Downloading/Seeding problem
I watched Naruto at my brothers house this summer on his computer, downloaded it through torrent files and everything without any trouble. But now that I'm home I am having tons of problems with torrent downloading. I'm using BitTornado, thats not what I used at my brothers but I couldnt find that program. When I use BT it says I'm behind a firewall and I need to find a way to get BT around the firewall or else it will never download or upload correctly. I have a cable modem going into a router, and it took me 3 days to download 97 mainly because it kept coming up with an error message and I had to restart it. So I was wondering if BT is a crappy program or if anyone knows how to get around the firewall.
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Downloading/Seeding problem
does your router have a NAT firewall if so that maybe affectting it but it shouldn't you also might want to look into port forwardding, just an idea
Downloading/Seeding problem
As suggested, you are going o have to do something called "Port Forwarding." What this does is it allows the ports that Bittorrent uses (6881-6999) to be open, causing a faster download speed. If you could tell me what type of router you have (Linksys, D-Link, etc.) and the model number of your router, then i can give you a step by step guide to port forwarding. Also, if you have any other software firewalls, you will need to port forward them too. Hope I could help.
Downloading/Seeding problem
I have a Linksys router model nr041.
thank you so much for helping.
Downloading/Seeding problem
Ok, here is a step by step guide on port forwarding for Linksys Network Eveywhere NR041 router. Remember, the ports that Bittorrent uses is 6881 to 6999. Also, where it says to make a Static Ip Address, you don't have to. Just use the Dynamic Ip Address that you have. Hope I could help.
Downloading/Seeding problem
Thank you so much man I'm so glad I joined this board, good people like you helping other poeple out it brings a tear to my eye heheh. But seriously thanks.
Downloading/Seeding problem
Sorry one more question, I've gotten to the last step of the guide you posted, but now it says enter the name of the service i want to route. What do I put in there exactly?
Downloading/Seeding problem
Well, it doesn't really matter. You can put anything you want. Just make sure that you remember that it is for Bittorrent. For example, you can just put "Bittorrent" so you know that it is for Bittorrent. Hope I could help.
Downloading/Seeding problem
Is it BT running on a TCP protocool? or a UDP?
Downloading/Seeding problem
Im pretty sure it runs on TCP.
Downloading/Seeding problem
Yes, Bittorrent infact does run in the TCP protocol. Hope I could help.
Downloading/Seeding problem
Of course you help lol thanks again. You too naruto master.
Downloading/Seeding problem
Are you sure of the bittorrent port numbers? It didnt work for bittorrent but it worked for mIRC.
Downloading/Seeding problem
Well, those are the original numbers for Bittorrent. For some programs, you can set which range to use Bittorrent. Did you restart your computer? If you didn't, you might want to so the settings take effect. Hope I could help.