The Ultimate Naruto Theory
I think that the Lord Hokage is in fact not the father of Uchiha Naruto, who could in fact beat all the other lord hokages put together using his mangekyou sharingan.
Speaking of that, I think that the 3rd Mangekyou sharingan user is in fact Kakashi because after all he IS a true Uchiha
Also, Itachi did not kill his entire clan, it was Hyuga Sakura with her byakugan
There is no point in debating this, as it is 100% correct
The Ultimate Naruto Theory
That's funny.. but did it need its own thread??? [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-confused.gif[/img]
The Ultimate Naruto Theory
sorry, i was really angry
The Ultimate Naruto Theory
these r the theories of the century!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
but why sakura?! u shoulda picked someone else.
angry about what?
The Ultimate Naruto Theory
Originally posted by: Kenshiro
I think that the Lord Hokage is in fact not the father of Uchiha Naruto, who could in fact beat all the other lord hokages put together using his mangekyou sharingan.
Speaking of that, I think that the 3rd Mangekyou sharingan user is in fact Kakashi because after all he IS a true Uchiha
Also, Itachi did not kill his entire clan, it was Hyuga Sakura with her byakugan
There is no point in debating this, as it is 100% correct
kakashi is not a true uchiha member. he obtained his sharingan some how. which is unknown, the only theory about this as into how he obtained it. was in the first season he said haku helped that guy because the (i forget what kinda people their called) is ment to despose of the body straight away so someone does not take the body and learn from it to obtain powers that should in no way possess. my theory is that kakashi either
a) took the eye of one of the unchiha members when they were killed.
b) he took it from his friend who died on a mission who he did not help and he wants to advenge his death or his friend told him to take it.
also the uchiha clan can use their sharingan or they can, i donno what you would call it, but say, hide it away. kakashi cannot do this hence why he puts his forehead protector over his eye so hes not using it thus saving chakra
The Ultimate Naruto Theory
The Ultimate Naruto Theory
You probably thought this thread was funny.
The Ultimate Naruto Theory
Natural Cause, were u serious? [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-confused.gif[/img]
RE: The Ultimate Naruto Theory
Sadly... I think he was....
RE: The Ultimate Naruto Theory
the ultimate theory is naruto is a girl...
RE: The Ultimate Naruto Theory
his voice is a girl's voice.
RE: The Ultimate Naruto Theory
I nominate NC for the Gotwoot n00b survivor edition.
RE: The Ultimate Naruto Theory
Kyubbi is Naruto's mother!!!!
RE: The Ultimate Naruto Theory
sad attempt at trying to be funny
RE: The Ultimate Naruto Theory
i gotta agree with sharingan kakashi on this one, this is just sad man give it a rest.
RE: The Ultimate Naruto Theory
Natural Cause did it out of good intentions. so we should all forgive him.
RE: The Ultimate Naruto Theory
Originally posted by: CmDr_RavEn
I nominate NC for the Gotwoot n00b survivor edition.
I second that
RE: The Ultimate Naruto Theory
RE: The Ultimate Naruto Theory
For some reason, I knew that If I put that last post up, you were going to say something like that
RE: The Ultimate Naruto Theory
lol mut@t@ is probably the one that has nominated most ppl for the gotwoot n00b survivor.