Originally posted by: Assassin
i've personally never been to a con, but i would liek to go. unfortunatel im the only one intrested in anime, of all my friends, so its rather hard. i dont wanna go alone for fear of being attacked by 40 yr old sailormoon wannabe's
i live near toronto, so the only con i've heard of here is Anime North. i mite check it out sometime in the next few years
I actually went to Anime North this year (sadly enough, I'd only ever watched Escaflowne at the time) and it was a little overwhelming. The two guys I went with cosplayed, and everyone was always wanting to get their pictures. My sister and I kind of stood off to the sides and tried to absorb everything around us. The number of people cosplaying FF characters was reassuring, since we'd both played through all the FF games. But there was this atmosphere of.....weird fanaticism I guess.