Who would you like to see more?
just a quick question, which minor charecter do you think should get a bit screen time?
i'm not talking about people like Kakashi, Neji or Itachi (or jiraya, at the same matter), but of the 'smaller' guys, such as Genma, Shino, Anko, Kuranai and Konohamaru...
perssonaly, i'd like to see Anko and Ibiki fighting, espically Ibiki, they both seem to be elite ninjas without a super strike (like sharingan, super speed, monster in the belly), so i bet they could put up a great fight, filled with cool tactics and nasty jutsus....
what about you? who do you think should jump in the story and appear more?
RE: Who would you like to see more?
I like to see shino, I thought it was a dissapointment that we didnt get to see him, in this current arc, I dont really care about what other people say about him, he looks cool to me and I bet he could do alot more with those bugs then we last saw
RE: Who would you like to see more?
I wanna see more of udon... Any1 still remember that Whole deal about udon back then? It was FUNNNY. i wonder should we bring that back
Who would you like to see more?
i'd like to see that anbu girl with purple h(does anyone know her name?!?) and shino
RE: Who would you like to see more?
neji...but i fear that the next time i see him it will be in a coffin
RE: Who would you like to see more?
Who would you like to see more?
i would like to see anko, and shino...there 2 great characters of what we've seen of them...(in my opinion.) i was disappointed also with shino not being in this current arc...
EDIT: i think we will see more of anko after this current arc were orochimaru is involved i hope..!
RE: Who would you like to see more?
More Hinata. I want to see her get better. Nods for the purple haired anbu girl. I'd like to see more of anko too, not that I think she'd have much to contribute to the story, but she's hot.
RE: Who would you like to see more?
Shino. Definitely. And probably more of the Kakashi and Gai Antics. Or more of the Jounnin's.
RE: Who would you like to see more?
i wanna see kisame fight more... He has to be baaad ass...
RE: Who would you like to see more?
you can never get enough neji [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
RE: Who would you like to see more?
yes you can, we obviously saw enough of him when he was cut up
RE: Who would you like to see more?
well i would like to see rock lee win a battle for once... as far as monor characters... i would like to see shino throw down.
RE: Who would you like to see more?
i would like to see more akatsuki, itachi and kisame for example. also at least one serious fight with jiraiya.
RE: Who would you like to see more?
aye alot more akatsuki and a tons more of kisame.
hmm anko would be nice for a change.
RE: Who would you like to see more?
Random Konoha Chuunin #23 (you know, the one with the thing).[img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
But seriously, Id like to see Shino. He was only given that one shot against Kankuro, and I like him cause he seemed to be alot smarter than most of the other genins. If only he had been able to fight in the final round of the chuunin exam, maybe there would be two promotions.
Genma would be nice too. We missed his fight with the sound four. Blast you accursed off-screen fighting. -_-
RE: Who would you like to see more?
I wanna see more Hinata action.
RE: Who would you like to see more?
Originally posted by: Hotsuma
I wanna see more Hinata action.
Sounds to fucking wrong..
Originally posted by: Knives122
yes you can, we obviously saw enough of him when he was cut up
and this is so true.
presonally i would like to see of the Female Anbu with teh purple hair, she looks like she has a good story to tell.
RE: Who would you like to see more?
I would also like to see more of Shino,he just looks cool and Rock Lee winning a fight give that guy a break isnt fair that he is so good but loses anyway every fight.
I want to know more about the connection beteween Kakashi and the anbu girl.
RE: Who would you like to see more?
Originally posted by: Hotsuma
I wanna see more Hinata action.
you could missunderstand the meaning of that.
some more characters that need to be shown more is gaara, temari and kankuro they rock.