What would you like to see in a filler Episode?
I'm sure your all sligtly angry about the all of the naruto episodes featuring filler content which has nothing to do with the manga but and personally after watching episode 97 I was afraid we were going to have to suffer through a filler dumb filler story arc.
Although it seems that who ever the hell controls the anime series has decided to go for someting completly different. What we seem to be getting is content from the manga fleshed out with other filler material which actually has helped to develop the various aspects of the storylien alot better then what we've seen before in the manga. There is only so much story and character development that can be accomplished in one 19 page manga chapter each week.
For and example we got to see a rather touching scene in which Sakura was not a complete bitch. She actually gave Rock Lee some support which supports his motivation of why he wanted go through the operation even though he knows the grim statics. We also got to see Konoamaru mature a bit. Originally he was angry with the fact that he was only ackowledged as the Hokage's grandson but when his grandfather was killed off suddenly he became afraid of no one knowing or caring who he was. He saw his grandfathers legacy being cast off and could not emotionally deal with the idea of any sort of regime change. So the question i propose is what topics would you guys like to see expanded upon in these filler episode content.
I'll get the ball rolling by telling you someting I would personally love to see. I want to see a mini story arc following Garra back in the sand village. We can see how he comes to terms with his fathers death. He didn't have the best relationship with his dad but now that he's turned a new leaf what will he think of his dad. It would be great it would feature Garra going traveling throughout the village talking to various people who knew his father. Throughout the episodes he would have a completly different picture painted out of the kind of man his father was. He could learn how his father was a stern but loving man who unfortunatly inherited the title of hokage during an era when the sand village was facing a drastic decline so in order to protect the village he loved he was forced to make many difficult decisions. Such as binding his third child with the incarnate of sand. Well you get the idea so sound off and talk about what you would like to see.
RE: What would you like to see in a filler Episode?
repeated speculation. use the search option.
ill nominate this guy for gotwoot n00b survivor, if there are spots left(when will it start anyway?)
What would you like to see in a filler Episode?
*Paragraph PLEASE Cough*
Filler content? Hmm. Yeah, Gaara would be great. However I dont think his dad was a nice man. Probably some evil bastard who shits his pants everytime Gaara asks for a cup of water.
Also, some missions that is being done while their short of men, possibly a overall outlook at the village and how it's coping with so many dead, making new alliences, gathering clan leaders, gathering people for a counter-attack on the Sound Clan to wipe them out as sson as possible.
RE: What would you like to see in a filler Episode?
gaara's father was kazekage, just thought you should know that.....
What would you like to see in a filler Episode?
ppl actually read that
ppl say i suck with punctuatuion. Paragraphs would be nice
What would you like to see in a filler Episode?
Hehehe sorry about that, I'll be sure to put my future posts in paragraph form.
I'd like to see something about Shino. He is one of my personal favorite characters but he gets less screen time then Udon.
What would you like to see in a filler Episode?
lol PSJ, i dunno...it doesnt seem THAT nooblike to me [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
i think more footage of gaara would be awesome
but the way the manga handled it was best. There should be no reference to gaara until he makes his dramatic return (it adds to the element of surprise to the plot)
What would you like to see in a filler Episode?
ok, i didn't read the first thing LobsterMagnet posted but i see ppl telling who they wanna see. i wanna see yondaime.
RE: What would you like to see in a filler Episode?
well i wanted to add him anyway since he ticked me off with a repeat thread and a stupid long ass post. did anyone read that garbage?
RE: What would you like to see in a filler Episode?
Heres what needs to happen(greatest filler of all time), you remember that movie "Surf Ninjas" yes, do you remeber those stairs the guy fell down (sort of the end of the movie) Everycharacter stands in a line(All of them) and they all fall down, but there are things that stand in their way(rocks, spikes, and needles) and they have to roll out of the way, Now keep in mind that some of the ninjas wont make it (i.e. Sakura, Ten ten, and Shino) but other than that, it would be great [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
RE: What would you like to see in a filler Episode?
i think more footage of gaara would be awesome
but the way the manga handled it was best. There should be no reference to gaara until he makes his dramatic return (it adds to the element of surprise to the plot)
Maybe the anime could handle it like the manga, but after they defeat Kimimaro, Gaara and Rock could have a longer talk. In it, Gaara could explain what has been going on the time they have been gone.
RE: What would you like to see in a filler Episode?
The way they're going they might be able to pace the manga at a 1 for 1 right now. The episodes seem to be half manga storyline and half filler at this point. Hopefully they won't mess with the manga too badly, though Sasuke leaving the hospital might be a step in the wrong direction. They could probably manage to stretch some of the rescue team's fights out a little longer too. I can't think of many folks who'd object to two episodes of Neji action over one.
RE: What would you like to see in a filler Episode?
i would like to see anything that does not involve either konohamaru or general gayness.
However, at the moment that seems like wishful thinking.
RE: What would you like to see in a filler Episode?
I think another Kage Bunshin chase would be appropriate.
RE: What would you like to see in a filler Episode?
Originally posted by: PossiblE
I think another Kage Bunshin chase would be appropriate.
This time with Shizune, Ebisu AND the bulls.
RE: What would you like to see in a filler Episode?
Man, couldn't concentrate reading that @_@
Oh well...
I would like other teams missions... current or flashbacks, don't care... just wanna see Gai's, Kurenai's and Asuma's teams doing missions...
What would you like to see in a filler Episode?
Konohamaru may seem annoying now he's probably play a more important role later on in the series. imo I bet after the time jump we'll see naruto as a jounin and his genin team will be konohamaru and those other two kids. The series may even end with naruto passing on the title of hokage to konoahmaru.
P.S. edited the the the first post on this topic
RE: What would you like to see in a filler Episode?
nah i doubt naruto will be konohomaru's sensei...
but yeah i would like to see more of the teams and what they are doing...
What would you like to see in a filler Episode?
Originally posted by: LobsterMagnet
Konohamaru may seem annoying now he's probably play a more important role later on in the series. imo I bet after the time jump we'll see naruto as a jounin and his genin team will be konohamaru and those other two kids. The series may even end with naruto passing on the title of hokage to konoahmaru.
P.S. edited the the the first post on this topic
if that ever happens I am going to go to japan and kill kishimoto and his entire family and then i will shoot myself in the face
What would you like to see in a filler Episode?
filler content? id like to see jiraiya get lucky with tsunade.