Important news you should read, covered with the high journalistic integrity of the new york times.
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Important news you should read, covered with the high journalistic integrity of the new york times.
you know we can't read that with out singing up for NY times thing
Edited- sorry Shinobineko to slow agian [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
=/ have to register to read
edit: looks l ike Shi_no_Shikaku beat me to it
Oh, crap, I forgot. Don't bother then. It's stupid as hell anyway.
is it about corruption?? cuz fox news is like that too. they r ultra conservative or something like that.
copy and paste the article
doesnt work.
the article's about how rock, paper, scissors has become increasingly popular among some. i never thought i'd see the day.
A Pic from the article
EDIT: And um yea the guy with the red shirt is the referee
lol, referee... that might be going too far
last night i played rock paper scissors (pronounced skizzors) to decide who had to put money in the parking meter.
You guys better not be doing this.
DB what dose that have to do with Paper rock sicssors???
Erm.. err... use your imagination! They made a death pact probably after they lost to someone in rock paper scissors on a forum... just like this one!