I have a problem with the colours white is more like a cream colour and its annoying me. Does anyone know why or has had the same problem before, Il post a screenshot
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I have a problem with the colours white is more like a cream colour and its annoying me. Does anyone know why or has had the same problem before, Il post a screenshot
Well, ive been using PS for about 2 years and ive never gotten that problem before....but from what im seeing.
Try not using swatches? Try using colors??
Not sure but ill try and look into it.
Perhaps you accidently changed your swatches. Make sure you use 255,255,255 (RGB) for white.
Yea, its prollly swatches...
Or he just has The cream selected instead of white..
try to press D on you'r keyboard
good thinking...that could be possibleQuote:
Originally posted by: Krbadass
Or he just has The cream selected instead of white..