Jing is going to Trent U.
Yes, you all heard it here first. Our friend Jing is Trent University bound. Well I say congrads my friend. And prepare yourself for a life time of ridicule from....you're parents, teachers, friends, cousins, neighbors, employers, fellow employees, any other university student that doesn't attend Trent, the homeless, the catholic church, the man that sells stereos out of the trunk of his car, the garbage men, the cat lady, all of gotwoot, and finally last but not least me. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif[/img]
Welcome to Trent. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]
Jing is going to Trent U.
Jing is going to Trent U.
Your Voice says no..
But your marks and transcript say yes..!
Jing is going to Trent U.
Umm... Congratulations? LOL, I take it your school must have a rivalry with Trent U, Haku_san?
Honestly, Jing, congratulations! I hope you have an excellent college experience... all good and the bad... [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
Jing is going to Trent U.
ROFL!!!! Jing, if you go to trent, you have to hang out with that Haku kid. However, if you come to McMaster, you could hang out with me. Honestly, is there even a choice here? [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
Haku, you know you want to come to McMaster too....admit it!
Jing is going to Trent U.
See, unlike Jing, my marks are quite high and thus I can go to McMaster. So I decided to go there.
Sorry Jing looks like your all Trent bound alone.
RE: Jing is going to Trent U.
this must be some "inside mirc joke" thing
RE: Jing is going to Trent U.
Yes, I understand absolutely nothing.
Not like that's rare, but...
Jing is going to Trent U.
For Terra and Assertn I'll explain.
Trent is a university in Ontario with really low educational standards.Back when i was in highschool, all you needed was a 70 aveg to get into it. Bottomline, Trent is a joke.
Only two reasons you go to Trent, if you arent smart enough to get into anywhere else, or like me, simply because you didnt wanna go to the real schools you got into cuz you dont wanna do real work.
In jing's case, he doesnt have my option [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
RE: Jing is going to Trent U.
So jing is going to this lameass university because he doesn't have a choice... and you are switching to the other one right?
Because this is the university with the insane evening courses right? Poor jing... [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]
RE: Jing is going to Trent U.
Heh, Haku would never switch away from Trent because that means he would actually have to do real work. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img] Trent is ideal for the amount of time that he spends dling and watching anime, as well as playing video games (i.e. all the time), and he can still graduate at the end. So really, Jing could enjoy this life of slackerness too at Trent. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]
RE: Jing is going to Trent U.
Sounds kinda like my highschool. All the other highscools in the area has like 5 lessons a day. I have 2/day, MAX. I never start before 11 am either. Slacking is GOOOOOOOOD~~
RE: Jing is going to Trent U.
say no to trent =P, mcmaster here i come.
RE: Jing is going to Trent U.
LOL, Haku, I can't believe you actually made this topic, you listened to me for once. Obviously the reason jing is so defensive is cause he knows his fate. TRENT-TALLION!!
RE: Jing is going to Trent U.
This thread sucks, never listen to Joker-kun again.
RE: Jing is going to Trent U.
I thought that Jing was going to trent me. I had to find out what that meant...stupid fucking leetspeak.
RE: Jing is going to Trent U.
lol, "going to trent" you...haha
man, McMaster is the place to be....for all ur drunken engineering needs, come to Mac!
RE: Jing is going to Trent U.
Is Trent a good uni?
McMaster's good for business isn't it? I might go there... might might.
RE: Jing is going to Trent U.
Down with Canada! thats all i have to say, one day your beloved country will be considered North North Dakota.
RE: Jing is going to Trent U.
lol albino you're american? and to terra what the hell where do you go to school? my days dont end before 3 pm. i go to 16:30 on mondays...