One Piece - what happened?
Okay - so the current storyline should end up with them getting the ship upgraded but what happened to all the abandoned storylines
"Black Beard Pirates"
"The Pirates Meeting"
"New 7th Sea being named by world government."
"Buggy Pirates"
"Shanks meeting Whitebeard"
Etc. etc. etc.
I think there is going to be some sort of storyline involving a huge pirate meeting/tournament, but the Author keeps dropping hints then not doing anything about it...
Anybody else have any comments?
One Piece - what happened?
Yeah but remember Oda said it's only half way trough so we can expect another 300 chapters, for now i really like what's going on,
SPOILERS!! for people who haven't read chapter 322>>>>>>>>
usopp is beating the shit out of luffy, damn i wanna see how luffy's gonna retaliate can't let a man like usopp make a fool out of you
One Piece - what happened?
i am so hooked on one piece manga. can't wait for ch 333.
One Piece - what happened?
Just a tad off-topic, but can someone post a link to a scanlation place thingy for One Piece? I've been meaning to start a new manga ever since Naruto's been going so slooooow T_T
Thanks XD
One Piece - what happened?
search on for a torrent with chapters 1-311 (missing chapter 109 though)
chapters 312-332 can be had at #null or on their archive page (PM me if you can't find it)
I had to get 109 from a guy who has the first ~200 chapters as an MSN slideshow - should be findable under MSN groups or google.
333 should be out next week; the fan scanners have caught it up lately and do a pretty good job with it.
RE: One Piece - what happened?
i love this manga ... dont worry oda will get back to all of those remember how alabasta was dropped for quite a while...made me grow too attached to having vivi be a crew member...i miss her
RE: One Piece - what happened?
chapter 333 is out raw, damn this chapter was sweet i knew luffy would kick usopp's ass they'll probably get back together again cuz luffy's crying haven't seen him cry since the flash backs of his past
RE: One Piece - what happened?
Okay okay, so I finally caught up on all of One Piece, and I must say... I'M IN LOVE.
I want a One Piece section of the boards where people can post new releases and so we can start discussions and all this other One Piece related forum-babel!
Haaaaa... Well right now I'm more interested in who is going to be the new crewmate, I think it's that Paula (or some other female name, can't think of it right now...) guy who can use ropes... he's just badass looking XD
Oh, and the illusion of the boat crying was some awesome symbolism right there ...
RE: One Piece - what happened?
the current storyline is great - but I'm getting more and more curious about both what Nico Robin's real story is as well as what the "Pirate Meet" is going to be.
One other Odd thought - for a while now the crew has had 7 members (if you count Robin) - since the 7 Captians is the peak of the Pirate powers - do you think the crew will always have seven members? (I.e. they will have to lose Robin to pick up the shipright?)
RE: One Piece - what happened?
Arrghh. Null is taking so damn long to sub them. I heard the manga's in Japanese is so far ahead that Lueffy has already gotten the One Piece.
RE: One Piece - what happened?
stoopider your wrong they are up to date null just released chapter 333 that's the newest there's nothing beyond that yet, one piece is supposed to become a 600+ chapter long manga
RE: One Piece - what happened?
After reading 332 and 333, I have concluded that Usopp = ninja. I bet he could be Sakura any day XD
And is it just me, or does Usopp and the Usopp Pirates remind you of Naruto and the Konohamaru Corps?
RE: One Piece - what happened?
lol no way the konohamaru corps is totally different, usopp actually acted like a leader Naruto just let them call him Boss and that's it Usopp actually ordered them around, just wait Usopp will return to the Usopp pirate and together they will find One Piece, Usopp will eat a devil fruit so he can compete with Luffy and beat the shit out of him in chapter 612