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Thats just fucking hilarious. I wish someone got that on video or somthing. You can't make crap like that up.
Lol i wish i was a bystander on that street watching the drama unfold [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]
squirrel grenade [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-confused.gif[/img]
Why could'nt the idiot just pull aside beat the piss out of the squirrel or scare him away and just ride off?
Because iT was a Teenage Mutant Ninja Squirrel, duh, you cant beat those things
LOL.... squirrel punch bag!Quote:
Originally posted by: Himura_san
Why could'nt the idiot just pull aside beat the piss out of the squirrel or scare him away and just ride off?
because he made it up
You make a very good argument, Assertn XD
It was still humourous to read, though
that had me in teers..
havent laughed that hard in a while
I had a squirrel jump in my car while I was delivering once. He grabbed my hat right off my head as I was driving down a neighborhood street. Needless to say, it was a work hat, and borrowed at that, so I just threw the shitrag right out the window. Wonder if the squirrels were related.
Anyways, I hate squirrels. And birds. I had 2 birds in a row play chicken with my Blazer in a single day. Guess who lost, heheh. No one at the store believed me, until they saw the rear window scoop that had one of the bird's remains trapped in it (without my knowing about it). Ironically, I got employee of the month the day after that.
here we have black squirrels, its weird, like pollution (mutagen) induced