Stupid mIRC question
I have finally kind of figured out the mIRC basics, but I am having a few problems.
1. I can't cut and paste things from the mIRC chat window. This means in order to write a trigger I have to type everything out, and if I make a mistake I have to type it again. Big pain.
2. Some people use a character that is a strait, vertical line that extends to just below the line of text. I can't figure out how to type it..... [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif[/img]
Anyway, if you know I'd appreciate the help.
Stupid mIRC question
1)Can't help you here, I don't use mIRC.
2) Do you mean this? _This_line_is_under_the_text? That's an underscore. On a standard US keyboard, it's shift+hyphen (It's the key with two lines. Now that I think about it, those two lines are kind of ambiguous...)
Anyways, it's for hyphen and underscore.
Stupid mIRC question
1. just highlighting any text should automatically copy it for you. as for pasting... i don't understand how you can't paste. anyway, whatever you type even if it shows up in the dialogue window immediately after pasting, just press up in the text field and that should bring up the last thing you typed/pasted.
2. yeah... varion DIDN'T get it.
RE: Stupid mIRC question
2) actually.......varion didnt get it
the question was for a straight vertical line, not a horizontal one....therefore the line in question would be | which is done using shift+the key next to enter (it shares the same key as the \ symbol, and on some keyboards its shown as a vertical line, while others show it as a vertical line with a small gap in the middle)
RE: Stupid mIRC question
"|" is the one I was looking for! Thanks, AssertnFailure! [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-cool.gif[/img]
It is a broken line on my keyboard. Weird. I wonder why?
RE: Stupid mIRC question
haha, np.....just watchin mutata's back.....pickin him up when he falls....that sorta thing [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-cool.gif[/img]
i really have no idea why it looks broken on some keyboards....but im sure it would help if i actually knew what that symbol was supposed to be in the FIRST place
Stupid mIRC question
Oops. Sorry bout that. I must've been delirious when I read your post.
The character you speak of is also known as a pipe.
It appears as a broken and a straight line (depending on fontset). For you DOS users out there, it appears broken.
RE: Stupid mIRC question
i thought it was only known as pipes when there's two of them like ||
Stupid mIRC question
At least that's the terminology we use in the ol' Unix world.
When I see || I immediately think Logical Or
RE: Stupid mIRC question
well yeah, logical or, but i think they were called "pipes" just as the logical and are just called "double ampersands"
i just remember my old c++ teacher talk about "banging the pipes to flush the buffer" [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
Stupid mIRC question