ppl, i need your opinions and comments regarding anime versions.
i always see many fansubbers release another version or version 2. I just like to know what seems to be the differences between the 1st and 2nd versions released by fansubs?
I tried watching some but it seems there's no difference at all. I'm just curious of why do they have to create a new version when the 1st version is okay? Any idea?
RE: Versions
Well, some most likely do it for more downloads in my opinion. Others cause there is slight sandiness, and stipulative veiwers notice this, so they fix it etc. Anyway thats what I think
v2s, v3s (and so on) are basically revisions of the original file. If something went wrong with the original file, or the group decided they could improve some aspect of it (not necessarily something wrong with it) and they deem it important enough, they will release a second version of the file. There are many different reasons why a group would release a v2. I've seen v2s released for translation errors, encoding errors, and just for downright no noticeable reason.
The rule of thumb for v2s is this:
-If you already have the v1 and see nothing wrong with it, keep it.
-If you haven't gotten the episode yet, get the v2.
Hope that helps!
P.S: Sorry for revving this old topic, but I found joker-kun's post a little too vague and I thought I could add something to it.