Azureus and how do i get it to work
Well since people suggested it I'll give it a shot. Problem is theres a whole lot of bad things going on now that I see it. Most of the health icons are black, blue, and red. Anybody got a clue on how I can change this? I'd happily seed all the naruto files I have but I was happy with bit torrent's original setup. I normally upload 3 to 10 times as much as I download every day and this doesn't show any going either way right now.
RE: Azureus and how do i get it to work
Im having a problem like this but mine will not load anything. it opens a window then automaticly closes.
any help would be most kind. thanks guys.
RE: Azureus and how do i get it to work
when the icon is black is mean is old and abrandon..when is blue mean no seed to complete, when is it red meaning is can't got a tracker. I don't think there anyway to fix this, is pretty normally. Unless the icon is yellow mean u have a firewall, once u got rid of it is should work just fine. I don't know about XeroGlock thread, this thing never happen to me before but try to save the torrent link by right-click it and click on save target as...then u can open that folder and dl it, try to do that and seem if is help.