Rock Lee: Love him? Like him? Hate him?
Deff one of my favorite characters in anime. He's the most hard working and determined character in Naruto and that will never change. I would like to see him make a big come back and kick some serious ass. I think Ten-Ten is tired of being Neji's personal punching bag, it's time to move on to bigger and better Rock Lee's personal punching bag! He deserves to be more of a main character than he is right now though. I say out with Sakura and it with Lee-san!
Neji's cool too-(So Neji fanboys don't go crazy)
RE: Rock Lee: Love him? Like him? Hate him?
lee's alright......
he's amusing to have around, and his fight with gaara is surely one of the best
but i like neji and gaara more than him though
RE: Rock Lee: Love him? Like him? Hate him?
RE: Rock Lee: Love him? Like him? Hate him?
Love him. I generally don't like goody two-shoes characters but Rock kicks ass to the maximum.
RE: Rock Lee: Love him? Like him? Hate him?
Cmon mutata try saying one of your opinions next time with actual information to back it up. I'm not saying that because you insulted rock lee and Ilike him but because I've gone through all the recent posts and all you do is try to make random stupid ass opinions because you can't think of anything better to do. I'm suprised I'm one of the first to say this. It would've been different if you said "rock lee is a faggot because......" but you didnt so therefore, your the faggot.[img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-disgusted.gif[/img]
RE: Rock Lee: Love him? Like him? Hate him?
Can't we all just be friends =D.
i like rock lee, hes a good character, not a useless one, (like Ino).
i hope he gets better soon.
RE: Rock Lee: Love him? Like him? Hate him?
Originally posted by: Mut@t@
rock lee is a faggot.
An answer with out an explanation? It MUST be a spoiler! AHHHHH....
Sorry... [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif[/img]
I like Lee alot and wouldn't mind seeing more of him, In fact I alot of the genin teams(including the sand's team) and would love to see more of them.
Rock Lee: Love him? Like him? Hate him?
see here's the problem i have with lee though........
all the different characters in the series have their own distinct fighting style/abilities.....especially the kids
Lee used to.....but now sasuke has sasuke is pretty much an advanced version of lee
The only way something cool could come of this is if lee and sasuke were to develop techniques that they could "combo" together against adversaries
otherwise sasuke > lee
edit: Mutata! what are you doing spoiling in the anime section?? nobody's supposed to know about lee and gai's sinful relationship yet!!
RE: Rock Lee: Love him? Like him? Hate him?
Don't know about that one Assertn. Sasuke can't open gates. He can't do the lotuses, either. PLUS! Lee has much better stamina. Or well, had, before Gaara raped him. And the green suit is just so sexy...
RE: Rock Lee: Love him? Like him? Hate him?
Rock Lee is a cool character, he overflows with spirit and energy!
The Explosion of Youth!!!
The Springtime of Youth!!!
RE: Rock Lee: Love him? Like him? Hate him?
I love him for his determination and his hard work. I think him being such an uber-goody two shoes is just so that hes also funny to watch. Plus the first time we got a good look at him, he knocked the tar out of Sasuke. How can you at least not like him for that?
RE: Rock Lee: Love him? Like him? Hate him?
Rock Lee is fucking awesome, he means everything to me <3
RE: Rock Lee: Love him? Like him? Hate him?
Originally posted by: Kagemane_no_Jutsu
Cmon mutata try saying one of your opinions next time with actual information to back it up. I'm not saying that because you insulted rock lee and Ilike him but because I've gone through all the recent posts and all you do is try to make random stupid ass opinions because you can't think of anything better to do. I'm suprised I'm one of the first to say this. It would've been different if you said "rock lee is a faggot because......" but you didnt so therefore, your the faggot.[img][/img]
good job talking about what kind of a person i am based on being here for about... 5 days? oh yeah, which other forums do you visit? manga forum? samurai champloo forum? fullmetal alchemist forum? don't run your mouth if you don't know what you're talking about.
and you're not the first person to speak up so don't feel special.
RE: Rock Lee: Love him? Like him? Hate him?
I like Rock Lee, not as much as some other characters, but still one of the characters I like =)
Rock Lee: Love him? Like him? Hate him?
......Just shut your mouth........I'm proud you've been here for a while, but that doesnt make your opinion any better than mine so just please......shut your mouth. And next time, if your not actually interested in having a discussion about something why even post? No one wants to hear something like that so why even bother, why not make a statement with facts to back it up?
Rock Lee: Love him? Like him? Hate him?
Love Rock Lee. One of my favorite characters along with Kakashi.
I guess him being a goofy character that has very good moves. Unfortunately lately Lee-san has taken a backseat to all the other characters. I don't know what Kishimoto plans to do with him, but I like to see Lee develop more and become a member of the ANBU, we'll have to wait and find out.
I see the mut@t@ fanbase keeps on growing ^_^;
Rock Lee: Love him? Like him? Hate him?
rock lee is one of my favorite characters i wish they'd show some more about him lol @ mut@t@'s screenshot poor little lee
Rock Lee: Love him? Like him? Hate him?
Im not taking sides or anything but your topic DOES say love him, like him, HATE him. And telling Mut@t@ to shut up isnt going to make him shut up, just to let ya know. As for what I think of Rock Lee, he's an okay character.
Rock Lee: Love him? Like him? Hate him?
Calling him a faggot and saying I hate him and giving opinions why are two things. It's not like I care that much about it, but I'm just sick of him.
Rock Lee: Love him? Like him? Hate him?
he's grown on me, i used to think he was gay, but i think he is a good character now, but neji still > rock lee.