So I watched the dubbed version of Gundam Seed on YTV
AND MAN IS IT GAY. Seriously, the voices are so faggish. Kira sounds like a fag, and so does everyone else. They even translated the names wrong and they made crappy as names. For example, they translated Kazui to KUZZEY... KUZZEY?!!?!?! WTF IS THAT? They changed Raww Le Kreuze to raul la creuset with the annoying french sound to it, i gtg i'm get caught at schoo, I"LL ADD MORE!!!
So I watched the dubbed version of Gundam Seed on YTV
It doesn't matter if Kira sounds like a fag, because that's what he is. English dubs are almost always worse, just about everyone knows that by now.
So I watched the dubbed version of Gundam Seed on YTV
Honestly, what the hell is wrong with amercian/canadian voice actors that they choose?? Why do they all suck? They only good voice actor that was truly good was the guy who played Vegeta on Funimation IMO
RE: So I watched the dubbed version of Gundam Seed on YTV
Dude shut up. All the voive acting on DBZ is horrible compaired to the orginal Japanese. There are only a hand full of decently dubd series. Bebop, Wolfs Rain, EVA thats it. And JKD change the fucking sig. 400- wide by 80 tall. Follow the rules.
RE: So I watched the dubbed version of Gundam Seed on YTV
Well put Lefty.
Ranma ½ had a nice dub too. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]
RE: So I watched the dubbed version of Gundam Seed on YTV
that's what i said. kira's voice is gay. english voice actors have no emotion. but u do a scream and a yell once in a while.
RE: So I watched the dubbed version of Gundam Seed on YTV
Well most dubs ARE like that <_<. What did you expect?
RE: So I watched the dubbed version of Gundam Seed on YTV
i hate dubbed animes, just cause they are in english. btw the zone on ytv....sugar is damn hot.
RE: So I watched the dubbed version of Gundam Seed on YTV
wtf? they gave Seed on ytv? since when? what's the timigns for it?
@mr.X: yep, she pretty good...but he voice is a little high. i think she still needs to go thru puberty [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
To all my fellow canadian citizens: is it just me, or does there seem to be an increase of anime (good anime, not stupid pokemon/digimon/yugi-oh stuff) on canadian tv recently (well ytv atleast). first inuyasha, now gundam seed...and the otehr day i also saw this anime called "witch hunter" or somethign liek that. It seemed to be very dark....and i think i heard somethign about someones head exploding.
well its good to know that anime is becoming popular in canada....even if the dubs are horrible, its better then alot of the normal cartoons
RE: So I watched the dubbed version of Gundam Seed on YTV
it's almost been a year since they finish airing seed, so why did they decide to translate it so rough. Damn bandai is so gay, they always find a way to ruin things and screw up brillaint pieces of work.
btw, it shows gundam seed at 9:30 pm. well, for me. yeah so sugar's the girl's name? yeah she's ok, but eh.
i really think they shoulda waited a few years and at LEAST use some of the voices from gundam wing. I mean, the voices in that were actually decent, mainly due to the fact that some male characters' voices weren't played by girls. But it sucked in a way because they used the same intro for all 50 episodes and that annoying instrumental version of the opening for an ending.
Man is it lame that they put good animes in these things for kids and ruin it. gtg..
RE: So I watched the dubbed version of Gundam Seed on YTV
all dubs sucks what do you expect? altho if kira sounda faggish they have succeeded since he is indeed a fag.
RE: So I watched the dubbed version of Gundam Seed on YTV
Athruns voice actor isnt too bad, and Tolle has a decent one, same guy who does inuyasha who isnt too bad. But yeh Kira is suppossed to be whiney, he still kicks peoples ass but he cries alot too. You also have to realize that as the series progresses the voicework will get better, im betting kiras voice by ep 50 will be more tolerable than in ep 1. You can even sometimes notice these changes in quality over time in japanese seiyuu work, it happens when they become more comfortable in the role. Point in case in Bebop the voice work got better as it progressed and by the end it was really quite good.
RE: So I watched the dubbed version of Gundam Seed on YTV
Originally posted by: Lefty
Dude shut up. All the voive acting on DBZ is horrible compaired to the orginal Japanese. There are only a hand full of decently dubd series. Bebop, Wolfs Rain, EVA thats it. And JKD change the fucking sig. 400- wide by 80 tall. Follow the rules.
Actually I thought vegetas voice was really good. I'm not saying it was better than the japanese version so calm down man.
So I watched the dubbed version of Gundam Seed on YTV
Originally posted by: Gods_Son
It doesn't matter if Kira sounds like a fag, because that's what he is.
lol, i read that and got a pretty good laugh from it. oh, and btw...thus english dubbing fails again!
So I watched the dubbed version of Gundam Seed on YTV
Originally posted by: JKD
Originally posted by: Lefty
Dude shut up. All the voive acting on DBZ is horrible compaired to the orginal Japanese. There are only a hand full of decently dubd series. Bebop, Wolfs Rain, EVA thats it. And JKD change the fucking sig. 400- wide by 80 tall. Follow the rules.
Actually I thought vegetas voice was really good. I'm not saying it was better than the japanese version so calm down man.
Your dealing with a old timer here. I've watched anime since early eighty seven, and have heared and seen some bad things done to anime series much worse than watch funimation or 4kids has done. You should be thankful for the quality work that's being produced now a days. Granted japanese voice acting is better than americain but in some cases the english dub is more toralable than the japanese. You just need to have watch for as long as I have and you'll learn to apperciate the work in an english dub.
So I watched the dubbed version of Gundam Seed on YTV
i never get to finish talking before i almost get caught.
btw, nice ryoma echizen sig [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
but yeah, i missed the opening the last time i watched it, so i watched it this time. what's gay is that they took half the chorus from invoke and mixed it in with quick flashes of openings and it lasts like 30 second, or less. like wtf. now i know they'll use that for the whole 50 episodes, they can't change the ending because some of it is incorporated into the show. which is also bad, because they SHOULD change it. people that actually LIKE the dubbed anime shouldn't be able to listen to chiaki's beautiful voice. that's just kinda paranoid eeh. but still...
i mean, it's just like how they ruined gundam wing, well the only good part was that quatre's voice was played by a male in english. they used the same opening the whole time, didn't change it, and they used some gay instrumental version of the opening. which is also gay.
overall, bandai/4kids or whatever it was, always find a way to ruin things. i know bandai for sure, but something else was there i think... i still remember more than a year ago, i posted here saying BANDAI IS GAY!!! and i don't regret that even though i got a warning and it was deleted, fuck em.
So I watched the dubbed version of Gundam Seed on YTV
is it just me, or did they cut back on the sound effects? normally during the gundam fights tehres so many "laser gun" 'jetpack" and other funky sounds.
anyway, i dont like the way they pronounce some of the Yamato. it sounds so, well, english. and y do they call Asuran, Athuran?
and the voices of La'fragga (sp) and the masked guy are totally fucked up.