting more supers. This, plus the fact they're adding a good handful of people to the roster = happy boy.
GCN Naruto Gekitou Ninja Taisen! 3 coming!#
LOL!...Naruto ps2 Better graphic then on GC????? wtf lol...whatever...
Each games have theres adventages!...
Naruto3 adventage(gc)= REALLY NICE graphic in cell shading!..the control is really excellant!!!...very nice flowing moves and combos!
Naruto2 adventage(ps2)=LOT OF SPACE in those levels!...you have some platforms that makes it a really nice naruto game!...LOTS of moves...LOTS of characters..
Naruto3(gc) desavantage= Not much moves..not much character ..well only a little bit less then in ps2 i think..Its only foghting like mortal kombat..no platforms...(that really SUCK, because it would be the most crazyiest game of all naruto if it has some platforms)
naruto2(ps2) desavantage= not really good flowing combos..its all fluid sometimes...but i only judge on video so...theres always some chinese sign all over the TV screen lol..i hate those color when you hit the opponent...
well..i'ts only my opinion so...
if i had to choose to buy only one of those game i'll choose definitly the ps2 game!...because i have the naruto2 on gc [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]...but not only because of that...the producer of the game on ps2 didnt forget about making this game a little bit more then only fighting!...strategy too...know what i mean?...you can change some of your weapons...you have some platforms(REALLY GOOD POINT) some missions too in the game!...what sucks is that i dont have the cash for a chip and after buying the game from a website...thats lot of money:S...LOT AND LOT AND LOTTS OF MONEY for one game...
I think i'll stay whit naruto3 for this time lol...but i don't know if i should..naruto 2 and naruto 3 on gc doesn't have a really big difference...It semms on a website that the graphics are a LITTLE LITTLE bit better and that the flowing combos are a little bit better too..there are some new characters but only like maybe 5 or 6?...maybe more...but not more then on ps2 its 100%.....so if anybody could help me on my decision if i should buy the naruto 3...well im asking this to a person that have naruto 2 on gc too!
wow those post of mine in this subject are the longest post that i've done in all forums that i've ever visited lol...and its in english [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-blush.gif[/img]...so sorry for those unsens sentence you'll see [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
GCN Naruto Gekitou Ninja Taisen! 3 coming!#
Well I know this is thread is already dead, but no one ever helped you out Saruto, so I will. I have the 2nd GC game as well, and it's my favorite game. I'm was excited about 3 coming out but tonight I just looked at those videos Assertn had posted and everything looks exactly the same. They have the same level designs. Now this may not seem like a big problem, but after playing the same stages over and over 400 times, you start to want a change in scenery. I didn't see one new stage out of all the videos. This is a big dissapointment to me after seeing how much the 2nd ps2 game has improved for the better visually. Since my birthday is also Christmas I will deffinetly end up getting both, but if I were you, I'd get the ps2 game just for something new. From what Terra says, the RPG mode is great and easy to understand, and you can unlock things that let you take someone's special move, like Lee's Konoha Senpu, and have someone like Gaara do it. My idea from what I know about the ps2 game---------
As a fighting game- Genkou Ninja Teisen 3 > Narutimatte Hero 2
As a party game- Genkou Ninja Teisen 3 > Narutimatte Hero 2
As a 1 player game- Narutimatte Hero 2 > Genkou Ninja Teisen 3
Replay value/unlockables- Narutimatte Hero 2 > Genkou Ninja Teisen 3
Just what I think it will be, after I actually have both I'll give a real review. Hope I could help.
GCN Naruto Gekitou Ninja Taisen! 3 coming!#
Thats exactly what i think...
oh and i saw on a site that the release of this game is on november 20!!! nice!
...It sux that to get naruto hero 2 (ps2) you have to get a swap disk and a flip top (because slide card sux) and that the flip top you can break your ps2 to change your ps2 top!...I won't take the risk to break my ps2 for a game so i'll stay whit naruto 3.
If it wasn't so complicated i would have take the ps2 game...and i dont have money to get a chip
GCN Naruto Gekitou Ninja Taisen! 3 coming!#
So the swap disk harms your ps2? I might get it mod chipped, but that messed up my bro's ps2 so i dont know anymore!
I might just force my friend with a japanese ps2 to but it [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]
GCN Naruto Gekitou Ninja Taisen! 3 coming!#
No, the swap disk dosen't hurt your PS2. I have one and my PS2 works fine (plus is cheaper than mod chip and dosen't void warrenty). As for the slide card, it comes with the swap disk (naruto game topic in general discussion I gave link) all it is used for is move the tray in and out to swap disk, not that hard.
GCN Naruto Gekitou Ninja Taisen! 3 coming!#
It's a matter of technical prowess and whether or not you have it. If you do not know how to mess with wiring related to electronics, there is a higher chance that you will ruin your PS2 in trying to make it import capable. Even still, opening up a PS2 can immediately damage it; should you put a piece of it on carpet for instance, static eletricity can wipe out that piece and render your PS2 dead. It all comes down to whether or not it's a risk worth taking over paying $150ish for a JP PS2. The other problem there is that someone could be selling a bum PS2, or that it could be an American PS2 and they're simply duping you.
As far as the GCN Naruto game, I don't think they'd show us everything new for it yet. I pray they do add some new stages, although I didn't recall seeing the same one twice too frequently while playing on random. The fact that most of the characters have the ability to unlock their latent abilities (i.e. Sharingan Kakashi/Sasuke, Gates for Rock, etc.) is enough to pique my interest, that alone should add good depth. The addition of new characters and removal of the power-up'd versions of existing characters should give a good variety, I just hope Akamaru and the puppet are no longer playable. Wastes of characters, if you ask me.
GCN Naruto Gekitou Ninja Taisen! 3 coming!#
Yeah that will be great if akamaru and the puppet wasnt there..
I'ts true about the risk to open the ps2 and all and that's why i finaly decided to pick the gc game, i wish that we could not only unlock the sharingan and the gates in a battle...maybe the kyubi too?...or others things what wiould you like to see that we could unlock during a battle?