Any XBOX Owners Buying Fable?
Quote: is offering the upcoming Fable (Xbox) for $30.99, down from the $49.99 that others
will be asking. Fable is a HUGE RPG that is set to ship on September 14th and is receiving
excellent reviews thus far Standard shipping is also free!
This is the absolute lowest price you will find it for so if you are interested, you should order right away!
Fable (Xbox) - $30.99 with free shipping!
I just placed my order, this will save me 19$ so I can also get SO3 sooner rather then later[img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]
Oh yea got the deal from Smolek
Any XBOX Owners Buying Fable?
I usually dont trust sites like this, but I may consider it
I am getting the game, just dont know if I want to buy it online
2 more posts until Im a Jounin
RE: Any XBOX Owners Buying Fable?
I saw a video review for the game, and my whole opinion on this game has changed.
I love it so much more now! I was worried itd be too long, drawn out, and like Morrowind (most overrated POS on the xbox), but, it looks to be lots better.
As far as getting it, I prefer going to the store and getting it. I hardly ever get anything online.
RE: Any XBOX Owners Buying Fable?
I don't have an Xbox but I've read alot about Fable. Fable is really good in presenting how all your actions and decisions affect your character and fate. Like, in Game Informer, that did a preview on the game. One thing they mentioned was that if you protect the village from monsters or something, the villagers will start calling you their savior. But if you do stupid things, like kill chickens in the village, the villagers will title you "The Chicken Slayer". If you leave your wounds unhealed, then a scar will develop. All those features sound so cool. And all the different classes (Knight, Ninja, etc.) is really cool also. If I had Xbox, I'd get this game. But I'm hoping that it comes out for PC.
RE: Any XBOX Owners Buying Fable?
wtf? what happened to your sig, NM?
RE: Any XBOX Owners Buying Fable?
Hmm, this site looks great. Has anyone ordered anything from there yet? I just want to be assured they are serious.
RE: Any XBOX Owners Buying Fable?
This is my first time ordering from them but I trust it since the link came from anandtech and they have every hot deal possible and the distro is fry's. The outside world isn't gonna see me for a while once I get this and SO3[img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img].
Check out for more deals on cpus, hd's, games, etc.
RE: Any XBOX Owners Buying Fable?
Nice, I'll probably order SO3 on there then, instead of wasting $60.00 Canadian on it.
RE: Any XBOX Owners Buying Fable?
Damn i dont have an xbox and i want this game.... any hope that there would be released on another console in the future? for pc?
RE: Any XBOX Owners Buying Fable?
Have'nt you guys heard about chipping your xbox?? Then all those games wold be free..
I dont have a Xbox (i got PS2) but all my friends have chipped xboxes.. If i got an Xbox i would definitlly chip it.. DC is a great source for downloading games.. and is a great site to get the info of new releses..
Any XBOX Owners Buying Fable?
I've thought about buying it but right now I need to save up to be all giving and whatnot.
What the hell do I buy for a one year old nephew anyway? But I still would like to get Fable, if only to have it. Note that I'm not a true/real gamer but one of those casual fly by cases.
RE: Any XBOX Owners Buying Fable?
Originally posted by: AssertnFailure
wtf? what happened to your sig, NM?
Well, I just tried out R3N's Grunge tutorial and I think I got a pretty good sig so I'm going to use that from now on [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]. I posted it in the fanart section, I just want to see if theres anything i should change or improve in the sig.
RE: Any XBOX Owners Buying Fable?
Sorry to say but the deal is dead now, it's gone up to 49.99 now.
RE: Any XBOX Owners Buying Fable?
I just saw it was coming out on the 15 so I'm going to go out and buy an Xbox just for that game
Any XBOX Owners Buying Fable?
I also won a cool Fable poster and other stuff like .hack//sign stuff (I had to fight for it though [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img])
RE: Any XBOX Owners Buying Fable?
good for you but did you beat it????